Direktori : /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Curses/UI/Dialog/ |
Current File : //usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Curses/UI/Dialog/Filebrowser.pm |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Curses::UI::Dialog::Filebrowser # # (c) 2001-2002 by Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved. # This file is part of Curses::UI. Curses::UI is free software. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms # as perl itself. # # Currently maintained by Marcus Thiesen # e-mail: marcus@cpan.thiesenweb.de # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- package Curses::UI::Dialog::Filebrowser; use strict; use Curses; use Curses::UI::Window; use Curses::UI::Common; use Cwd; use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA ); @ISA = qw( Curses::UI::Window Curses::UI::Common ); $VERSION = '1.10'; sub new () { my $class = shift; my %userargs = @_; keys_to_lowercase(\%userargs); my %args = ( -title => undef, -path => undef, -file => '', -show_hidden => 0, -mask => undef, -mask_selected => 0, -editfilename => 0, -bg => -1, -fg => -1, %userargs, -border => 1, -centered => 1, -titleinverse => 0, -ipad => 1, -selected_cache => {}, ); # Does -file contain a path? Then do some splitting. if (defined $args{-file} and $args{-file} =~ m|/|) { my $file = ""; my $path = ""; my @path = split /\//, $args{-file}; $file = pop @path; if (@path) { $path = join "/", @path; } $args{-path} = $path; $args{-file} = $file; } # Does -path not contain a path? Then use the # current working directory. if (not defined $args{-path} or $args{-path} =~ /^\s*$/) { $args{-path} = cwd; } my $this = $class->SUPER::new(%args); $this->layout(); my $l = $this->root->lang; # Start at home? Goto the homedirectory of the current user # if the -path is not defined. $this->goto_homedirectory unless defined $this->{-path}; my $buttons = $this->add( 'buttons', 'Buttonbox', -y => -1, -x => 0, -width => undef, -buttonalignment => 'right', -buttons => [ 'ok', 'cancel' ], -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); # Let the window in which the buttons are loose focus # if a button is pressed. $buttons->set_routine( 'press-button', \&press_button_callback ); my $one_up = $l->get('file_dirup'); my $dirbrowser = $this->add( 'dirbrowser', 'Listbox', -y => 0, -border => 1, -width => int(($this->canvaswidth - 3)/2), -padbottom => 6, -values => [], -vscrollbar => 1, -labels => { '..' => ".. ($one_up)" }, -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, -bbg => $this->{-bg}, -bfg => $this->{-fg}, ); $dirbrowser->set_routine('option-select',\&dirselect); $dirbrowser->set_routine('goto-homedirectory',\&select_homedirectory); $dirbrowser->set_binding('goto-homedirectory', '~'); my $filebrowser = $this->add( 'filebrowser', 'Listbox', -y => 0, -x => $this->getobj('dirbrowser')->width + 1, -border => 1, -padbottom => 6, -vscrollbar => 1, -values => ["info.txt","passwd"], -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, -bbg => $this->{-bg}, -bfg => $this->{-fg}, ); $filebrowser->set_routine('option-select', \&fileselect); $filebrowser->set_routine('goto-homedirectory',\&select_homedirectory); $filebrowser->set_binding('goto-homedirectory', '~'); # Get language specific data. my $l_path = $l->get('file_path'); my $l_mask = $l->get('file_mask'); my $l_file = $l->get('file_file'); my $l_len = $l->get('file_labelsize'); my $labeloffset = 1; my $textoffset = $l_len + 2; $this->add( 'pathlabel', 'Label', -x => $labeloffset, -y => $this->canvasheight - 5, -text => $l_path, -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); $this->add( 'pathvalue', 'Label', -x => $textoffset, -y => $this->canvasheight - 5, -width => $this->canvaswidth - 6, -text => $this->{-path}, -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); $this->add( 'filelabel', 'Label', -x => $labeloffset, -y => $this->canvasheight - 4, -text => $l_file, -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); if ($this->{-editfilename}) { $this->add( 'filevalue', 'TextEntry', -x => $textoffset, -y => $this->canvasheight - 4, -text => $this->{-file}, -width => 32, -showlines => 1, -border => 0, -sbborder => 0, -regexp => '/^[^\/]*$/', -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); } else { $this->add( 'filevalue', 'Label', -x => $textoffset, -y => $this->canvasheight - 4, -text => $this->{-file}, -width => $this->canvaswidth - 6, -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); } if (defined $this->{-mask} and ref $this->{-mask} eq 'ARRAY') { $this->add( 'masklabel', 'Label', -x => $labeloffset, -y => $this->canvasheight - 2, -text => $l_mask, -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); my @values = (); my %labels = (); my $i =0; foreach my $mask (@{$this->{-mask}}) { push @values, $mask->[0]; $labels{$mask->[0]} = $mask->[1]; } my $maskbox = $this->add( 'maskbox', 'Popupmenu', -x => $textoffset, -y => $this->canvasheight - 2, -values => \@values, -labels => \%labels, -selected => $this->{-mask_selected}, -onchange => \&maskbox_onchange, -bg => $this->{-bg}, -fg => $this->{-fg}, ); $this->{-activemask} = $maskbox->get; } $this->set_binding(sub{ my $this = shift; $this->getobj('buttons')->{-selected} = 1; $this->loose_focus; }, CUI_ESCAPE); $this->layout(); $this->get_dir; if ($this->{-editfilename}) { $this->getobj('filevalue')->focus; } else { $this->getobj('filebrowser')->focus; } return bless $this, $class; } sub layout() { my $this = shift; my $w = 60; my $h = 18; $h += 2 if defined $this->{-mask}; $this->{-width} = $w, $this->{-height} = $h, $this->SUPER::layout() or return; return $this; } sub get_dir() { my $this = shift; # Get pathvalue, filevalue, dirbrowser and filebrowser objects. my $pv = $this->getobj('pathvalue'); my $db = $this->getobj('dirbrowser'); my $fb = $this->getobj('filebrowser'); my $path = $pv->text; # Resolve path. $path =~ s|/+|/|g; my @path = split /\//, $path; my @resolved = (); foreach my $dir (@path) { if ($dir eq '.') { next } elsif ($dir eq '..') { pop @resolved if @resolved } else { push @resolved, $dir } } $path = join "/", @resolved; # Catch totally bogus paths. if (not -d $path) { $path = "/" } $pv->text($path); my @dirs = (); my @files = (); unless (opendir D, $path) { my $l = $this->root->lang(); my $error = $l->get('file_err_opendir_pre') . $path . $l->get('file_err_opendir_post') . ":\n$!"; $this->root->error($error); return; } foreach my $f (sort readdir D) { next if $f =~ /^\.$|^\.\.$/; next if $f =~ /^\./ and not $this->{-show_hidden}; push @dirs, $f if -d "$path/$f"; if (-f "$path/$f") { $this->{-activemask} = '.' unless defined $this->{-activemask}; push @files, $f if $f =~ /$this->{-activemask}/i; } } closedir D; unshift @dirs, ".." if $path ne '/'; $db->values(\@dirs); $db->{-ypos} = $this->{-selected_cache}->{$path}; $db->{-ypos} = 0 unless defined $db->{-ypos}; $db->{-selected} = undef; $db->layout_content->draw(1); $fb->values(\@files); $fb->{-ypos} = $fb->{-yscrpos} = 0; $fb->layout_content->draw(1); return $this; } # Set $this->{-path} to the homedirectory of the current user. sub goto_homedirectory() { my $this = shift; my @pw = getpwuid($>); if (@pw) { if (-d $pw[7]) { $this->{-path} = $pw[7]; } else { $this->{-path} = '/'; $this->root->error("Homedirectory $pw[7] not found"); return; } } else { $this->{-path} = '/'; $this->root->error("Can't find a passwd entry for uid $>"); return; } return $this; } sub select_homedirectory() { my $b = shift; # dir-/filebrowser my $this = $b->parent; my $pv = $this->getobj('pathvalue'); $this->goto_homedirectory or return $b; $pv->text($this->{-path}); $this->get_dir; return $b; } sub dirselect() { my $db = shift; # dirbrowser my $this = $db->parent; my $fv = $this->getobj('filevalue'); my $pv = $this->getobj('pathvalue'); # Find the new path. my $add = $db->values->[$db->{-ypos}]; my $savepath = $pv->text; $this->{-selected_cache}->{$savepath} = $db->{-ypos}; $pv->text("/$savepath/$add"); # Clear the filename field if the filename # may not be edited. $fv->text('') unless $this->{-editfilename}; # Get the selected directory. unless ($this->get_dir) { $pv->text($savepath); } return $db; } sub fileselect() { my $filebrowser = shift; my $this = $filebrowser->parent; my $selected = $filebrowser->{-ypos}; my $file = $filebrowser->values->[$selected]; if (defined $file) { $this->{-file} = $file; $this->getobj('filevalue')->text($file); } # TODO: find out if it is done by mouseclick. If yes, then do # not change focus. # Doubleclick may also select the file. # $this->getobj('buttons')->focus; } sub maskbox_onchange() { my $maskbox = shift; my $this = $maskbox->parent; $this->{-activemask} = $maskbox->get; $this->get_dir; return $maskbox; } sub draw(;$) { my $this = shift; my $no_doupdate = shift || 0; # Draw Window $this->SUPER::draw(1) or return $this; $this->{-canvasscr}->noutrefresh(); doupdate() unless $no_doupdate; return $this; } sub get() { my $this = shift; if ($this->getobj('buttons')->get) { my $file = $this->getobj('pathvalue')->get . "/" . $this->getobj('filevalue')->get; $file =~ s|/+|/|g; return $file; } else { return; } } sub press_button_callback() { my $buttons = shift; my $this = $buttons->parent; my $file = $this->get; my $ok_pressed = $buttons->get; if ($ok_pressed and $file =~ m|/$|) { my $l = $this->root->lang; $this->root->error($l->get('file_err_nofileselected')); return; } else { $this->loose_focus; } } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Curses::UI::Dialog::Filebrowser - Create and manipulate filebrowser dialogs =head1 CLASS HIERARCHY Curses::UI::Widget | +----Curses::UI::Container | +----Curses::UI::Window | +----Curses::UI::Dialog::Filebrowser =head1 SYNOPSIS use Curses::UI; my $cui = new Curses::UI; my $win = $cui->add('window_id', 'Window'); # The hard way. # ------------- my $dialog = $win->add( 'mydialog', 'Dialog::Filebrowser' ); $dialog->focus; my $file = $dialog->get(); $win->delete('mydialog'); # The easy way (see Curses::UI documentation). # -------------------------------------------- $file = $cui->filebrowser(); $file = $cui->loadfilebrowser(); $file = $cui->savefilebrowser(); =head1 DESCRIPTION Curses::UI::Dialog::Filebrowser is a filebrowser dialog. This type of dialog can be used to select a file, anywhere on the filesystem. See exampes/demo-Curses::UI::Dialog::Filebrowser in the distribution for a short demo. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item * B<-title> < TEXT > Set the title of the dialog window to TEXT. =item * B<-path> < PATH > Set the path to start with to PATH. If this path does not exist, the filebrowser will start in the rootdirectory. =item * B<-file> < FILE > Set the filename to start with to FILE. =item * B<-editfilename> < BOOLEAN > If BOOLEAN has a true value, the user may edit the filename. This is for example useful for a filebrowser that is used to select a filename to save to. By default this option is set to false. =item * B<-show_hidden> < BOOLEAN > If BOOLEAN has a true value, hidden files (the filename starts with a dot) will also be shown. By default this option is set to false. =item * B<-mask> < ARRAYREF > If B<-mask> is defined, a filemask popupbox will be added to the filebrowser dialog window. This popupbox will filter the list of files that is displayed, using a regular expression (case insensitive). The ARRAYREF contains a list of array references. Each array reference has two elements: a regexp and a description. Here's an example B<-mask>: my $mask = [ [ '.', 'All files (*)' ], [ '\.txt$', 'Text files (*.txt)' ] [ 'howto', 'HOWTO documentation' ], [ 'core', 'Core files' ], ]; =item * B<-mask_selected> < INDEX > Normally the first mask in the list of masks will be made active upon creation of the filebrowser. If you want another mask to be active, use the B<-mask_selected> option. Set this value to the index of the mask you want to be active. For example: if you would want the "howto" mask in the above example to be active, you would use the value 2 for B<-mask_selected>. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item * B<new> ( OPTIONS ) =item * B<layout> ( ) =item * B<draw> ( BOOLEAN ) =item * B<focus> ( ) These are standard methods. See L<Curses::UI::Container|Curses::UI::Container> for an explanation of these. =item * B<get> ( ) This method will return the complete path to the file that was selected using the filebrowser. If no file was selected, this method will return an undefined value. =back =head1 SPECIAL BINDINGS =over 4 =item * B<escape> This will invoke the cancel button, so the filebrowser widget returns without selecting any file. =item * B<~> If the directory- or filelistbox of the dialog window has the focus and the tilde (~) button is pressed, the filebrowser will chdir to the homedirectory of the current user. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Curses::UI|Curses::UI>, L<Curses::UI::Container|Curses::UI::Container>, L<Curses::UI::Buttonbox|Curses::UI::Buttonbox> =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved. Maintained by Marcus Thiesen (marcus@cpan.thiesenweb.de) This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as perl itself.