Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/tjamichg/intranet.tjamich.gob.mx/intranet/common/bower_components/morrisjs/lib/
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Current File : /home/tjamichg/intranet.tjamich.gob.mx/intranet/common/bower_components/morrisjs/lib/morris.coffee

Morris = window.Morris = {}

$ = jQuery

# Very simple event-emitter class.
# @private
class Morris.EventEmitter
  on: (name, handler) ->
    unless @handlers?
      @handlers = {}
    unless @handlers[name]?
      @handlers[name] = []

  fire: (name, args...) ->
    if @handlers? and @handlers[name]?
      for handler in @handlers[name]

# Make long numbers prettier by inserting commas.
# @example
#   Morris.commas(1234567) -> '1,234,567'
Morris.commas = (num) ->
  if num?
    ret = if num < 0 then "-" else ""
    absnum = Math.abs(num)
    intnum = Math.floor(absnum).toFixed(0)
    ret += intnum.replace(/(?=(?:\d{3})+$)(?!^)/g, ',')
    strabsnum = absnum.toString()
    if strabsnum.length > intnum.length
      ret += strabsnum.slice(intnum.length)

# Zero-pad numbers to two characters wide.
# @example
#   Morris.pad2(1) -> '01'
Morris.pad2 = (number) -> (if number < 10 then '0' else '') + number

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0