Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /lib/python2.7/site-packages/sos/policies/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //lib/python2.7/site-packages/sos/policies/redhat.py

# Copyright (C) Steve Conklin <sconklin@redhat.com>

# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.

# This enables the use of with syntax in python 2.5 (e.g. jython)
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import sys
import re
import logging
from sos.policies.auth import DeviceAuthorizationClass

from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
from sos.policies import LinuxPolicy, PackageManager, PresetDefaults
from sos import _sos as _
from sos import SoSOptions

logger = logging.getLogger("sos")

    import requests
except ImportError:

OS_RELEASE = "/etc/os-release"

# In python2.7, input() will not properly return strings, and on python3.x
# raw_input() was renamed to input(). So, if we're running on python2.7, map
# input() to raw_input() to match the behavior
    input = raw_input
except NameError:

class RedHatPolicy(LinuxPolicy):
    distro = "CentOS"
    vendor = "CentOS"
    vendor_url = "https://www.centos.org/"
    _redhat_release = '/etc/redhat-release'
    _tmp_dir = "/var/tmp"
    _rpmq_cmd = 'rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}|%{VERSION}|%{RELEASE}\\n"'
    _rpmql_cmd = 'rpm -qal'
    _rpmv_cmd = 'rpm -V'
    _rpmv_filter = ["debuginfo", "-devel"]
    _in_container = False
    _host_sysroot = '/'
    default_scl_prefix = '/opt/rh'
    name_pattern = 'friendly'
    upload_url = None
    upload_user = None
    client_identifier_url = "https://sso.redhat.com/auth/"\
    token_endpoint = "https://sso.redhat.com/auth/realms/"\

    def __init__(self, sysroot=None):
        super(RedHatPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot)
        self.ticket_number = ""
        self.usrmove = False
        # need to set _host_sysroot before PackageManager()
        if sysroot:
            self._host_sysroot = sysroot
            sysroot = self._container_init()

        self.package_manager = PackageManager(query_command=self._rpmq_cmd,

        self.valid_subclasses = [RedHatPlugin]

        self.pkgs = self.package_manager.all_pkgs()

        # If rpm query failed, exit
        if not self.pkgs:
            print("Could not obtain installed package list", file=sys.stderr)

        self.usrmove = self.check_usrmove(self.pkgs)

        if self.usrmove:
            self.PATH = "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"
            self.PATH = "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"
        self.PATH += os.pathsep + "/usr/local/bin"
        self.PATH += os.pathsep + "/usr/local/sbin"

    def check(cls):
        """This method checks to see if we are running on CentOS Linux. It must be
        overriden by concrete subclasses to return True when running on a
        Fedora, CentOS, RHEL or other CentOS distribution or False otherwise."""
        return False

    def check_usrmove(self, pkgs):
        """Test whether the running system implements UsrMove.

            If the 'filesystem' package is present, it will check that the
            version is greater than 3. If the package is not present the
            '/bin' and '/sbin' paths are checked and UsrMove is assumed
            if both are symbolic links.

            :param pkgs: a packages dictionary
        if 'filesystem' not in pkgs:
            return os.path.islink('/bin') and os.path.islink('/sbin')
            filesys_version = pkgs['filesystem']['version']
            return True if filesys_version[0] == '3' else False

    def mangle_package_path(self, files):
        """Mangle paths for post-UsrMove systems.

            If the system implements UsrMove, all files will be in
            '/usr/[s]bin'. This method substitutes all the /[s]bin
            references in the 'files' list with '/usr/[s]bin'.

            :param files: the list of package managed files
        paths = []

        def transform_path(path):
            # Some packages actually own paths in /bin: in this case,
            # duplicate the path as both the / and /usr version.
            skip_paths = ["/bin/rpm", "/bin/mailx"]
            if path in skip_paths:
                return (path, os.path.join("/usr", path[1:]))
            return (re.sub(r'(^)(/s?bin)', r'\1/usr\2', path),)

        if self.usrmove:
            for f in files:
            return paths
            return files

    def _container_init(self):
        """Check if sos is running in a container and perform container
        specific initialisation based on ENV_HOST_SYSROOT.
        if ENV_CONTAINER in os.environ:
            if os.environ[ENV_CONTAINER] in ['docker', 'oci']:
                self._in_container = True
        if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT in os.environ:
            self._host_sysroot = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT]
        use_sysroot = self._in_container and self._host_sysroot != '/'
        if use_sysroot:
            host_tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(self._host_sysroot + self._tmp_dir)
            self._tmp_dir = host_tmp_dir
        return self._host_sysroot if use_sysroot else None

    def runlevel_by_service(self, name):
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
        ret = []
        p = Popen("LC_ALL=C /sbin/chkconfig --list %s" % name,
        out, err = p.communicate()
        if err:
            return ret
        for tabs in out.split()[1:]:
                (runlevel, onoff) = tabs.split(":", 1)
            except IndexError:
                if onoff == "on":
        return ret

    def get_tmp_dir(self, opt_tmp_dir):
        if not opt_tmp_dir:
            return self._tmp_dir
        return opt_tmp_dir

# Container environment variables on Red Hat systems.
ENV_CONTAINER = 'container'

_opts_verify = SoSOptions(verify=True)
_opts_all_logs = SoSOptions(all_logs=True)
_opts_all_logs_verify = SoSOptions(all_logs=True, verify=True)
_cb_profiles = ['boot', 'storage', 'system']
_cb_plugopts = ['boot.all-images=on', 'rpm.rpmva=on', 'rpm.rpmdb=on']


RHV = "rhv"
RHV_DESC = "Virtualization"

RHEL = "rhel"

RHOSP = "rhosp"
RHOSP_DESC = "OpenStack Platform"

RHOCP = "ocp"
RHOCP_DESC = "OpenShift Container Platform"
RHOSP_OPTS = SoSOptions(plugopts=[

RH_CFME = "cfme"
RH_CFME_DESC = "CloudForms"

RH_SATELLITE = "satellite"
SAT_OPTS = SoSOptions(verify=True, plugopts=['apache.log=on'])

CB = "cantboot"
CB_DESC = "For use when normal system startup fails"
CB_OPTS = SoSOptions(
            verify=True, all_logs=True, profiles=_cb_profiles,
CB_NOTE = ("Data collection will be limited to a boot-affecting scope")

NOTE_SIZE = "This preset may increase report size"
NOTE_TIME = "This preset may increase report run time"
NOTE_SIZE_TIME = "This preset may increase report size and run time"

rhel_presets = {
    RHV: PresetDefaults(name=RHV, desc=RHV_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME,
    RHEL: PresetDefaults(name=RHEL, desc=RHEL_DESC),
    RHOSP: PresetDefaults(name=RHOSP, desc=RHOSP_DESC, opts=RHOSP_OPTS),
    RHOCP: PresetDefaults(name=RHOCP, desc=RHOCP_DESC, note=NOTE_SIZE_TIME,
    RH_CFME: PresetDefaults(name=RH_CFME, desc=RH_CFME_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME,
                                 note=NOTE_TIME, opts=SAT_OPTS),
    CB: PresetDefaults(name=CB, desc=CB_DESC, note=CB_NOTE, opts=CB_OPTS)

# Legal disclaimer text for Red Hat products
disclaimer_text = """
Any information provided to %(vendor)s will be treated in \
accordance with the published support policies at:\n

The generated archive may contain data considered sensitive \
and its content should be reviewed by the originating \
organization before being passed to any third party.

No changes will be made to system configuration.

RH_API_HOST = "https://api.access.redhat.com"
RH_SFTP_HOST = "sftp://sftp.access.redhat.com"

class RHELPolicy(RedHatPolicy):
    distro = RHEL_RELEASE_STR
    vendor = "CentOS"
    vendor_url = "https://wiki.centos.org/support"
    msg = _("""\
This command will collect diagnostic and configuration \
information from this %(distro)s system and installed \

An archive containing the collected information will be \
generated in %(tmpdir)s and may be provided to a %(vendor)s \
support representative.
""" + disclaimer_text + "%(vendor_text)s\n")
    _upload_url = RH_SFTP_HOST
    _device_token = None
    _upload_method = 'post'

    def __init__(self, sysroot=None):
        super(RHELPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot)

    def check(cls):
        """Test to see if the running host is a RHEL installation.

            Checks for the presence of the "CentOS Linux"
            release string at the beginning of the NAME field in the
            `/etc/os-release` file and returns ``True`` if it is
            found, and ``False`` otherwise.

            :returns: ``True`` if the host is running RHEL or ``False``
        if not os.path.exists(OS_RELEASE):
            return False

        with open(OS_RELEASE, "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                if line.startswith("NAME"):
                    (name, value) = line.split("=")
                    value = value.strip("\"'")
                    if value.startswith(cls.distro):
                        return True
        return False

    def prompt_for_upload_user(self):
        if self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_user:
                _("The option --upload-user has been deprecated in favour"
                  " of device authorization in RHEL")
        if not self.case_id:
            # no case id provided => failover to SFTP
            self.upload_url = RH_SFTP_HOST
            logger.info("No case id provided, uploading to SFTP")

    def prompt_for_upload_password(self):
        # With OIDC we don't ask for user/pass anymore
        if self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_pass:
                _("The option --upload-pass has been deprecated in favour"
                  " of device authorization in RHEL")

    def get_upload_url(self):
        if self.upload_url:
            return self.upload_url
        elif self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_url:
            return self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_url
        elif self.commons['cmdlineopts'].upload_protocol == 'sftp':
            return RH_SFTP_HOST
        elif not self.commons['cmdlineopts'].case_id:
            logger.info("No case id provided, uploading to SFTP")
            return RH_SFTP_HOST
            rh_case_api = "/support/v1/cases/%s/attachments"
            return RH_API_HOST + rh_case_api % self.case_id

    def _get_upload_https_auth(self):
        str_auth = "Bearer {}".format(self._device_token)
        return {'Authorization': str_auth}

    def _upload_https_post(self, archive, verify=True):
        """If upload_https() needs to use requests.post(), use this method.
        Policies should override this method instead of the base upload_https()
        :param archive:     The open archive file object
        files = {
            'file': (archive.name.split('/')[-1], archive,
        # Get the access token at this point. With this,
        # we cover the cases where report generation takes
        # longer than the token timeout
        RHELAuth = DeviceAuthorizationClass(
        self._device_token = RHELAuth.get_access_token()
        logger.info("Device authorized correctly. Uploading file to {}"
        return requests.post(self.get_upload_url(), files=files,

    def _get_upload_headers(self):
        if self.get_upload_url().startswith(RH_API_HOST):
            return {'isPrivate': 'false', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}
        return {}

    def get_upload_url_string(self):
        if self.get_upload_url().startswith(RH_API_HOST):
            return "Customer Portal"
        elif self.get_upload_url().startswith(RH_SFTP_HOST):
            return "Red Hat Secure FTP"
        return self.upload_url

    def _get_sftp_upload_name(self):
        """The RH SFTP server will only automatically connect file uploads to
        cases if the filename _starts_ with the case number
        fname = self.upload_archive_name.split('/')[-1]
        if self.case_id:
            return "%s_%s" % (self.case_id, fname)
        return fname

    def upload_sftp(self):
        """Override the base upload_sftp to allow for setting an on-demand
        generated anonymous login for the RH SFTP server if a username and
        password are not given
        if RH_SFTP_HOST.split('//')[1] not in self.get_upload_url():
            return super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_sftp()

        if not REQUESTS_LOADED:
            raise Exception("python-requests is not installed and is required"
                            " for obtaining SFTP auth token.")
        _token = None
        _user = None

        # We may have a device token already if we attempted
        # to upload via http but the upload failed. So
        # lets check first if there isn't one.
        if not self._device_token:
                RHELAuth = DeviceAuthorizationClass(
            except Exception as e:
                # We end up here if the user cancels the device
                # authentication in the web interface
                if "end user denied" in str(e):
                        "Device token authorization "
                        "has been cancelled by the user."
                self._device_token = RHELAuth.get_access_token()
        if self._device_token:
            logger.info("Device authorized correctly. Uploading file to {}"

        url = RH_API_HOST + '/support/v2/sftp/token'
        ret = None
        if self._device_token:
            headers = self._get_upload_https_auth()
            ret = requests.post(url, headers=headers, timeout=10)
            if ret.status_code == 200:
                # credentials are valid
                _user = json.loads(ret.text)['username']
                _token = json.loads(ret.text)['token']
                print("Unable to retrieve Red Hat auth token using provided "
                      "credentials. Will try anonymous.")
            adata = {"isAnonymous": True}
            anon = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(adata), timeout=10)
            if anon.status_code == 200:
                resp = json.loads(anon.text)
                _user = resp['username']
                _token = resp['token']
                print("Using anonymous user %s for upload. Please inform your "
                      "support engineer." % _user)
        if _user and _token:
            return super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_sftp(user=_user,
        raise Exception("Could not retrieve valid or anonymous credentials")

    def upload_archive(self, archive):
        """Override the base upload_archive to provide for automatic failover
        from RHCP failures to the public RH dropbox
            if self.upload_url and self.upload_url.startswith(RH_API_HOST) and\
              (not self.get_upload_user() or not self.get_upload_password()):
                self.upload_url = RH_SFTP_HOST
            uploaded = super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_archive(archive)
        except Exception as e:
            uploaded = False
            if not self.upload_url.startswith(RH_API_HOST):
                print("Upload to Customer Portal failed due to %s. "
                      "Trying %s" % (e, RH_SFTP_HOST))
                self.upload_url = RH_SFTP_HOST
                uploaded = super(RHELPolicy, self).upload_archive(archive)
        return uploaded

    def dist_version(self):
            rr = self.package_manager.all_pkgs_by_name_regex("redhat-release*")
            pkgname = self.pkgs[rr[0]]["version"]
            if pkgname[0] == "4":
                return 4
            elif pkgname[0] in ["5Server", "5Client"]:
                return 5
            elif pkgname[0] == "6":
                return 6
            elif pkgname[0] == "7":
                return 7
            elif pkgname[0] == "8":
                return 8
        except Exception:
        return False

    def probe_preset(self):
        # Emergency or rescue mode?
        for target in ["rescue", "emergency"]:
            if self.init_system.is_running("%s.target" % target):
                return self.find_preset(CB)
        # Package based checks
        if self.pkg_by_name("satellite-common") is not None:
            return self.find_preset(RH_SATELLITE)
        if self.pkg_by_name("rhosp-release") is not None:
            return self.find_preset(RHOSP)
        if self.pkg_by_name("cfme") is not None:
            return self.find_preset(RH_CFME)
        if self.pkg_by_name("ovirt-engine") is not None or \
                self.pkg_by_name("vdsm") is not None:
            return self.find_preset(RHV)

        # Vanilla RHEL is default
        return self.find_preset(RHEL)

class CentOsPolicy(RHELPolicy):
    distro = "CentOS"
    vendor = "CentOS"
    vendor_url = "https://www.centos.org/"

ATOMIC = "atomic"
ATOMIC_DESC = "Atomic Host"

atomic_presets = {
    ATOMIC: PresetDefaults(name=ATOMIC, desc=ATOMIC_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME,

class RedHatAtomicPolicy(RHELPolicy):
    distro = "Atomic Host"
    msg = _("""\
This command will collect diagnostic and configuration \
information from this %(distro)s system.

An archive containing the collected information will be \
generated in %(tmpdir)s and may be provided to a %(vendor)s \
support representative.
""" + disclaimer_text + "%(vendor_text)s\n")

    def __init__(self, sysroot=None):
        super(RedHatAtomicPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot)

    def check(cls):
        atomic = False
        if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT not in os.environ:
            return atomic
        host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + cls._redhat_release
        if not os.path.exists(host_release):
            return False
            for line in open(host_release, "r").read().splitlines():
                atomic |= ATOMIC_RELEASE_STR in line
        except IOError:
        return atomic

    def probe_preset(self):
        if self.pkg_by_name('atomic-openshift'):
            return self.find_preset(RHOCP)

        return self.find_preset(ATOMIC)

class RedHatCoreOSPolicy(RHELPolicy):
    distro = "CoreOS"
    msg = _("""\
This command will collect diagnostic and configuration \
information from this %(distro)s system.

An archive containing the collected information will be \
generated in %(tmpdir)s and may be provided to a %(vendor)s \
support representative.
""" + disclaimer_text + "%(vendor_text)s\n")

    def __init__(self, sysroot=None):
        super(RedHatCoreOSPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot)

    def check(cls):
        coreos = False
        if ENV_HOST_SYSROOT not in os.environ:
            return coreos
        host_release = os.environ[ENV_HOST_SYSROOT] + cls._redhat_release
            for line in open(host_release, 'r').read().splitlines():
                coreos |= 'CoreOS' in line
        except IOError:
        return coreos

    def probe_preset(self):
        # As of the creation of this policy, RHCOS is only available for
        # RH OCP environments.
        return self.find_preset(RHOCP)

class CentOsAtomicPolicy(RedHatAtomicPolicy):
    distro = "CentOS Atomic Host"
    vendor = "CentOS"
    vendor_url = "https://www.centos.org/"

class FedoraPolicy(RedHatPolicy):

    distro = "Fedora"
    vendor = "the Fedora Project"
    vendor_url = "https://fedoraproject.org/"

    def __init__(self, sysroot=None):
        super(FedoraPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot)

    def check(cls):
        """This method checks to see if we are running on Fedora. It returns
        True or False."""
        return os.path.isfile('/etc/fedora-release')

    def fedora_version(self):
        pkg = self.pkg_by_name("fedora-release") or \
        return int(pkg["version"])

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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0