Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/tjamichg/intranet.tjamich.gob.mx/intranet/common/vendors/jstree/dist/jstree.min.js

/*! jsTree - v3.0.0 - 2014-05-05 - (MIT) */
(function (e) {
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})(function (e, t) {
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            var n = new e.jstree.core(++i), s = r;
            return r = e.extend(!0, {}, e.jstree.defaults, r), s && s.plugins && (r.plugins = s.plugins), e.each(r.plugins, function (e, t) {
                "core" !== e && (n = n.plugin(t, r[t]))
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        }, e.jstree.core = function (e) {
            this._id = e, this._cnt = 0, this._data = {core: {themes: {name: !1, dots: !1, icons: !1}, selected: [], last_error: {}}}
        }, e.jstree.reference = function (i) {
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            } catch (s) {
            return n && n.length && (n = n.closest(".jstree")).length && (n = n.data("jstree")) ? r = n : e(".jstree").each(function () {
                var n = e(this).data("jstree");
                return n && n._model.data[i] ? (r = n, !1) : t
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            return this.each(function () {
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                return s = r && o ? o.apply(a, n) : null, a || r || i !== t && !e.isPlainObject(i) || e(this).data("jstree", new e.jstree.create(this, i)), (a && !r || i === !0) && (s = a || !1), null !== s && s !== t ? !1 : t
            }), null !== s && s !== t ? s : this
        }, e.expr[":"].jstree = e.expr.createPseudo(function (i) {
            return function (i) {
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            var r = e.jstree.plugins[t];
            return r ? (this._data[t] = {}, r.prototype = this, new r(i, this)) : this
        }, init: function (t, i) {
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                return 3 === this.nodeType && (!this.nodeValue || /^\s+$/.test(this.nodeValue))
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            }).on("click.jstree", ".jstree-ocl", e.proxy(function (e) {
            }, this)).on("click.jstree", ".jstree-anchor", e.proxy(function (t) {
                t.preventDefault(), e(t.currentTarget).focus(), this.activate_node(t.currentTarget, t)
            }, this)).on("keydown.jstree", ".jstree-anchor", e.proxy(function (t) {
                if ("INPUT" === t.target.tagName)return!0;
                var i = null;
                switch (t.which) {
                    case 13:
                    case 32:
                        t.type = "click", e(t.currentTarget).trigger(t);
                    case 37:
                        t.preventDefault(), this.is_open(t.currentTarget) ? this.close_node(t.currentTarget) : (i = this.get_prev_dom(t.currentTarget), i && i.length && i.children(".jstree-anchor").focus());
                    case 38:
                        t.preventDefault(), i = this.get_prev_dom(t.currentTarget), i && i.length && i.children(".jstree-anchor").focus();
                    case 39:
                        t.preventDefault(), this.is_closed(t.currentTarget) ? this.open_node(t.currentTarget, function (e) {
                            this.get_node(e, !0).children(".jstree-anchor").focus()
                        }) : (i = this.get_next_dom(t.currentTarget), i && i.length && i.children(".jstree-anchor").focus());
                    case 40:
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                    case 46:
                        t.preventDefault(), i = this.get_node(t.currentTarget), i && i.id && "#" !== i.id && (i = this.is_selected(i) ? this.get_selected() : i);
                    case 113:
                        t.preventDefault(), i = this.get_node(t.currentTarget);
            }, this)).on("load_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                if (i.status && ("#" !== i.node.id || this._data.core.loaded || (this._data.core.loaded = !0, this.trigger("loaded")), !this._data.core.ready && !this.get_container_ul().find(".jstree-loading:eq(0)").length)) {
                    if (this._data.core.ready = !0, this._data.core.selected.length) {
                        if (this.settings.core.expand_selected_onload) {
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                            for (r = e.vakata.array_unique(r), n = 0, s = r.length; s > n; n++)this.open_node(r[n], !1, 0)
                        this.trigger("changed", {action: "ready", selected: this._data.core.selected})
                    setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {
                    }, this), 0)
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                this.element.find(".jstree-hovered").not(t.currentTarget).mouseleave(), e(t.currentTarget).mouseenter()
            }, this)).on("mouseenter.jstree", ".jstree-anchor", e.proxy(function (e) {
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            return this.element
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            return this.element.children(".jstree-children:eq(0)")
        }, get_string: function (t) {
            var i = this.settings.core.strings;
            return e.isFunction(i) ? i.call(this, t) : i && i[t] ? i[t] : t
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            return e
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            e = e ? e.nextSibling : null;
            while (null !== e && 1 !== e.nodeType)e = e.nextSibling;
            return e
        }, _previousSibling: function (e) {
            e = e ? e.previousSibling : null;
            while (null !== e && 1 !== e.nodeType)e = e.previousSibling;
            return e
        }, get_node: function (t, i) {
            t && t.id && (t = t.id);
            var r;
            try {
                if (this._model.data[t])t = this._model.data[t]; else if (((r = e(t, this.element)).length || (r = e("#" + t.replace(e.jstree.idregex, "\\$&"), this.element)).length) && this._model.data[r.closest(".jstree-node").attr("id")])t = this._model.data[r.closest(".jstree-node").attr("id")]; else {
                    if (!(r = e(t, this.element)).length || !r.hasClass("jstree"))return!1;
                    t = this._model.data["#"]
                return i && (t = "#" === t.id ? this.element : e("#" + t.id.replace(e.jstree.idregex, "\\$&"), this.element)), t
            } catch (n) {
        }, get_path: function (e, t, i) {
            if (e = e.parents ? e : this.get_node(e), !e || "#" === e.id || !e.parents)return!1;
            var r, n, s = [];
            for (s.push(i ? e.id : e.text), r = 0, n = e.parents.length; n > r; r++)s.push(i ? e.parents[r] : this.get_text(e.parents[r]));
            return s = s.reverse().slice(1), t ? s.join(t) : s
        }, get_next_dom: function (t, i) {
            var r;
            return t = this.get_node(t, !0), t[0] === this.element[0] ? (r = this._firstChild(this.get_container_ul()[0]), r ? e(r) : !1) : t && t.length ? i ? (r = this._nextSibling(t[0]), r ? e(r) : !1) : t.hasClass("jstree-open") ? (r = this._firstChild(t.children(".jstree-children")[0]), r ? e(r) : !1) : null !== (r = this._nextSibling(t[0])) ? e(r) : t.parentsUntil(".jstree", ".jstree-node").next(".jstree-node").eq(0) : !1
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            if (null !== (r = this._previousSibling(t[0]))) {
                t = e(r);
                while (t.hasClass("jstree-open"))t = t.children(".jstree-children:eq(0)").children(".jstree-node:last");
                return t
            return r = t[0].parentNode.parentNode, r && r.className && -1 !== r.className.indexOf("jstree-node") ? e(r) : !1
        }, get_parent: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && "#" !== e.id ? e.parent : !1
        }, get_children_dom: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e, !0), e[0] === this.element[0] ? this.get_container_ul().children(".jstree-node") : e && e.length ? e.children(".jstree-children").children(".jstree-node") : !1
        }, is_parent: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && (e.state.loaded === !1 || e.children.length > 0)
        }, is_loaded: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && e.state.loaded
        }, is_loading: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && e.state && e.state.loading
        }, is_open: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && e.state.opened
        }, is_closed: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && this.is_parent(e) && !e.state.opened
        }, is_leaf: function (e) {
        }, load_node: function (t, i) {
            var r, n, s, a, o, d, l;
            if (e.isArray(t)) {
                for (t = t.slice(), r = 0, n = t.length; n > r; r++)this.load_node(t[r], i);
            if (t = this.get_node(t), !t)return i && i.call(this, t, !1), !1;
            if (t.state.loaded) {
                for (t.state.loaded = !1, s = 0, a = t.children_d.length; a > s; s++) {
                    for (o = 0, d = t.parents.length; d > o; o++)this._model.data[t.parents[o]].children_d = e.vakata.array_remove_item(this._model.data[t.parents[o]].children_d, t.children_d[s]);
                    this._model.data[t.children_d[s]].state.selected && (l = !0, this._data.core.selected = e.vakata.array_remove_item(this._data.core.selected, t.children_d[s])), delete this._model.data[t.children_d[s]]
                t.children = [], t.children_d = [], l && this.trigger("changed", {action: "load_node", node: t, selected: this._data.core.selected})
            return t.state.loading = !0, this.get_node(t, !0).addClass("jstree-loading"), this._load_node(t, e.proxy(function (e) {
                t.state.loading = !1, t.state.loaded = e;
                var r = this.get_node(t, !0);
                t.state.loaded && !t.children.length && r && r.length && !r.hasClass("jstree-leaf") && r.removeClass("jstree-closed jstree-open").addClass("jstree-leaf"), r.removeClass("jstree-loading"), this.trigger("load_node", {node: t, status: e}), i && i.call(this, t, e)
            }, this)), !0
        }, _load_nodes: function (e, t, i) {
            var r = !0, n = function () {
                this._load_nodes(e, t, !0)
            }, s = this._model.data, a, o;
            for (a = 0, o = e.length; o > a; a++)!s[e[a]] || s[e[a]].state.loaded && i || (this.is_loading(e[a]) || this.load_node(e[a], n), r = !1);
            r && (t.done || (t.call(this, e), t.done = !0))
        }, _load_node: function (t, i) {
            var r = this.settings.core.data, n;
            return r ? e.isFunction(r) ? r.call(this, t, e.proxy(function (r) {
                return r === !1 ? i.call(this, !1) : i.call(this, this["string" == typeof r ? "_append_html_data" : "_append_json_data"](t, "string" == typeof r ? e(r) : r))
            }, this)) : "object" == typeof r ? r.url ? (r = e.extend(!0, {}, r), e.isFunction(r.url) && (r.url = r.url.call(this, t)), e.isFunction(r.data) && (r.data = r.data.call(this, t)), e.ajax(r).done(e.proxy(function (r, n, s) {
                var a = s.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
                return-1 !== a.indexOf("json") || "object" == typeof r ? i.call(this, this._append_json_data(t, r)) : -1 !== a.indexOf("html") || "string" == typeof r ? i.call(this, this._append_html_data(t, e(r))) : (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "ajax", plugin: "core", id: "core_04", reason: "Could not load node", data: JSON.stringify({id: t.id, xhr: s})}, i.call(this, !1))
            }, this)).fail(e.proxy(function (e) {
                i.call(this, !1), this._data.core.last_error = {error: "ajax", plugin: "core", id: "core_04", reason: "Could not load node", data: JSON.stringify({id: t.id, xhr: e})}, this.settings.core.error.call(this, this._data.core.last_error)
            }, this))) : (n = e.isArray(r) || e.isPlainObject(r) ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r)) : r, "#" !== t.id && (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "nodata", plugin: "core", id: "core_05", reason: "Could not load node", data: JSON.stringify({id: t.id})}), i.call(this, "#" === t.id ? this._append_json_data(t, n) : !1)) : "string" == typeof r ? ("#" !== t.id && (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "nodata", plugin: "core", id: "core_06", reason: "Could not load node", data: JSON.stringify({id: t.id})}), i.call(this, "#" === t.id ? this._append_html_data(t, e(r)) : !1)) : i.call(this, !1) : i.call(this, "#" === t.id ? this._append_html_data(t, this._data.core.original_container_html.clone(!0)) : !1)
        }, _node_changed: function (e) {
            e = this.get_node(e), e && this._model.changed.push(e.id)
        }, _append_html_data: function (t, i) {
            t = this.get_node(t), t.children = [], t.children_d = [];
            var r = i.is("ul") ? i.children() : i, n = t.id, s = [], a = [], o = this._model.data, d = o[n], l = this._data.core.selected.length, c, h, _;
            for (r.each(e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                c = this._parse_model_from_html(e(i), n, d.parents.concat()), c && (s.push(c), a.push(c), o[c].children_d.length && (a = a.concat(o[c].children_d)))
            }, this)), d.children = s, d.children_d = a, h = 0, _ = d.parents.length; _ > h; h++)o[d.parents[h]].children_d = o[d.parents[h]].children_d.concat(a);
            return this.trigger("model", {nodes: a, parent: n}), "#" !== n ? (this._node_changed(n), this.redraw()) : (this.get_container_ul().children(".jstree-initial-node").remove(), this.redraw(!0)), this._data.core.selected.length !== l && this.trigger("changed", {action: "model", selected: this._data.core.selected}), !0
        }, _append_json_data: function (i, r) {
            i = this.get_node(i), i.children = [], i.children_d = [];
            var n = r, s = i.id, a = [], o = [], d = this._model.data, l = d[s], c = this._data.core.selected.length, h, _, u;
            if (n.d && (n = n.d, "string" == typeof n && (n = JSON.parse(n))), e.isArray(n) || (n = [n]), n.length && n[0].id !== t && n[0].parent !== t) {
                for (_ = 0, u = n.length; u > _; _++)n[_].children || (n[_].children = []), d["" + n[_].id] = n[_];
                for (_ = 0, u = n.length; u > _; _++)d["" + n[_].parent].children.push("" + n[_].id), l.children_d.push("" + n[_].id);
                for (_ = 0, u = l.children.length; u > _; _++)h = this._parse_model_from_flat_json(d[l.children[_]], s, l.parents.concat()), o.push(h), d[h].children_d.length && (o = o.concat(d[h].children_d))
            } else {
                for (_ = 0, u = n.length; u > _; _++)h = this._parse_model_from_json(n[_], s, l.parents.concat()), h && (a.push(h), o.push(h), d[h].children_d.length && (o = o.concat(d[h].children_d)));
                for (l.children = a, l.children_d = o, _ = 0, u = l.parents.length; u > _; _++)d[l.parents[_]].children_d = d[l.parents[_]].children_d.concat(o)
            return this.trigger("model", {nodes: o, parent: s}), "#" !== s ? (this._node_changed(s), this.redraw()) : this.redraw(!0), this._data.core.selected.length !== c && this.trigger("changed", {action: "model", selected: this._data.core.selected}), !0
        }, _parse_model_from_html: function (i, r, n) {
            n = n ? [].concat(n) : [], r && n.unshift(r);
            var s, a, o = this._model.data, d = {id: !1, text: !1, icon: !0, parent: r, parents: n, children: [], children_d: [], data: null, state: {}, li_attr: {id: !1}, a_attr: {href: "#"}, original: !1}, l, c, h;
            for (l in this._model.default_state)this._model.default_state.hasOwnProperty(l) && (d.state[l] = this._model.default_state[l]);
            if (c = e.vakata.attributes(i, !0), e.each(c, function (i, r) {
                return r = e.trim(r), r.length ? (d.li_attr[i] = r, "id" === i && (d.id = "" + r), t) : !0
            }), c = i.children("a").eq(0), c.length && (c = e.vakata.attributes(c, !0), e.each(c, function (t, i) {
                i = e.trim(i), i.length && (d.a_attr[t] = i)
            })), c = i.children("a:eq(0)").length ? i.children("a:eq(0)").clone() : i.clone(), c.children("ins, i, ul").remove(), c = c.html(), c = e("<div />").html(c), d.text = c.html(), c = i.data(), d.data = c ? e.extend(!0, {}, c) : null, d.state.opened = i.hasClass("jstree-open"), d.state.selected = i.children("a").hasClass("jstree-clicked"), d.state.disabled = i.children("a").hasClass("jstree-disabled"), d.data && d.data.jstree)for (l in d.data.jstree)d.data.jstree.hasOwnProperty(l) && (d.state[l] = d.data.jstree[l]);
            c = i.children("a").children(".jstree-themeicon"), c.length && (d.icon = c.hasClass("jstree-themeicon-hidden") ? !1 : c.attr("rel")), d.state.icon && (d.icon = d.state.icon), c = i.children("ul").children("li");
            do h = "j" + this._id + "_" + ++this._cnt; while (o[h]);
            return d.id = d.li_attr.id ? "" + d.li_attr.id : h, c.length ? (c.each(e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                s = this._parse_model_from_html(e(i), d.id, n), a = this._model.data[s], d.children.push(s), a.children_d.length && (d.children_d = d.children_d.concat(a.children_d))
            }, this)), d.children_d = d.children_d.concat(d.children)) : i.hasClass("jstree-closed") && (d.state.loaded = !1), d.li_attr["class"] && (d.li_attr["class"] = d.li_attr["class"].replace("jstree-closed", "").replace("jstree-open", "")), d.a_attr["class"] && (d.a_attr["class"] = d.a_attr["class"].replace("jstree-clicked", "").replace("jstree-disabled", "")), o[d.id] = d, d.state.selected && this._data.core.selected.push(d.id), d.id
        }, _parse_model_from_flat_json: function (e, i, r) {
            r = r ? r.concat() : [], i && r.unshift(i);
            var n = "" + e.id, s = this._model.data, a = this._model.default_state, o, d, l, c, h = {id: n, text: e.text || "", icon: e.icon !== t ? e.icon : !0, parent: i, parents: r, children: e.children || [], children_d: e.children_d || [], data: e.data, state: {}, li_attr: {id: !1}, a_attr: {href: "#"}, original: !1};
            for (o in a)a.hasOwnProperty(o) && (h.state[o] = a[o]);
            if (e && e.data && e.data.jstree && e.data.jstree.icon && (h.icon = e.data.jstree.icon), e && e.data && (h.data = e.data, e.data.jstree))for (o in e.data.jstree)e.data.jstree.hasOwnProperty(o) && (h.state[o] = e.data.jstree[o]);
            if (e && "object" == typeof e.state)for (o in e.state)e.state.hasOwnProperty(o) && (h.state[o] = e.state[o]);
            if (e && "object" == typeof e.li_attr)for (o in e.li_attr)e.li_attr.hasOwnProperty(o) && (h.li_attr[o] = e.li_attr[o]);
            if (h.li_attr.id || (h.li_attr.id = n), e && "object" == typeof e.a_attr)for (o in e.a_attr)e.a_attr.hasOwnProperty(o) && (h.a_attr[o] = e.a_attr[o]);
            for (e && e.children && e.children === !0 && (h.state.loaded = !1, h.children = [], h.children_d = []), s[h.id] = h, o = 0, d = h.children.length; d > o; o++)l = this._parse_model_from_flat_json(s[h.children[o]], h.id, r), c = s[l], h.children_d.push(l), c.children_d.length && (h.children_d = h.children_d.concat(c.children_d));
            return delete e.data, delete e.children, s[h.id].original = e, h.state.selected && this._data.core.selected.push(h.id), h.id
        }, _parse_model_from_json: function (e, i, r) {
            r = r ? r.concat() : [], i && r.unshift(i);
            var n = !1, s, a, o, d, l = this._model.data, c = this._model.default_state, h;
            do n = "j" + this._id + "_" + ++this._cnt; while (l[n]);
            h = {id: !1, text: "string" == typeof e ? e : "", icon: "object" == typeof e && e.icon !== t ? e.icon : !0, parent: i, parents: r, children: [], children_d: [], data: null, state: {}, li_attr: {id: !1}, a_attr: {href: "#"}, original: !1};
            for (s in c)c.hasOwnProperty(s) && (h.state[s] = c[s]);
            if (e && e.id && (h.id = "" + e.id), e && e.text && (h.text = e.text), e && e.data && e.data.jstree && e.data.jstree.icon && (h.icon = e.data.jstree.icon), e && e.data && (h.data = e.data, e.data.jstree))for (s in e.data.jstree)e.data.jstree.hasOwnProperty(s) && (h.state[s] = e.data.jstree[s]);
            if (e && "object" == typeof e.state)for (s in e.state)e.state.hasOwnProperty(s) && (h.state[s] = e.state[s]);
            if (e && "object" == typeof e.li_attr)for (s in e.li_attr)e.li_attr.hasOwnProperty(s) && (h.li_attr[s] = e.li_attr[s]);
            if (h.li_attr.id && !h.id && (h.id = "" + h.li_attr.id), h.id || (h.id = n), h.li_attr.id || (h.li_attr.id = h.id), e && "object" == typeof e.a_attr)for (s in e.a_attr)e.a_attr.hasOwnProperty(s) && (h.a_attr[s] = e.a_attr[s]);
            if (e && e.children && e.children.length) {
                for (s = 0, a = e.children.length; a > s; s++)o = this._parse_model_from_json(e.children[s], h.id, r), d = l[o], h.children.push(o), d.children_d.length && (h.children_d = h.children_d.concat(d.children_d));
                h.children_d = h.children_d.concat(h.children)
            return e && e.children && e.children === !0 && (h.state.loaded = !1, h.children = [], h.children_d = []), delete e.data, delete e.children, h.original = e, l[h.id] = h, h.state.selected && this._data.core.selected.push(h.id), h.id
        }, _redraw: function () {
            var e = this._model.force_full_redraw ? this._model.data["#"].children.concat([]) : this._model.changed.concat([]), t = document.createElement("UL"), i, r, n;
            for (r = 0, n = e.length; n > r; r++)i = this.redraw_node(e[r], !0, this._model.force_full_redraw), i && this._model.force_full_redraw && t.appendChild(i);
            this._model.force_full_redraw && (t.className = this.get_container_ul()[0].className, this.element.empty().append(t)), this._model.force_full_redraw = !1, this._model.changed = [], this.trigger("redraw", {nodes: e})
        }, redraw: function (e) {
            e && (this._model.force_full_redraw = !0), this._redraw()
        }, redraw_node: function (t, i, r) {
            var n = this.get_node(t), s = !1, a = !1, o = !1, d = !1, c = !1, h = !1, _ = "", u = document, g = this._model.data, f = !1, p = !1, m = null;
            if (!n)return!1;
            if ("#" === n.id)return this.redraw(!0);
            if (i = i || 0 === n.children.length, t = document.querySelector ? this.element[0].querySelector("#" + (-1 !== "0123456789".indexOf(n.id[0]) ? "\\3" + n.id[0] + " " + n.id.substr(1).replace(e.jstree.idregex, "\\$&") : n.id.replace(e.jstree.idregex, "\\$&"))) : document.getElementById(n.id))t = e(t), r || (s = t.parent().parent()[0], s === this.element[0] && (s = null), a = t.index()), i || !n.children.length || t.children(".jstree-children").length || (i = !0), i || (o = t.children(".jstree-children")[0]), p = t.attr("aria-selected"), f = t.children(".jstree-anchor")[0] === document.activeElement, t.remove(); else if (i = !0, !r) {
                if (s = "#" !== n.parent ? e("#" + n.parent.replace(e.jstree.idregex, "\\$&"), this.element)[0] : null, !(null === s || s && g[n.parent].state.opened))return!1;
                a = e.inArray(n.id, null === s ? g["#"].children : g[n.parent].children)
            t = l.cloneNode(!0), _ = "jstree-node ";
            for (d in n.li_attr)if (n.li_attr.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
                if ("id" === d)continue;
                "class" !== d ? t.setAttribute(d, n.li_attr[d]) : _ += n.li_attr[d]
            p && "false" !== p && t.setAttribute("aria-selected", !0), n.state.loaded && !n.children.length ? _ += " jstree-leaf" : (_ += n.state.opened && n.state.loaded ? " jstree-open" : " jstree-closed", t.setAttribute("aria-expanded", n.state.opened && n.state.loaded)), null !== n.parent && g[n.parent].children[g[n.parent].children.length - 1] === n.id && (_ += " jstree-last"), t.id = n.id, t.className = _, _ = (n.state.selected ? " jstree-clicked" : "") + (n.state.disabled ? " jstree-disabled" : "");
            for (c in n.a_attr)if (n.a_attr.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
                if ("href" === c && "#" === n.a_attr[c])continue;
                "class" !== c ? t.childNodes[1].setAttribute(c, n.a_attr[c]) : _ += " " + n.a_attr[c]
            if (_.length && (t.childNodes[1].className = "jstree-anchor " + _), (n.icon && n.icon !== !0 || n.icon === !1) && (n.icon === !1 ? t.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].className += " jstree-themeicon-hidden" : -1 === n.icon.indexOf("/") && -1 === n.icon.indexOf(".") ? t.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].className += " " + n.icon + " jstree-themeicon-custom" : (t.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + n.icon + ")", t.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].style.backgroundPosition = "center center", t.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].style.backgroundSize = "auto", t.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].className += " jstree-themeicon-custom")), t.childNodes[1].innerHTML += n.text, i && n.children.length && n.state.opened && n.state.loaded) {
                for (h = u.createElement("UL"), h.setAttribute("role", "group"), h.className = "jstree-children", d = 0, c = n.children.length; c > d; d++)h.appendChild(this.redraw_node(n.children[d], i, !0));
            if (o && t.appendChild(o), !r) {
                for (s || (s = this.element[0]), d = 0, c = s.childNodes.length; c > d; d++)if (s.childNodes[d] && s.childNodes[d].className && -1 !== s.childNodes[d].className.indexOf("jstree-children")) {
                    m = s.childNodes[d];
                m || (m = u.createElement("UL"), m.setAttribute("role", "group"), m.className = "jstree-children", s.appendChild(m)), s = m, s.childNodes.length > a ? s.insertBefore(t, s.childNodes[a]) : s.appendChild(t), f && t.childNodes[1].focus()
            return n.state.opened && !n.state.loaded && (n.state.opened = !1, setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {
                this.open_node(n.id, !1, 0)
            }, this), 0)), t
        }, open_node: function (i, r, n) {
            var s, a, o, d;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.slice(), s = 0, a = i.length; a > s; s++)this.open_node(i[s], r, n);
            if (i = this.get_node(i), !i || "#" === i.id)return!1;
            if (n = n === t ? this.settings.core.animation : n, !this.is_closed(i))return r && r.call(this, i, !1), !1;
            if (this.is_loaded(i))o = this.get_node(i, !0), d = this, o.length && (i.children.length && !this._firstChild(o.children(".jstree-children")[0]) && (i.state.opened = !0, this.redraw_node(i, !0), o = this.get_node(i, !0)), n ? (this.trigger("before_open", {node: i}), o.children(".jstree-children").css("display", "none").end().removeClass("jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-open").attr("aria-expanded", !0).children(".jstree-children").stop(!0, !0).slideDown(n, function () {
                this.style.display = "", d.trigger("after_open", {node: i})
            })) : (this.trigger("before_open", {node: i}), o[0].className = o[0].className.replace("jstree-closed", "jstree-open"), o[0].setAttribute("aria-expanded", !0))), i.state.opened = !0, r && r.call(this, i, !0), o.length || this.trigger("before_open", {node: i}), this.trigger("open_node", {node: i}), n && o.length || this.trigger("after_open", {node: i}); else {
                if (this.is_loading(i))return setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {
                    this.open_node(i, r, n)
                }, this), 500);
                this.load_node(i, function (e, t) {
                    return t ? this.open_node(e, r, n) : r ? r.call(this, e, !1) : !1
        }, _open_to: function (t) {
            if (t = this.get_node(t), !t || "#" === t.id)return!1;
            var i, r, n = t.parents;
            for (i = 0, r = n.length; r > i; i += 1)"#" !== i && this.open_node(n[i], !1, 0);
            return e("#" + t.id.replace(e.jstree.idregex, "\\$&"), this.element)
        }, close_node: function (i, r) {
            var n, s, a, o;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.slice(), n = 0, s = i.length; s > n; n++)this.close_node(i[n], r);
            return i = this.get_node(i), i && "#" !== i.id ? this.is_closed(i) ? !1 : (r = r === t ? this.settings.core.animation : r, a = this, o = this.get_node(i, !0), o.length && (r ? o.children(".jstree-children").attr("style", "display:block !important").end().removeClass("jstree-open").addClass("jstree-closed").attr("aria-expanded", !1).children(".jstree-children").stop(!0, !0).slideUp(r, function () {
                this.style.display = "", o.children(".jstree-children").remove(), a.trigger("after_close", {node: i})
            }) : (o[0].className = o[0].className.replace("jstree-open", "jstree-closed"), o.attr("aria-expanded", !1).children(".jstree-children").remove())), i.state.opened = !1, this.trigger("close_node", {node: i}), r && o.length || this.trigger("after_close", {node: i}), t) : !1
        }, toggle_node: function (i) {
            var r, n;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.slice(), r = 0, n = i.length; n > r; r++)this.toggle_node(i[r]);
            return this.is_closed(i) ? this.open_node(i) : this.is_open(i) ? this.close_node(i) : t
        }, open_all: function (e, t, i) {
            if (e || (e = "#"), e = this.get_node(e), !e)return!1;
            var r = "#" === e.id ? this.get_container_ul() : this.get_node(e, !0), n, s, a;
            if (!r.length) {
                for (n = 0, s = e.children_d.length; s > n; n++)this.is_closed(this._model.data[e.children_d[n]]) && (this._model.data[e.children_d[n]].state.opened = !0);
                return this.trigger("open_all", {node: e})
            i = i || r, a = this, r = this.is_closed(e) ? r.find(".jstree-closed").addBack() : r.find(".jstree-closed"), r.each(function () {
                a.open_node(this, function (e, r) {
                    r && this.is_parent(e) && this.open_all(e, t, i)
                }, t || 0)
            }), 0 === i.find(".jstree-closed").length && this.trigger("open_all", {node: this.get_node(i)})
        }, close_all: function (t, i) {
            if (t || (t = "#"), t = this.get_node(t), !t)return!1;
            var r = "#" === t.id ? this.get_container_ul() : this.get_node(t, !0), n = this, s, a;
            if (!r.length) {
                for (s = 0, a = t.children_d.length; a > s; s++)this._model.data[t.children_d[s]].state.opened = !1;
                return this.trigger("close_all", {node: t})
            r = this.is_open(t) ? r.find(".jstree-open").addBack() : r.find(".jstree-open"), e(r.get().reverse()).each(function () {
                n.close_node(this, i || 0)
            }), this.trigger("close_all", {node: t})
        }, is_disabled: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && e.state && e.state.disabled
        }, enable_node: function (i) {
            var r, n;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.slice(), r = 0, n = i.length; n > r; r++)this.enable_node(i[r]);
            return i = this.get_node(i), i && "#" !== i.id ? (i.state.disabled = !1, this.get_node(i, !0).children(".jstree-anchor").removeClass("jstree-disabled"), this.trigger("enable_node", {node: i}), t) : !1
        }, disable_node: function (i) {
            var r, n;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.slice(), r = 0, n = i.length; n > r; r++)this.disable_node(i[r]);
            return i = this.get_node(i), i && "#" !== i.id ? (i.state.disabled = !0, this.get_node(i, !0).children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-disabled"), this.trigger("disable_node", {node: i}), t) : !1
        }, activate_node: function (e, i) {
            if (this.is_disabled(e))return!1;
            if (this._data.core.last_clicked = this._data.core.last_clicked && this._data.core.last_clicked.id !== t ? this.get_node(this._data.core.last_clicked.id) : null, this._data.core.last_clicked && !this._data.core.last_clicked.state.selected && (this._data.core.last_clicked = null), !this._data.core.last_clicked && this._data.core.selected.length && (this._data.core.last_clicked = this.get_node(this._data.core.selected[this._data.core.selected.length - 1])), this.settings.core.multiple && (i.metaKey || i.ctrlKey || i.shiftKey) && (!i.shiftKey || this._data.core.last_clicked && this.get_parent(e) && this.get_parent(e) === this._data.core.last_clicked.parent))if (i.shiftKey) {
                var r = this.get_node(e).id, n = this._data.core.last_clicked.id, s = this.get_node(this._data.core.last_clicked.parent).children, a = !1, o, d;
                for (o = 0, d = s.length; d > o; o += 1)s[o] === r && (a = !a), s[o] === n && (a = !a), a || s[o] === r || s[o] === n ? this.select_node(s[o], !1, !1, i) : this.deselect_node(s[o], !1, !1, i)
            } else this.is_selected(e) ? this.deselect_node(e, !1, !1, i) : this.select_node(e, !1, !1, i); else!this.settings.core.multiple && (i.metaKey || i.ctrlKey || i.shiftKey) && this.is_selected(e) ? this.deselect_node(e, !1, !1, i) : (this.deselect_all(!0), this.select_node(e, !1, !1, i), this._data.core.last_clicked = this.get_node(e));
            this.trigger("activate_node", {node: this.get_node(e)})
        }, hover_node: function (e) {
            if (e = this.get_node(e, !0), !e || !e.length || e.children(".jstree-hovered").length)return!1;
            var t = this.element.find(".jstree-hovered"), i = this.element;
            t && t.length && this.dehover_node(t), e.children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-hovered"), this.trigger("hover_node", {node: this.get_node(e)}), setTimeout(function () {
                i.attr("aria-activedescendant", e[0].id), e.attr("aria-selected", !0)
            }, 0)
        }, dehover_node: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e, !0), e && e.length && e.children(".jstree-hovered").length ? (e.attr("aria-selected", !1).children(".jstree-anchor").removeClass("jstree-hovered"), this.trigger("dehover_node", {node: this.get_node(e)}), t) : !1
        }, select_node: function (i, r, n, s) {
            var a, o, d, l;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.slice(), o = 0, d = i.length; d > o; o++)this.select_node(i[o], r, n, s);
            return i = this.get_node(i), i && "#" !== i.id ? (a = this.get_node(i, !0), i.state.selected || (i.state.selected = !0, this._data.core.selected.push(i.id), n || (a = this._open_to(i)), a && a.length && a.children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-clicked"), this.trigger("select_node", {node: i, selected: this._data.core.selected, event: s}), r || this.trigger("changed", {action: "select_node", node: i, selected: this._data.core.selected, event: s})), t) : !1
        }, deselect_node: function (i, r, n) {
            var s, a, o;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.slice(), s = 0, a = i.length; a > s; s++)this.deselect_node(i[s], r, n);
            return i = this.get_node(i), i && "#" !== i.id ? (o = this.get_node(i, !0), i.state.selected && (i.state.selected = !1, this._data.core.selected = e.vakata.array_remove_item(this._data.core.selected, i.id), o.length && o.children(".jstree-anchor").removeClass("jstree-clicked"), this.trigger("deselect_node", {node: i, selected: this._data.core.selected, event: n}), r || this.trigger("changed", {action: "deselect_node", node: i, selected: this._data.core.selected, event: n})), t) : !1
        }, select_all: function (e) {
            var t = this._data.core.selected.concat([]), i, r;
            for (this._data.core.selected = this._model.data["#"].children_d.concat(), i = 0, r = this._data.core.selected.length; r > i; i++)this._model.data[this._data.core.selected[i]] && (this._model.data[this._data.core.selected[i]].state.selected = !0);
            this.redraw(!0), this.trigger("select_all", {selected: this._data.core.selected}), e || this.trigger("changed", {action: "select_all", selected: this._data.core.selected, old_selection: t})
        }, deselect_all: function (e) {
            var t = this._data.core.selected.concat([]), i, r;
            for (i = 0, r = this._data.core.selected.length; r > i; i++)this._model.data[this._data.core.selected[i]] && (this._model.data[this._data.core.selected[i]].state.selected = !1);
            this._data.core.selected = [], this.element.find(".jstree-clicked").removeClass("jstree-clicked"), this.trigger("deselect_all", {selected: this._data.core.selected, node: t}), e || this.trigger("changed", {action: "deselect_all", selected: this._data.core.selected, old_selection: t})
        }, is_selected: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && "#" !== e.id ? e.state.selected : !1
        }, get_selected: function (t) {
            return t ? e.map(this._data.core.selected, e.proxy(function (e) {
                return this.get_node(e)
            }, this)) : this._data.core.selected
        }, get_top_selected: function (t) {
            var i = this.get_selected(!0), r = {}, n, s, a, o;
            for (n = 0, s = i.length; s > n; n++)r[i[n].id] = i[n];
            for (n = 0, s = i.length; s > n; n++)for (a = 0, o = i[n].children_d.length; o > a; a++)r[i[n].children_d[a]] && delete r[i[n].children_d[a]];
            i = [];
            for (n in r)r.hasOwnProperty(n) && i.push(n);
            return t ? e.map(i, e.proxy(function (e) {
                return this.get_node(e)
            }, this)) : i
        }, get_bottom_selected: function (t) {
            var i = this.get_selected(!0), r = [], n, s;
            for (n = 0, s = i.length; s > n; n++)i[n].children.length || r.push(i[n].id);
            return t ? e.map(r, e.proxy(function (e) {
                return this.get_node(e)
            }, this)) : r
        }, get_state: function () {
            var e = {core: {open: [], scroll: {left: this.element.scrollLeft(), top: this.element.scrollTop()}, selected: []}}, t;
            for (t in this._model.data)this._model.data.hasOwnProperty(t) && "#" !== t && (this._model.data[t].state.opened && e.core.open.push(t), this._model.data[t].state.selected && e.core.selected.push(t));
            return e
        }, set_state: function (i, r) {
            if (i) {
                if (i.core) {
                    var n, s, a, o;
                    if (i.core.open)return e.isArray(i.core.open) ? (n = !0, s = !1, a = this, e.each(i.core.open.concat([]), function (t, o) {
                        s = a.get_node(o), s && (a.is_loaded(o) ? (a.is_closed(o) && a.open_node(o, !1, 0), i && i.core && i.core.open && e.vakata.array_remove_item(i.core.open, o)) : (a.is_loading(o) || a.open_node(o, e.proxy(function (t, n) {
                            !n && i && i.core && i.core.open && e.vakata.array_remove_item(i.core.open, t.id), this.set_state(i, r)
                        }, a), 0), n = !1))
                    }), n && (delete i.core.open, this.set_state(i, r)), !1) : (delete i.core.open, this.set_state(i, r), !1);
                    if (i.core.scroll)return i.core.scroll && i.core.scroll.left !== t && this.element.scrollLeft(i.core.scroll.left), i.core.scroll && i.core.scroll.top !== t && this.element.scrollTop(i.core.scroll.top), delete i.core.scroll, this.set_state(i, r), !1;
                    if (i.core.selected)return o = this, this.deselect_all(), e.each(i.core.selected, function (e, t) {
                    }), delete i.core.selected, this.set_state(i, r), !1;
                    if (e.isEmptyObject(i.core))return delete i.core, this.set_state(i, r), !1
                return e.isEmptyObject(i) ? (i = null, r && r.call(this), this.trigger("set_state"), !1) : !0
        }, refresh: function (t) {
            this._data.core.state = this.get_state(), this._cnt = 0, this._model.data = {"#": {id: "#", parent: null, parents: [], children: [], children_d: [], state: {loaded: !1}}};
            var i = this.get_container_ul()[0].className;
            t || this.element.html("<ul class='" + i + "'><" + "li class='jstree-initial-node jstree-loading jstree-leaf jstree-last'><i class='jstree-icon jstree-ocl'></i><" + "a class='jstree-anchor' href='#'><i class='jstree-icon jstree-themeicon-hidden'></i>" + this.get_string("Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>"), this.load_node("#", function (t, r) {
                r && (this.get_container_ul()[0].className = i, this.set_state(e.extend(!0, {}, this._data.core.state), function () {
                })), this._data.core.state = null
        }, refresh_node: function (t) {
            if (t = this.get_node(t), !t || "#" === t.id)return!1;
            var i = [], r = this._data.core.selected.concat([]);
            t.state.opened === !0 && i.push(t.id), this.get_node(t, !0).find(".jstree-open").each(function () {
            }), this._load_nodes(i, e.proxy(function (e) {
                this.open_node(e, !1, 0), this.select_node(this._data.core.selected), this.trigger("refresh_node", {node: t, nodes: e})
            }, this))
        }, set_id: function (t, i) {
            if (t = this.get_node(t), !t || "#" === t.id)return!1;
            var r, n, s = this._model.data;
            for (i = "" + i, s[t.parent].children[e.inArray(t.id, s[t.parent].children)] = i, r = 0, n = t.parents.length; n > r; r++)s[t.parents[r]].children_d[e.inArray(t.id, s[t.parents[r]].children_d)] = i;
            for (r = 0, n = t.children.length; n > r; r++)s[t.children[r]].parent = i;
            for (r = 0, n = t.children_d.length; n > r; r++)s[t.children_d[r]].parents[e.inArray(t.id, s[t.children_d[r]].parents)] = i;
            return r = e.inArray(t.id, this._data.core.selected), -1 !== r && (this._data.core.selected[r] = i), r = this.get_node(t.id, !0), r && r.attr("id", i), delete s[t.id], t.id = i, s[i] = t, !0
        }, get_text: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && "#" !== e.id ? e.text : !1
        }, set_text: function (t, i) {
            var r, n, s, a;
            if (e.isArray(t)) {
                for (t = t.slice(), r = 0, n = t.length; n > r; r++)this.set_text(t[r], i);
            return t = this.get_node(t), t && "#" !== t.id ? (t.text = i, s = this.get_node(t, !0), s.length && (s = s.children(".jstree-anchor:eq(0)"), a = s.children("I").clone(), s.html(i).prepend(a), this.trigger("set_text", {obj: t, text: i})), !0) : !1
        }, get_json: function (e, t, i) {
            if (e = this.get_node(e || "#"), !e)return!1;
            t && t.flat && !i && (i = []);
            var r = {id: e.id, text: e.text, icon: this.get_icon(e), li_attr: e.li_attr, a_attr: e.a_attr, state: {}, data: t && t.no_data ? !1 : e.data}, n, s;
            if (t && t.flat ? r.parent = e.parent : r.children = [], !t || !t.no_state)for (n in e.state)e.state.hasOwnProperty(n) && (r.state[n] = e.state[n]);
            if (t && t.no_id && (delete r.id, r.li_attr && r.li_attr.id && delete r.li_attr.id), t && t.flat && "#" !== e.id && i.push(r), !t || !t.no_children)for (n = 0, s = e.children.length; s > n; n++)t && t.flat ? this.get_json(e.children[n], t, i) : r.children.push(this.get_json(e.children[n], t));
            return t && t.flat ? i : "#" === e.id ? r.children : r
        }, create_node: function (i, r, n, s, a) {
            if (null === i && (i = "#"), i = this.get_node(i), !i)return!1;
            if (n = n === t ? "last" : n, !("" + n).match(/^(before|after)$/) && !a && !this.is_loaded(i))return this.load_node(i, function () {
                this.create_node(i, r, n, s, !0)
            r || (r = {text: this.get_string("New node")}), r.text === t && (r.text = this.get_string("New node"));
            var o, d, l, c;
            switch ("#" === i.id && ("before" === n && (n = "first"), "after" === n && (n = "last")), n) {
                    o = this.get_node(i.parent), n = e.inArray(i.id, o.children), i = o;
                    o = this.get_node(i.parent), n = e.inArray(i.id, o.children) + 1, i = o;
                    n = 0;
                    n = i.children.length;
                    n || (n = 0)
            if (n > i.children.length && (n = i.children.length), r.id || (r.id = !0), !this.check("create_node", r, i, n))return this.settings.core.error.call(this, this._data.core.last_error), !1;
            if (r.id === !0 && delete r.id, r = this._parse_model_from_json(r, i.id, i.parents.concat()), !r)return!1;
            for (o = this.get_node(r), d = [], d.push(r), d = d.concat(o.children_d), this.trigger("model", {nodes: d, parent: i.id}), i.children_d = i.children_d.concat(d), l = 0, c = i.parents.length; c > l; l++)this._model.data[i.parents[l]].children_d = this._model.data[i.parents[l]].children_d.concat(d);
            for (r = o, o = [], l = 0, c = i.children.length; c > l; l++)o[l >= n ? l + 1 : l] = i.children[l];
            return o[n] = r.id, i.children = o, this.redraw_node(i, !0), s && s.call(this, this.get_node(r)), this.trigger("create_node", {node: this.get_node(r), parent: i.id, position: n}), r.id
        }, rename_node: function (t, i) {
            var r, n, s;
            if (e.isArray(t)) {
                for (t = t.slice(), r = 0, n = t.length; n > r; r++)this.rename_node(t[r], i);
            return t = this.get_node(t), t && "#" !== t.id ? (s = t.text, this.check("rename_node", t, this.get_parent(t), i) ? (this.set_text(t, i), this.trigger("rename_node", {node: t, text: i, old: s}), !0) : (this.settings.core.error.call(this, this._data.core.last_error), !1)) : !1
        }, delete_node: function (t) {
            var i, r, n, s, a, o, d, l, c, h;
            if (e.isArray(t)) {
                for (t = t.slice(), i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++)this.delete_node(t[i]);
            if (t = this.get_node(t), !t || "#" === t.id)return!1;
            if (n = this.get_node(t.parent), s = e.inArray(t.id, n.children), h = !1, !this.check("delete_node", t, n, s))return this.settings.core.error.call(this, this._data.core.last_error), !1;
            for (-1 !== s && (n.children = e.vakata.array_remove(n.children, s)), a = t.children_d.concat([]), a.push(t.id), l = 0, c = a.length; c > l; l++) {
                for (o = 0, d = t.parents.length; d > o; o++)s = e.inArray(a[l], this._model.data[t.parents[o]].children_d), -1 !== s && (this._model.data[t.parents[o]].children_d = e.vakata.array_remove(this._model.data[t.parents[o]].children_d, s));
                this._model.data[a[l]].state.selected && (h = !0, s = e.inArray(a[l], this._data.core.selected), -1 !== s && (this._data.core.selected = e.vakata.array_remove(this._data.core.selected, s)))
            for (this.trigger("delete_node", {node: t, parent: n.id}), h && this.trigger("changed", {action: "delete_node", node: t, selected: this._data.core.selected, parent: n.id}), l = 0, c = a.length; c > l; l++)delete this._model.data[a[l]];
            return this.redraw_node(n, !0), !0
        }, check: function (t, i, r, n, s) {
            i = i && i.id ? i : this.get_node(i), r = r && r.id ? r : this.get_node(r);
            var a = t.match(/^move_node|copy_node|create_node$/i) ? r : i, o = this.settings.core.check_callback;
            return"move_node" !== t && "copy_node" !== t || s && s.is_multi || i.id !== r.id && e.inArray(i.id, r.children) !== n && -1 === e.inArray(r.id, i.children_d) ? (a && a.data && (a = a.data), a && a.functions && (a.functions[t] === !1 || a.functions[t] === !0) ? (a.functions[t] === !1 && (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "core", id: "core_02", reason: "Node data prevents function: " + t, data: JSON.stringify({chk: t, pos: n, obj: i && i.id ? i.id : !1, par: r && r.id ? r.id : !1})}), a.functions[t]) : o === !1 || e.isFunction(o) && o.call(this, t, i, r, n, s) === !1 || o && o[t] === !1 ? (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "core", id: "core_03", reason: "User config for core.check_callback prevents function: " + t, data: JSON.stringify({chk: t, pos: n, obj: i && i.id ? i.id : !1, par: r && r.id ? r.id : !1})}, !1) : !0) : (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "core", id: "core_01", reason: "Moving parent inside child", data: JSON.stringify({chk: t, pos: n, obj: i && i.id ? i.id : !1, par: r && r.id ? r.id : !1})}, !1)
        }, last_error: function () {
            return this._data.core.last_error
        }, move_node: function (i, r, n, s, a) {
            var o, d, l, c, h, _, u, g, f, p, m, v, j, y;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.reverse().slice(), o = 0, d = i.length; d > o; o++)this.move_node(i[o], r, n, s, a);
            if (i = i && i.id ? i : this.get_node(i), r = this.get_node(r), n = n === t ? 0 : n, !r || !i || "#" === i.id)return!1;
            if (!("" + n).match(/^(before|after)$/) && !a && !this.is_loaded(r))return this.load_node(r, function () {
                this.move_node(i, r, n, s, !0)
            if (l = "" + (i.parent || "#"), h = ("" + n).match(/^(before|after)$/) && "#" !== r.id ? this.get_node(r.parent) : r, _ = i.instance ? i.instance : this._model.data[i.id] ? this : e.jstree.reference(i.id), u = !_ || !_._id || this._id !== _._id, c = _ && _._id && l && _._model.data[l] && _._model.data[l].children ? e.inArray(i.id, _._model.data[l].children) : -1, u)return this.copy_node(i, r, n, s, a) ? (_ && _.delete_node(i), !0) : !1;
            switch ("#" === h.id && ("before" === n && (n = "first"), "after" === n && (n = "last")), n) {
                    n = e.inArray(r.id, h.children);
                    n = e.inArray(r.id, h.children) + 1;
                    n = 0;
                    n = h.children.length;
                    n || (n = 0)
            if (n > h.children.length && (n = h.children.length), !this.check("move_node", i, h, n, {core: !0, is_multi: _ && _._id && _._id !== this._id, is_foreign: !_ || !_._id}))return this.settings.core.error.call(this, this._data.core.last_error), !1;
            if (i.parent === h.id) {
                for (g = h.children.concat(), f = e.inArray(i.id, g), -1 !== f && (g = e.vakata.array_remove(g, f), n > f && n--), f = [], p = 0, m = g.length; m > p; p++)f[p >= n ? p + 1 : p] = g[p];
                f[n] = i.id, h.children = f, this._node_changed(h.id), this.redraw("#" === h.id)
            } else {
                for (f = i.children_d.concat(), f.push(i.id), p = 0, m = i.parents.length; m > p; p++) {
                    for (g = [], y = _._model.data[i.parents[p]].children_d, v = 0, j = y.length; j > v; v++)-1 === e.inArray(y[v], f) && g.push(y[v]);
                    _._model.data[i.parents[p]].children_d = g
                for (_._model.data[l].children = e.vakata.array_remove_item(_._model.data[l].children, i.id), p = 0, m = h.parents.length; m > p; p++)this._model.data[h.parents[p]].children_d = this._model.data[h.parents[p]].children_d.concat(f);
                for (g = [], p = 0, m = h.children.length; m > p; p++)g[p >= n ? p + 1 : p] = h.children[p];
                for (g[n] = i.id, h.children = g, h.children_d.push(i.id), h.children_d = h.children_d.concat(i.children_d), i.parent = h.id, f = h.parents.concat(), f.unshift(h.id), y = i.parents.length, i.parents = f, f = f.concat(), p = 0, m = i.children_d.length; m > p; p++)this._model.data[i.children_d[p]].parents = this._model.data[i.children_d[p]].parents.slice(0, -1 * y), Array.prototype.push.apply(this._model.data[i.children_d[p]].parents, f);
                this._node_changed(l), this._node_changed(h.id), this.redraw("#" === l || "#" === h.id)
            return s && s.call(this, i, h, n), this.trigger("move_node", {node: i, parent: h.id, position: n, old_parent: l, old_position: c, is_multi: _ && _._id && _._id !== this._id, is_foreign: !_ || !_._id, old_instance: _, new_instance: this}), !0
        }, copy_node: function (i, r, n, s, a) {
            var o, d, l, c, h, _, u, g, f, p, m;
            if (e.isArray(i)) {
                for (i = i.reverse().slice(), o = 0, d = i.length; d > o; o++)this.copy_node(i[o], r, n, s, a);
            if (i = i && i.id ? i : this.get_node(i), r = this.get_node(r), n = n === t ? 0 : n, !r || !i || "#" === i.id)return!1;
            if (!("" + n).match(/^(before|after)$/) && !a && !this.is_loaded(r))return this.load_node(r, function () {
                this.copy_node(i, r, n, s, !0)
            switch (g = "" + (i.parent || "#"), f = ("" + n).match(/^(before|after)$/) && "#" !== r.id ? this.get_node(r.parent) : r, p = i.instance ? i.instance : this._model.data[i.id] ? this : e.jstree.reference(i.id), m = !p || !p._id || this._id !== p._id, "#" === f.id && ("before" === n && (n = "first"), "after" === n && (n = "last")), n) {
                    n = e.inArray(r.id, f.children);
                    n = e.inArray(r.id, f.children) + 1;
                    n = 0;
                    n = f.children.length;
                    n || (n = 0)
            if (n > f.children.length && (n = f.children.length), !this.check("copy_node", i, f, n, {core: !0, is_multi: p && p._id && p._id !== this._id, is_foreign: !p || !p._id}))return this.settings.core.error.call(this, this._data.core.last_error), !1;
            if (u = p ? p.get_json(i, {no_id: !0, no_data: !0, no_state: !0}) : i, !u)return!1;
            if (u.id === !0 && delete u.id, u = this._parse_model_from_json(u, f.id, f.parents.concat()), !u)return!1;
            for (c = this.get_node(u), i && i.state && i.state.loaded === !1 && (c.state.loaded = !1), l = [], l.push(u), l = l.concat(c.children_d), this.trigger("model", {nodes: l, parent: f.id}), h = 0, _ = f.parents.length; _ > h; h++)this._model.data[f.parents[h]].children_d = this._model.data[f.parents[h]].children_d.concat(l);
            for (l = [], h = 0, _ = f.children.length; _ > h; h++)l[h >= n ? h + 1 : h] = f.children[h];
            return l[n] = c.id, f.children = l, f.children_d.push(c.id), f.children_d = f.children_d.concat(c.children_d), this._node_changed(f.id), this.redraw("#" === f.id), s && s.call(this, c, f, n), this.trigger("copy_node", {node: c, original: i, parent: f.id, position: n, old_parent: g, old_position: p && p._id && g && p._model.data[g] && p._model.data[g].children ? e.inArray(i.id, p._model.data[g].children) : -1, is_multi: p && p._id && p._id !== this._id, is_foreign: !p || !p._id, old_instance: p, new_instance: this}), c.id
        }, cut: function (i) {
            if (i || (i = this._data.core.selected.concat()), e.isArray(i) || (i = [i]), !i.length)return!1;
            var a = [], o, d, l;
            for (d = 0, l = i.length; l > d; d++)o = this.get_node(i[d]), o && o.id && "#" !== o.id && a.push(o);
            return a.length ? (r = a, s = this, n = "move_node", this.trigger("cut", {node: i}), t) : !1
        }, copy: function (i) {
            if (i || (i = this._data.core.selected.concat()), e.isArray(i) || (i = [i]), !i.length)return!1;
            var a = [], o, d, l;
            for (d = 0, l = i.length; l > d; d++)o = this.get_node(i[d]), o && o.id && "#" !== o.id && a.push(o);
            return a.length ? (r = a, s = this, n = "copy_node", this.trigger("copy", {node: i}), t) : !1
        }, get_buffer: function () {
            return{mode: n, node: r, inst: s}
        }, can_paste: function () {
            return n !== !1 && r !== !1
        }, paste: function (e, i) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && n && n.match(/^(copy_node|move_node)$/) && r ? (this[n](r, e, i) && this.trigger("paste", {parent: e.id, node: r, mode: n}), r = !1, n = !1, s = !1, t) : !1
        }, edit: function (i, r) {
            if (i = this._open_to(i), !i || !i.length)return!1;
            var n = this._data.core.rtl, s = this.element.width(), a = i.children(".jstree-anchor"), o = e("<span>"), d = "string" == typeof r ? r : this.get_text(i), l = e("<div />", {css: {position: "absolute", top: "-200px", left: n ? "0px" : "-1000px", visibility: "hidden"}}).appendTo("body"), c = e("<input />", {value: d, "class": "jstree-rename-input", css: {padding: "0", border: "1px solid silver", "box-sizing": "border-box", display: "inline-block", height: this._data.core.li_height + "px", lineHeight: this._data.core.li_height + "px", width: "150px"}, blur: e.proxy(function () {
                var e = o.children(".jstree-rename-input"), t = e.val();
                "" === t && (t = d), l.remove(), o.replaceWith(a), o.remove(), this.set_text(i, d), this.rename_node(i, t) === !1 && this.set_text(i, d)
            }, this), keydown: function (e) {
                var t = e.which;
                27 === t && (this.value = d), (27 === t || 13 === t || 37 === t || 38 === t || 39 === t || 40 === t || 32 === t) && e.stopImmediatePropagation(), (27 === t || 13 === t) && (e.preventDefault(), this.blur())
            }, click: function (e) {
            }, mousedown: function (e) {
            }, keyup: function (e) {
                c.width(Math.min(l.text("pW" + this.value).width(), s))
            }, keypress: function (e) {
                return 13 === e.which ? !1 : t
            }}), h = {fontFamily: a.css("fontFamily") || "", fontSize: a.css("fontSize") || "", fontWeight: a.css("fontWeight") || "", fontStyle: a.css("fontStyle") || "", fontStretch: a.css("fontStretch") || "", fontVariant: a.css("fontVariant") || "", letterSpacing: a.css("letterSpacing") || "", wordSpacing: a.css("wordSpacing") || ""};
            this.set_text(i, ""), o.attr("class", a.attr("class")).append(a.contents().clone()).append(c), a.replaceWith(o), l.css(h), c.css(h).width(Math.min(l.text("pW" + c[0].value).width(), s))[0].select()
        }, set_theme: function (t, i) {
            if (!t)return!1;
            if (i === !0) {
                var r = this.settings.core.themes.dir;
                r || (r = e.jstree.path + "/themes"), i = r + "/" + t + "/style.css"
            i && -1 === e.inArray(i, a) && (e("head").append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + i + '" type="text/css" />'), a.push(i)), this._data.core.themes.name && this.element.removeClass("jstree-" + this._data.core.themes.name), this._data.core.themes.name = t, this.element.addClass("jstree-" + t), this.element[this.settings.core.themes.responsive ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("jstree-" + t + "-responsive"), this.trigger("set_theme", {theme: t})
        }, get_theme: function () {
            return this._data.core.themes.name
        }, set_theme_variant: function (e) {
            this._data.core.themes.variant && this.element.removeClass("jstree-" + this._data.core.themes.name + "-" + this._data.core.themes.variant), this._data.core.themes.variant = e, e && this.element.addClass("jstree-" + this._data.core.themes.name + "-" + this._data.core.themes.variant)
        }, get_theme_variant: function () {
            return this._data.core.themes.variant
        }, show_stripes: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.stripes = !0, this.get_container_ul().addClass("jstree-striped")
        }, hide_stripes: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.stripes = !1, this.get_container_ul().removeClass("jstree-striped")
        }, toggle_stripes: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.stripes ? this.hide_stripes() : this.show_stripes()
        }, show_dots: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.dots = !0, this.get_container_ul().removeClass("jstree-no-dots")
        }, hide_dots: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.dots = !1, this.get_container_ul().addClass("jstree-no-dots")
        }, toggle_dots: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.dots ? this.hide_dots() : this.show_dots()
        }, show_icons: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.icons = !0, this.get_container_ul().removeClass("jstree-no-icons")
        }, hide_icons: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.icons = !1, this.get_container_ul().addClass("jstree-no-icons")
        }, toggle_icons: function () {
            this._data.core.themes.icons ? this.hide_icons() : this.show_icons()
        }, set_icon: function (t, i) {
            var r, n, s, a;
            if (e.isArray(t)) {
                for (t = t.slice(), r = 0, n = t.length; n > r; r++)this.set_icon(t[r], i);
            return t = this.get_node(t), t && "#" !== t.id ? (a = t.icon, t.icon = i, s = this.get_node(t, !0).children(".jstree-anchor").children(".jstree-themeicon"), i === !1 ? this.hide_icon(t) : i === !0 ? s.removeClass("jstree-themeicon-custom " + a).css("background", "").removeAttr("rel") : -1 === i.indexOf("/") && -1 === i.indexOf(".") ? (s.removeClass(a).css("background", ""), s.addClass(i + " jstree-themeicon-custom").attr("rel", i)) : (s.removeClass(a).css("background", ""), s.addClass("jstree-themeicon-custom").css("background", "url('" + i + "') center center no-repeat").attr("rel", i)), !0) : !1
        }, get_icon: function (e) {
            return e = this.get_node(e), e && "#" !== e.id ? e.icon : !1
        }, hide_icon: function (t) {
            var i, r;
            if (e.isArray(t)) {
                for (t = t.slice(), i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++)this.hide_icon(t[i]);
            return t = this.get_node(t), t && "#" !== t ? (t.icon = !1, this.get_node(t, !0).children(".jstree-anchor").children(".jstree-themeicon").addClass("jstree-themeicon-hidden"), !0) : !1
        }, show_icon: function (t) {
            var i, r, n;
            if (e.isArray(t)) {
                for (t = t.slice(), i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++)this.show_icon(t[i]);
            return t = this.get_node(t), t && "#" !== t ? (n = this.get_node(t, !0), t.icon = n.length ? n.children(".jstree-anchor").children(".jstree-themeicon").attr("rel") : !0, t.icon || (t.icon = !0), n.children(".jstree-anchor").children(".jstree-themeicon").removeClass("jstree-themeicon-hidden"), !0) : !1
        }}, e.vakata = {}, e.vakata.attributes = function (t, i) {
            t = e(t)[0];
            var r = i ? {} : [];
            return t && t.attributes && e.each(t.attributes, function (t, n) {
                -1 === e.inArray(n.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ["style", "contenteditable", "hasfocus", "tabindex"]) && null !== n.nodeValue && "" !== e.trim(n.nodeValue) && (i ? r[n.nodeName] = n.nodeValue : r.push(n.nodeName))
            }), r
        }, e.vakata.array_unique = function (e) {
            var t = [], i, r, n;
            for (i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) {
                for (r = 0; i >= r; r++)if (e[i] === e[r])break;
                r === i && t.push(e[i])
            return t
        }, e.vakata.array_remove = function (e, t, i) {
            var r = e.slice((i || t) + 1 || e.length);
            return e.length = 0 > t ? e.length + t : t, e.push.apply(e, r), e
        }, e.vakata.array_remove_item = function (t, i) {
            var r = e.inArray(i, t);
            return-1 !== r ? e.vakata.array_remove(t, r) : t
        }, function () {
            var t = {}, i = function (e) {
                e = e.toLowerCase();
                var t = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(e) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(e) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(e) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(e) || 0 > e.indexOf("compatible") && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(e) || [];
                return{browser: t[1] || "", version: t[2] || "0"}
            }, r = i(window.navigator.userAgent);
            r.browser && (t[r.browser] = !0, t.version = r.version), t.chrome ? t.webkit = !0 : t.webkit && (t.safari = !0), e.vakata.browser = t
        }(), e.vakata.browser.msie && 8 > e.vakata.browser.version && (e.jstree.defaults.core.animation = 0);
        var _ = document.createElement("I");
        _.className = "jstree-icon jstree-checkbox", e.jstree.defaults.checkbox = {visible: !0, three_state: !0, whole_node: !0, keep_selected_style: !0}, e.jstree.plugins.checkbox = function (t, i) {
            this.bind = function () {
                i.bind.call(this), this._data.checkbox.uto = !1, this.element.on("init.jstree", e.proxy(function () {
                    this._data.checkbox.visible = this.settings.checkbox.visible, this.settings.checkbox.keep_selected_style || this.element.addClass("jstree-checkbox-no-clicked")
                }, this)).on("loading.jstree", e.proxy(function () {
                    this[this._data.checkbox.visible ? "show_checkboxes" : "hide_checkboxes"]()
                }, this)), this.settings.checkbox.three_state && this.element.on("changed.jstree move_node.jstree copy_node.jstree redraw.jstree open_node.jstree", e.proxy(function () {
                    this._data.checkbox.uto && clearTimeout(this._data.checkbox.uto), this._data.checkbox.uto = setTimeout(e.proxy(this._undetermined, this), 50)
                }, this)).on("model.jstree", e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                    var r = this._model.data, n = r[i.parent], s = i.nodes, a = [], o, d, l, c, h, _;
                    if (n.state.selected) {
                        for (d = 0, l = s.length; l > d; d++)r[s[d]].state.selected = !0;
                        this._data.core.selected = this._data.core.selected.concat(s)
                    } else for (d = 0, l = s.length; l > d; d++)if (r[s[d]].state.selected) {
                        for (c = 0, h = r[s[d]].children_d.length; h > c; c++)r[r[s[d]].children_d[c]].state.selected = !0;
                        this._data.core.selected = this._data.core.selected.concat(r[s[d]].children_d)
                    for (d = 0, l = n.children_d.length; l > d; d++)r[n.children_d[d]].children.length || a.push(r[n.children_d[d]].parent);
                    for (a = e.vakata.array_unique(a), c = 0, h = a.length; h > c; c++) {
                        n = r[a[c]];
                        while (n && "#" !== n.id) {
                            for (o = 0, d = 0, l = n.children.length; l > d; d++)o += r[n.children[d]].state.selected;
                            if (o !== l)break;
                            n.state.selected = !0, this._data.core.selected.push(n.id), _ = this.get_node(n, !0), _ && _.length && _.children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-clicked"), n = this.get_node(n.parent)
                    this._data.core.selected = e.vakata.array_unique(this._data.core.selected)
                }, this)).on("select_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                    var r = i.node, n = this._model.data, s = this.get_node(r.parent), a = this.get_node(r, !0), o, d, l, c;
                    for (this._data.core.selected = e.vakata.array_unique(this._data.core.selected.concat(r.children_d)), o = 0, d = r.children_d.length; d > o; o++)c = n[r.children_d[o]], c.state.selected = !0, c && c.original && c.original.state && c.original.state.undetermined && (c.original.state.undetermined = !1);
                    while (s && "#" !== s.id) {
                        for (l = 0, o = 0, d = s.children.length; d > o; o++)l += n[s.children[o]].state.selected;
                        if (l !== d)break;
                        s.state.selected = !0, this._data.core.selected.push(s.id), c = this.get_node(s, !0), c && c.length && c.children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-clicked"), s = this.get_node(s.parent)
                    a.length && a.find(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-clicked")
                }, this)).on("deselect_all.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    var i = this.get_node("#"), r = this._model.data, n, s, a;
                    for (n = 0, s = i.children_d.length; s > n; n++)a = r[i.children_d[n]], a && a.original && a.original.state && a.original.state.undetermined && (a.original.state.undetermined = !1)
                }, this)).on("deselect_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                    var r = i.node, n = this.get_node(r, !0), s, a, o;
                    for (r && r.original && r.original.state && r.original.state.undetermined && (r.original.state.undetermined = !1), s = 0, a = r.children_d.length; a > s; s++)o = this._model.data[r.children_d[s]], o.state.selected = !1, o && o.original && o.original.state && o.original.state.undetermined && (o.original.state.undetermined = !1);
                    for (s = 0, a = r.parents.length; a > s; s++)o = this._model.data[r.parents[s]], o.state.selected = !1, o && o.original && o.original.state && o.original.state.undetermined && (o.original.state.undetermined = !1), o = this.get_node(r.parents[s], !0), o && o.length && o.children(".jstree-anchor").removeClass("jstree-clicked");
                    for (o = [], s = 0, a = this._data.core.selected.length; a > s; s++)-1 === e.inArray(this._data.core.selected[s], r.children_d) && -1 === e.inArray(this._data.core.selected[s], r.parents) && o.push(this._data.core.selected[s]);
                    this._data.core.selected = e.vakata.array_unique(o), n.length && n.find(".jstree-anchor").removeClass("jstree-clicked")
                }, this)).on("delete_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    var i = this.get_node(t.parent), r = this._model.data, n, s, a, o;
                    while (i && "#" !== i.id) {
                        for (a = 0, n = 0, s = i.children.length; s > n; n++)a += r[i.children[n]].state.selected;
                        if (a !== s)break;
                        i.state.selected = !0, this._data.core.selected.push(i.id), o = this.get_node(i, !0), o && o.length && o.children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-clicked"), i = this.get_node(i.parent)
                }, this)).on("move_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                    var r = i.is_multi, n = i.old_parent, s = this.get_node(i.parent), a = this._model.data, o, d, l, c, h;
                    if (!r) {
                        o = this.get_node(n);
                        while (o && "#" !== o.id) {
                            for (d = 0, l = 0, c = o.children.length; c > l; l++)d += a[o.children[l]].state.selected;
                            if (d !== c)break;
                            o.state.selected = !0, this._data.core.selected.push(o.id), h = this.get_node(o, !0), h && h.length && h.children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-clicked"), o = this.get_node(o.parent)
                    o = s;
                    while (o && "#" !== o.id) {
                        for (d = 0, l = 0, c = o.children.length; c > l; l++)d += a[o.children[l]].state.selected;
                        if (d === c)o.state.selected || (o.state.selected = !0, this._data.core.selected.push(o.id), h = this.get_node(o, !0), h && h.length && h.children(".jstree-anchor").addClass("jstree-clicked")); else {
                            if (!o.state.selected)break;
                            o.state.selected = !1, this._data.core.selected = e.vakata.array_remove_item(this._data.core.selected, o.id), h = this.get_node(o, !0), h && h.length && h.children(".jstree-anchor").removeClass("jstree-clicked")
                        o = this.get_node(o.parent)
                }, this))
            }, this._undetermined = function () {
                var t, i, r = this._model.data, n = this._data.core.selected, s = [], a = this;
                for (t = 0, i = n.length; i > t; t++)r[n[t]] && r[n[t]].parents && (s = s.concat(r[n[t]].parents));
                for (this.element.find(".jstree-closed").not(":has(.jstree-children)").each(function () {
                    var e = a.get_node(this), n;
                    if (e.state.loaded)for (t = 0, i = e.children_d.length; i > t; t++)n = r[e.children_d[t]], !n.state.loaded && n.original && n.original.state && n.original.state.undetermined && n.original.state.undetermined === !0 && (s.push(n.id), s = s.concat(n.parents)); else e.original && e.original.state && e.original.state.undetermined && e.original.state.undetermined === !0 && (s.push(e.id), s = s.concat(e.parents))
                }), s = e.vakata.array_unique(s), s = e.vakata.array_remove_item(s, "#"), this.element.find(".jstree-undetermined").removeClass("jstree-undetermined"), t = 0, i = s.length; i > t; t++)r[s[t]].state.selected || (n = this.get_node(s[t], !0), n && n.length && n.children(".jstree-anchor").children(".jstree-checkbox").addClass("jstree-undetermined"))
            }, this.redraw_node = function (t, r, n) {
                if (t = i.redraw_node.call(this, t, r, n)) {
                    var s, a, o = null;
                    for (s = 0, a = t.childNodes.length; a > s; s++)if (t.childNodes[s] && t.childNodes[s].className && -1 !== t.childNodes[s].className.indexOf("jstree-anchor")) {
                        o = t.childNodes[s];
                    o && o.insertBefore(_.cloneNode(!1), o.childNodes[0])
                return!n && this.settings.checkbox.three_state && (this._data.checkbox.uto && clearTimeout(this._data.checkbox.uto), this._data.checkbox.uto = setTimeout(e.proxy(this._undetermined, this), 50)), t
            }, this.activate_node = function (t, r) {
                return(this.settings.checkbox.whole_node || e(r.target).hasClass("jstree-checkbox")) && (r.ctrlKey = !0), i.activate_node.call(this, t, r)
            }, this.show_checkboxes = function () {
                this._data.core.themes.checkboxes = !0, this.get_container_ul().removeClass("jstree-no-checkboxes")
            }, this.hide_checkboxes = function () {
                this._data.core.themes.checkboxes = !1, this.get_container_ul().addClass("jstree-no-checkboxes")
            }, this.toggle_checkboxes = function () {
                this._data.core.themes.checkboxes ? this.hide_checkboxes() : this.show_checkboxes()
        }, e.jstree.defaults.contextmenu = {select_node: !0, show_at_node: !0, items: function (t, i) {
            return{create: {separator_before: !1, separator_after: !0, _disabled: !1, label: "Create", action: function (t) {
                var i = e.jstree.reference(t.reference), r = i.get_node(t.reference);
                i.create_node(r, {}, "last", function (e) {
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 0)
            }}, rename: {separator_before: !1, separator_after: !1, _disabled: !1, label: "Rename", action: function (t) {
                var i = e.jstree.reference(t.reference), r = i.get_node(t.reference);
            }}, remove: {separator_before: !1, icon: !1, separator_after: !1, _disabled: !1, label: "Delete", action: function (t) {
                var i = e.jstree.reference(t.reference), r = i.get_node(t.reference);
                i.is_selected(r) ? i.delete_node(i.get_selected()) : i.delete_node(r)
            }}, ccp: {separator_before: !0, icon: !1, separator_after: !1, label: "Edit", action: !1, submenu: {cut: {separator_before: !1, separator_after: !1, label: "Cut", action: function (t) {
                var i = e.jstree.reference(t.reference), r = i.get_node(t.reference);
                i.is_selected(r) ? i.cut(i.get_selected()) : i.cut(r)
            }}, copy: {separator_before: !1, icon: !1, separator_after: !1, label: "Copy", action: function (t) {
                var i = e.jstree.reference(t.reference), r = i.get_node(t.reference);
                i.is_selected(r) ? i.copy(i.get_selected()) : i.copy(r)
            }}, paste: {separator_before: !1, icon: !1, _disabled: function (t) {
            }, separator_after: !1, label: "Paste", action: function (t) {
                var i = e.jstree.reference(t.reference), r = i.get_node(t.reference);
        }}, e.jstree.plugins.contextmenu = function (i, r) {
            this.bind = function () {
                var t = 0;
                this.element.on("contextmenu.jstree", ".jstree-anchor", e.proxy(function (e) {
                    e.preventDefault(), t = e.ctrlKey ? e.timeStamp : 0, this.is_loading(e.currentTarget) || this.show_contextmenu(e.currentTarget, e.pageX, e.pageY, e)
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                    this._data.contextmenu.visible && (!t || i.timeStamp - t > 250) && e.vakata.context.hide()
                }, this)), e(document).on("context_hide.vakata", e.proxy(function () {
                    this._data.contextmenu.visible = !1
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                this._data.contextmenu.visible && e.vakata.context.hide(), r.teardown.call(this)
            }, this.show_contextmenu = function (i, r, n, s) {
                if (i = this.get_node(i), !i || "#" === i.id)return!1;
                var a = this.settings.contextmenu, o = this.get_node(i, !0), d = o.children(".jstree-anchor"), l = !1, c = !1;
                (a.show_at_node || r === t || n === t) && (l = d.offset(), r = l.left, n = l.top + this._data.core.li_height), this.settings.contextmenu.select_node && !this.is_selected(i) && this.activate_node(i, s), c = a.items, e.isFunction(c) && (c = c.call(this, i, e.proxy(function (e) {
                    this._show_contextmenu(i, r, n, e)
                }, this))), e.isPlainObject(c) && this._show_contextmenu(i, r, n, c)
            }, this._show_contextmenu = function (t, i, r, n) {
                var s = this.get_node(t, !0), a = s.children(".jstree-anchor");
                e(document).one("context_show.vakata", e.proxy(function (t, i) {
                    var r = "jstree-contextmenu jstree-" + this.get_theme() + "-contextmenu";
                }, this)), this._data.contextmenu.visible = !0, e.vakata.context.show(a, {x: i, y: r}, n), this.trigger("show_contextmenu", {node: t, x: i, y: r})
        }, function (e) {
            var i = !1, r = {element: !1, reference: !1, position_x: 0, position_y: 0, items: [], html: "", is_visible: !1};
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            }, _execute: function (t) {
                return t = r.items[t], t && (!t._disabled || e.isFunction(t._disabled) && !t._disabled({item: t, reference: r.reference, element: r.element})) && t.action ? t.action.call(null, {item: t, reference: r.reference, element: r.element, position: {x: r.position_x, y: r.position_y}}) : !1
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                    return n ? (r.items.push(n), !a && n.separator_before && (s += "<li class='vakata-context-separator'><a href='#' " + (e.vakata.context.settings.icons ? "" : 'style="margin-left:0px;"') + ">&#160;<" + "/a><" + "/li>"), a = !1, s += "<li class='" + (n._class || "") + (n._disabled === !0 || e.isFunction(n._disabled) && n._disabled({item: n, reference: r.reference, element: r.element}) ? " vakata-contextmenu-disabled " : "") + "' " + (n.shortcut ? " data-shortcut='" + n.shortcut + "' " : "") + ">", s += "<a href='#' rel='" + (r.items.length - 1) + "'>", e.vakata.context.settings.icons && (s += "<i ", n.icon && (s += -1 !== n.icon.indexOf("/") || -1 !== n.icon.indexOf(".") ? " style='background:url(\"" + n.icon + "\") center center no-repeat' " : " class='" + n.icon + "' "), s += "></i><span class='vakata-contextmenu-sep'>&#160;</span>"), s += (e.isFunction(n.label) ? n.label({item: i, reference: r.reference, element: r.element}) : n.label) + (n.shortcut ? ' <span class="vakata-contextmenu-shortcut vakata-contextmenu-shortcut-' + n.shortcut + '">' + (n.shortcut_label || "") + "</span>" : "") + "<" + "/a>", n.submenu && (o = e.vakata.context._parse(n.submenu, !0), o && (s += o)), s += "</li>", n.separator_after && (s += "<li class='vakata-context-separator'><a href='#' " + (e.vakata.context.settings.icons ? "" : 'style="margin-left:0px;"') + ">&#160;<" + "/a><" + "/li>", a = !0), t) : !0
                }), s = s.replace(/<li class\='vakata-context-separator'\><\/li\>$/, ""), n && (s += "</ul>"), n || (r.html = s, e.vakata.context._trigger("parse")), s.length > 10 ? s : !1
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                if (t = e(t), t.length && t.children("ul").length) {
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            }, show: function (t, n, s) {
                var a, o, d, l, c, h, _, u, g = !0;
                switch (r.element && r.element.length && r.element.width(""), g) {
                    case!n && !t:
                    case!!n && !!t:
                        r.reference = t, r.position_x = n.x, r.position_y = n.y;
                    case!n && !!t:
                        r.reference = t, a = t.offset(), r.position_x = a.left + t.outerHeight(), r.position_y = a.top;
                    case!!n && !t:
                        r.position_x = n.x, r.position_y = n.y
                t && !s && e(t).data("vakata_contextmenu") && (s = e(t).data("vakata_contextmenu")), e.vakata.context._parse(s) && r.element.html(r.html), r.items.length && (o = r.element, d = r.position_x, l = r.position_y, c = o.width(), h = o.height(), _ = e(window).width() + e(window).scrollLeft(), u = e(window).height() + e(window).scrollTop(), i && (d -= o.outerWidth(), e(window).scrollLeft() + 20 > d && (d = e(window).scrollLeft() + 20)), d + c + 20 > _ && (d = _ - (c + 20)), l + h + 20 > u && (l = u - (h + 20)), r.element.css({left: d, top: l}).show().find("a:eq(0)").focus().parent().addClass("vakata-context-hover"), r.is_visible = !0, e.vakata.context._trigger("show"))
            }, hide: function () {
                r.is_visible && (r.element.hide().find("ul").hide().end().find(":focus").blur(), r.is_visible = !1, e.vakata.context._trigger("hide"))
            }}, e(function () {
                i = "rtl" === e("body").css("direction");
                var t = !1;
                r.element = e("<ul class='vakata-context'></ul>"), r.element.on("mouseenter", "li", function (i) {
                    i.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.contains(this, i.relatedTarget) || (t && clearTimeout(t), r.element.find(".vakata-context-hover").removeClass("vakata-context-hover").end(), e(this).siblings().find("ul").hide().end().end().parentsUntil(".vakata-context", "li").addBack().addClass("vakata-context-hover"), e.vakata.context._show_submenu(this))
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                                return function () {
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                    t && t.d && (t = t.d), this._load_nodes(e.isArray(t) ? t : [], function () {
                        this.search(i, !0)
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                        this.search(i, !0)
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                        n = e("#" + n.replace(e.jstree.idregex, "\\$&"), i.element)
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                    }, 0))
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                    for (i = 0; a > i; i++)t[e.charAt(i)] |= 1 << a - i - 1;
                    return t
                }(), l = function (e, t) {
                    var i = e / a, s = Math.abs(r - t);
                    return n ? i + s / n : s ? 1 : i
                }), c = function (t) {
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                    if (!i.fuzzy)return{isMatch: !1, score: 1};
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                        g = 0, f = p;
                        while (f > g)_ >= l(n, r + f) ? g = f : p = f, f = Math.floor((p - g) / 2 + g);
                        for (p = f, v = Math.max(1, r - f + 1), j = Math.min(r + f, h) + a, y = Array(j + 2), y[j + 1] = (1 << n) - 1, c = j; c >= v; c--)if (x = d[t.charAt(c - 1)], y[c] = 0 === n ? (1 | y[c + 1] << 1) & x : (1 | y[c + 1] << 1) & x | (1 | (m[c + 1] | m[c]) << 1) | m[c + 1], y[c] & o && (k = l(n, c - 1), _ >= k)) {
                            if (_ = k, u = c - 1, b.push(u), !(u > r))break;
                            v = Math.max(1, 2 * r - u)
                        if (l(n + 1, r) > _)break;
                        m = y
                    return{isMatch: u >= 0, score: k}
                }, t === !0 ? {search: c} : c(t)
        }(jQuery), e.jstree.defaults.sort = function (e, t) {
            return this.get_text(e) > this.get_text(t) ? 1 : -1
        }, e.jstree.plugins.sort = function (t, i) {
            this.bind = function () {
                i.bind.call(this), this.element.on("model.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    this.sort(t.parent, !0)
                }, this)).on("rename_node.jstree create_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    this.sort(t.parent || t.node.parent, !1), this.redraw_node(t.parent || t.node.parent, !0)
                }, this)).on("move_node.jstree copy_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    this.sort(t.parent, !1), this.redraw_node(t.parent, !0)
                }, this))
            }, this.sort = function (t, i) {
                var r, n;
                if (t = this.get_node(t), t && t.children && t.children.length && (t.children.sort(e.proxy(this.settings.sort, this)), i))for (r = 0, n = t.children_d.length; n > r; r++)this.sort(t.children_d[r], !1)
        var u = !1;
        e.jstree.defaults.state = {key: "jstree", events: "changed.jstree open_node.jstree close_node.jstree", ttl: !1, filter: !1}, e.jstree.plugins.state = function (t, i) {
            this.bind = function () {
                var t = e.proxy(function () {
                    this.element.on(this.settings.state.events, e.proxy(function () {
                        u && clearTimeout(u), u = setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {
                        }, this), 100)
                    }, this))
                }, this);
                this.element.on("ready.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, i) {
                    this.element.one("restore_state.jstree", t), this.restore_state() || t()
                }, this))
            }, this.save_state = function () {
                var t = {state: this.get_state(), ttl: this.settings.state.ttl, sec: +new Date};
                e.vakata.storage.set(this.settings.state.key, JSON.stringify(t))
            }, this.restore_state = function () {
                var t = e.vakata.storage.get(this.settings.state.key);
                if (t)try {
                    t = JSON.parse(t)
                } catch (i) {
                return t && t.ttl && t.sec && +new Date - t.sec > t.ttl ? !1 : (t && t.state && (t = t.state), t && e.isFunction(this.settings.state.filter) && (t = this.settings.state.filter.call(this, t)), t ? (this.element.one("set_state.jstree", function (i, r) {
                    r.instance.trigger("restore_state", {state: e.extend(!0, {}, t)})
                }), this.set_state(t), !0) : !1)
            }, this.clear_state = function () {
                return e.vakata.storage.del(this.settings.state.key)
        }, function (e, t) {
            e.vakata.storage = {set: function (e, t) {
                return window.localStorage.setItem(e, t)
            }, get: function (e) {
                return window.localStorage.getItem(e)
            }, del: function (e) {
                return window.localStorage.removeItem(e)
        }(jQuery), e.jstree.defaults.types = {"#": {}, "default": {}}, e.jstree.plugins.types = function (i, r) {
            this.init = function (e, i) {
                var n, s;
                if (i && i.types && i.types["default"])for (n in i.types)if ("default" !== n && "#" !== n && i.types.hasOwnProperty(n))for (s in i.types["default"])i.types["default"].hasOwnProperty(s) && i.types[n][s] === t && (i.types[n][s] = i.types["default"][s]);
                r.init.call(this, e, i), this._model.data["#"].type = "#"
            }, this.refresh = function (e) {
                r.refresh.call(this, e), this._model.data["#"].type = "#"
            }, this.bind = function () {
                this.element.on("model.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, i) {
                    var r = this._model.data, n = i.nodes, s = this.settings.types, a, o, d = "default";
                    for (a = 0, o = n.length; o > a; a++)d = "default", r[n[a]].original && r[n[a]].original.type && s[r[n[a]].original.type] && (d = r[n[a]].original.type), r[n[a]].data && r[n[a]].data.jstree && r[n[a]].data.jstree.type && s[r[n[a]].data.jstree.type] && (d = r[n[a]].data.jstree.type), r[n[a]].type = d, r[n[a]].icon === !0 && s[d].icon !== t && (r[n[a]].icon = s[d].icon)
                }, this)), r.bind.call(this)
            }, this.get_json = function (t, i, n) {
                var s, a, o = this._model.data, d = i ? e.extend(!0, {}, i, {no_id: !1}) : {}, l = r.get_json.call(this, t, d, n);
                if (l === !1)return!1;
                if (e.isArray(l))for (s = 0, a = l.length; a > s; s++)l[s].type = l[s].id && o[l[s].id] && o[l[s].id].type ? o[l[s].id].type : "default", i && i.no_id && (delete l[s].id, l[s].li_attr && l[s].li_attr.id && delete l[s].li_attr.id); else l.type = l.id && o[l.id] && o[l.id].type ? o[l.id].type : "default", i && i.no_id && (l = this._delete_ids(l));
                return l
            }, this._delete_ids = function (t) {
                if (e.isArray(t)) {
                    for (var i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++)t[i] = this._delete_ids(t[i]);
                    return t
                return delete t.id, t.li_attr && t.li_attr.id && delete t.li_attr.id, t.children && e.isArray(t.children) && (t.children = this._delete_ids(t.children)), t
            }, this.check = function (i, n, s, a, o) {
                if (r.check.call(this, i, n, s, a, o) === !1)return!1;
                n = n && n.id ? n : this.get_node(n), s = s && s.id ? s : this.get_node(s);
                var d = n && n.id ? e.jstree.reference(n.id) : null, l, c, h, _;
                switch (d = d && d._model && d._model.data ? d._model.data : null, i) {
                        if ("move_node" !== i || -1 === e.inArray(n.id, s.children)) {
                            if (l = this.get_rules(s), l.max_children !== t && -1 !== l.max_children && l.max_children === s.children.length)return this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "types", id: "types_01", reason: "max_children prevents function: " + i, data: JSON.stringify({chk: i, pos: a, obj: n && n.id ? n.id : !1, par: s && s.id ? s.id : !1})}, !1;
                            if (l.valid_children !== t && -1 !== l.valid_children && -1 === e.inArray(n.type, l.valid_children))return this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "types", id: "types_02", reason: "valid_children prevents function: " + i, data: JSON.stringify({chk: i, pos: a, obj: n && n.id ? n.id : !1, par: s && s.id ? s.id : !1})}, !1;
                            if (d && n.children_d && n.parents) {
                                for (c = 0, h = 0, _ = n.children_d.length; _ > h; h++)c = Math.max(c, d[n.children_d[h]].parents.length);
                                c = c - n.parents.length + 1
                            (0 >= c || c === t) && (c = 1);
                            do {
                                if (l.max_depth !== t && -1 !== l.max_depth && c > l.max_depth)return this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "types", id: "types_03", reason: "max_depth prevents function: " + i, data: JSON.stringify({chk: i, pos: a, obj: n && n.id ? n.id : !1, par: s && s.id ? s.id : !1})}, !1;
                                s = this.get_node(s.parent), l = this.get_rules(s), c++
                            } while (s)
            }, this.get_rules = function (e) {
                if (e = this.get_node(e), !e)return!1;
                var i = this.get_type(e, !0);
                return i.max_depth === t && (i.max_depth = -1), i.max_children === t && (i.max_children = -1), i.valid_children === t && (i.valid_children = -1), i
            }, this.get_type = function (t, i) {
                return t = this.get_node(t), t ? i ? e.extend({type: t.type}, this.settings.types[t.type]) : t.type : !1
            }, this.set_type = function (i, r) {
                var n, s, a, o, d;
                if (e.isArray(i)) {
                    for (i = i.slice(), s = 0, a = i.length; a > s; s++)this.set_type(i[s], r);
                return n = this.settings.types, i = this.get_node(i), n[r] && i ? (o = i.type, d = this.get_icon(i), i.type = r, (d === !0 || n[o] && n[o].icon && d === n[o].icon) && this.set_icon(i, n[r].icon !== t ? n[r].icon : !0), !0) : !1
        }, e.jstree.plugins.unique = function (t, i) {
            this.check = function (t, r, n, s, a) {
                if (i.check.call(this, t, r, n, s, a) === !1)return!1;
                if (r = r && r.id ? r : this.get_node(r), n = n && n.id ? n : this.get_node(n), !n || !n.children)return!0;
                var o = "rename_node" === t ? s : r.text, d = [], l = this._model.data, c, h;
                for (c = 0, h = n.children.length; h > c; c++)d.push(l[n.children[c]].text);
                switch (t) {
                        return c = -1 === e.inArray(o, d) || r.text && r.text === o, c || (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "unique", id: "unique_01", reason: "Child with name " + o + " already exists. Preventing: " + t, data: JSON.stringify({chk: t, pos: s, obj: r && r.id ? r.id : !1, par: n && n.id ? n.id : !1})}), c;
                        return c = -1 === e.inArray(o, d), c || (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "unique", id: "unique_02", reason: "Child with name " + o + " already exists. Preventing: " + t, data: JSON.stringify({chk: t, pos: s, obj: r && r.id ? r.id : !1, par: n && n.id ? n.id : !1})}), c;
                        return c = r.parent === n.id || -1 === e.inArray(o, d), c || (this._data.core.last_error = {error: "check", plugin: "unique", id: "unique_03", reason: "Child with name " + o + " already exists. Preventing: " + t, data: JSON.stringify({chk: t, pos: s, obj: r && r.id ? r.id : !1, par: n && n.id ? n.id : !1})}), c
        var g = document.createElement("DIV");
        g.setAttribute("unselectable", "on"), g.className = "jstree-wholerow", g.innerHTML = "&#160;", e.jstree.plugins.wholerow = function (t, i) {
            this.bind = function () {
                i.bind.call(this), this.element.on("loading", e.proxy(function () {
                    g.style.height = this._data.core.li_height + "px"
                }, this)).on("ready.jstree set_state.jstree", e.proxy(function () {
                }, this)).on("ready.jstree", e.proxy(function () {
                }, this)).on("deselect_all.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                }, this)).on("changed.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    var i = !1, r, n;
                    for (r = 0, n = t.selected.length; n > r; r++)i = this.get_node(t.selected[r], !0), i && i.length && i.children(".jstree-wholerow").addClass("jstree-wholerow-clicked")
                }, this)).on("open_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    this.get_node(t.node, !0).find(".jstree-clicked").parent().children(".jstree-wholerow").addClass("jstree-wholerow-clicked")
                }, this)).on("hover_node.jstree dehover_node.jstree", e.proxy(function (e, t) {
                    this.get_node(t.node, !0).children(".jstree-wholerow")["hover_node" === e.type ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("jstree-wholerow-hovered")
                }, this)).on("contextmenu.jstree", ".jstree-wholerow", e.proxy(function (t) {
                    var i = e.Event("contextmenu", {metaKey: t.metaKey, ctrlKey: t.ctrlKey, altKey: t.altKey, shiftKey: t.shiftKey, pageX: t.pageX, pageY: t.pageY});
                }, this)).on("click.jstree", ".jstree-wholerow", function (t) {
                    var i = e.Event("click", {metaKey: t.metaKey, ctrlKey: t.ctrlKey, altKey: t.altKey, shiftKey: t.shiftKey});
                }).on("click.jstree", ".jstree-leaf > .jstree-ocl", e.proxy(function (t) {
                    var i = e.Event("click", {metaKey: t.metaKey, ctrlKey: t.ctrlKey, altKey: t.altKey, shiftKey: t.shiftKey});
                }, this)).on("mouseover.jstree", ".jstree-wholerow, .jstree-icon", e.proxy(function (e) {
                    return e.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.hover_node(e.currentTarget), !1
                }, this)).on("mouseleave.jstree", ".jstree-node", e.proxy(function (e) {
                }, this))
            }, this.teardown = function () {
                this.settings.wholerow && this.element.find(".jstree-wholerow").remove(), i.teardown.call(this)
            }, this.redraw_node = function (t, r, n) {
                if (t = i.redraw_node.call(this, t, r, n)) {
                    var s = g.cloneNode(!0);
                    -1 !== e.inArray(t.id, this._data.core.selected) && (s.className += " jstree-wholerow-clicked"), t.insertBefore(s, t.childNodes[0])
                return t

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0