Direktori : /home/tjamichg/intranet.tjamich.gob.mx/intranet/common/vendors/nouislider/ |
Current File : /home/tjamichg/intranet.tjamich.gob.mx/intranet/common/vendors/nouislider/jquery.nouislider.min.js |
/* $.classVal - WTFPL - refreshless.com/classval/ */ (function (b) { function h(a, e) { var d = !1; b.each(a ? q : g, function (a) { if (b(e).hasClass(a))return d = a, !1 }); return d } var n = b.fn.val, g = {}, q = {}, u = {}; b.classVal = function (a, b, d, l) { "string" === typeof a && "boolean" === typeof l && (b && (g[a] = b), d && (q[a] = d), u[a] = l) }; b.fn.val = function () { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), e, d; return a.length ? this.each(function () { (e = h(!0, this)) ? (d = u[e] ? b(this) : this, d[q[e]].apply(this, a)) : n.apply(b(this), a) }) : (e = h(!1, this)) ? (d = u[e] ? this : this[0], d[g[e]].apply(d)) : n.apply(this) } })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto); /* $.Link (part of noUiSlider) - WTFPL */ (function (b) { function h(a, b, d) { if ((a[b] || a[d]) && a[b] === a[d])throw Error("(Link) '" + b + "' can't match '" + d + "'.'"); } function n(a) { void 0 === a && (a = {}); if ("object" !== typeof a)throw Error("(Format) 'format' option must be an object."); var e = {}; b(q).each(function (b, l) { if (void 0 === a[l])e[l] = u[b]; else if (typeof a[l] === typeof u[b]) { if ("decimals" === l && (0 > a[l] || 7 < a[l]))throw Error("(Format) 'format.decimals' option must be between 0 and 7."); e[l] = a[l] } else throw Error("(Format) 'format." + l + "' must be a " + typeof u[b] + "."); }); h(e, "mark", "thousand"); h(e, "prefix", "negative"); h(e, "prefix", "negativeBefore"); this.r = e } function g(a, e) { "object" !== typeof a && b.error("(Link) Initialize with an object."); return new g.prototype.p(a.target || function () { }, a.method, a.format || {}, e) } var q = "decimals mark thousand prefix postfix encoder decoder negative negativeBefore to from".split(" "), u = [2, ".", "", "", "", function (a) { return a }, function (a) { return a }, "-", "", function (a) { return a }, function (a) { return a }]; n.prototype.a = function (a) { return this.r[a] }; n.prototype.L = function (a) { function b(a) { return a.split("").reverse().join("") } a = this.a("encoder")(a); var d = this.a("decimals"), l = "", g = "", h = "", n = ""; 0 === parseFloat(a.toFixed(d)) && (a = "0"); 0 > a && (l = this.a("negative"), g = this.a("negativeBefore")); a = Math.abs(a).toFixed(d).toString(); a = a.split("."); this.a("thousand") ? (h = b(a[0]).match(/.{1,3}/g), h = b(h.join(b(this.a("thousand"))))) : h = a[0]; this.a("mark") && 1 < a.length && (n = this.a("mark") + a[1]); return this.a("to")(g + this.a("prefix") + l + h + n + this.a("postfix")) }; n.prototype.w = function (a) { function b(a) { return a.replace(/[\-\/\\\^$*+?.()|\[\]{}]/g, "\\$&") } var d; if (null === a || void 0 === a)return!1; a = this.a("from")(a); a = a.toString(); d = a.replace(RegExp("^" + b(this.a("negativeBefore"))), ""); a !== d ? (a = d, d = "-") : d = ""; a = a.replace(RegExp("^" + b(this.a("prefix"))), ""); this.a("negative") && (d = "", a = a.replace(RegExp("^" + b(this.a("negative"))), "-")); a = a.replace(RegExp(b(this.a("postfix")) + "$"), "").replace(RegExp(b(this.a("thousand")), "g"), "").replace(this.a("mark"), "."); a = this.a("decoder")(parseFloat(d + a)); return isNaN(a) ? !1 : a }; g.prototype.K = function (a, e) { this.method = e || "html"; this.j = b(a.replace("-tooltip-", "") || "<div/>")[0] }; g.prototype.H = function (a) { this.method = "val"; this.j = document.createElement("input"); this.j.name = a; this.j.type = "hidden" }; g.prototype.G = function (a) { function e(a, b) { return[b ? null : a, b ? a : null] } var d = this; this.method = "val"; this.target = a.on("change", function (a) { d.B.val(e(b(a.target).val(), d.t), {link: d, set: !0}) }) }; g.prototype.p = function (a, e, d, g) { this.g = d; this.update = !g; if ("string" === typeof a && 0 === a.indexOf("-tooltip-"))this.K(a, e); else if ("string" === typeof a && 0 !== a.indexOf("-"))this.H(a); else if ("function" === typeof a)this.target = !1, this.method = a; else { if (a instanceof b || b.zepto && b.zepto.isZ(a)) { if (!e) { if (a.is("input, select, textarea")) { this.G(a); return } e = "html" } if ("function" === typeof e || "string" === typeof e && a[e]) { this.method = e; this.target = a; return } } throw new RangeError("(Link) Invalid Link."); } }; g.prototype.write = function (a, b, d, g) { if (!this.update || !1 !== g)if (this.u = a, this.F = a = this.format(a), "function" === typeof this.method)this.method.call(this.target[0] || d[0], a, b, d); else this.target[this.method](a, b, d) }; g.prototype.q = function (a) { this.g = new n(b.extend({}, a, this.g instanceof n ? this.g.r : this.g)) }; g.prototype.J = function (a) { this.B = a }; g.prototype.I = function (a) { this.t = a }; g.prototype.format = function (a) { return this.g.L(a) }; g.prototype.A = function (a) { return this.g.w(a) }; g.prototype.p.prototype = g.prototype; b.Link = g })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto); /* $.fn.noUiSlider - WTFPL - refreshless.com/nouislider/ */ (function (b) { function h(a) { return"number" === typeof a && !isNaN(a) && isFinite(a) } function n(a) { return b.isArray(a) ? a : [a] } function g(a, c) { a.addClass(c); setTimeout(function () { a.removeClass(c) }, 300) } function q(a, c) { return 100 * c / (a[1] - a[0]) } function u(a, c) { if (c >= a.d.slice(-1)[0])return 100; for (var b = 1, f, d, e; c >= a.d[b];)b++; f = a.d[b - 1]; d = a.d[b]; e = a.c[b - 1]; f = [f, d]; return e + q(f, 0 > f[0] ? c + Math.abs(f[0]) : c - f[0]) / (100 / (a.c[b] - e)) } function a(a, c) { if (100 <= c)return a.d.slice(-1)[0]; for (var b = 1, f, d, e; c >= a.c[b];)b++; f = a.d[b - 1]; d = a.d[b]; e = a.c[b - 1]; f = [f, d]; return 100 / (a.c[b] - e) * (c - e) * (f[1] - f[0]) / 100 + f[0] } function e(a, c) { for (var b = 1, f; c >= a.c[b];)b++; if (a.m)return f = a.c[b - 1], b = a.c[b], c - f > (b - f) / 2 ? b : f; a.h[b - 1] ? (f = a.h[b - 1], b = a.c[b - 1] + Math.round((c - a.c[b - 1]) / f) * f) : b = c; return b } function d(a, c) { if (!h(c))throw Error("noUiSlider: 'step' is not numeric."); a.h[0] = c } function l(a, c) { if ("object" !== typeof c || b.isArray(c))throw Error("noUiSlider: 'range' is not an object."); b.each(c, function (c, f) { var d; "number" === typeof f && (f = [f]); if (!b.isArray(f))throw Error("noUiSlider: 'range' contains invalid value."); d = "min" === c ? 0 : "max" === c ? 100 : parseFloat(c); if (!h(d) || !h(f[0]))throw Error("noUiSlider: 'range' value isn't numeric."); a.c.push(d); a.d.push(f[0]); d ? a.h.push(isNaN(f[1]) ? !1 : f[1]) : isNaN(f[1]) || (a.h[0] = f[1]) }); b.each(a.h, function (c, b) { if (!b)return!0; a.h[c] = q([a.d[c], a.d[c + 1]], b) / (100 / (a.c[c + 1] - a.c[c])) }) } function z(a, c) { "number" === typeof c && (c = [c]); if (!b.isArray(c) || !c.length || 2 < c.length)throw Error("noUiSlider: 'start' option is incorrect."); a.b = c.length; a.start = c } function A(a, c) { a.m = c; if ("boolean" !== typeof c)throw Error("noUiSlider: 'snap' option must be a boolean."); } function B(a, c) { if ("lower" === c && 1 === a.b)a.i = 1; else if ("upper" === c && 1 === a.b)a.i = 2; else if (!0 === c && 2 === a.b)a.i = 3; else if (!1 === c)a.i = 0; else throw Error("noUiSlider: 'connect' option doesn't match handle count."); } function y(a, c) { switch (c) { case "horizontal": a.k = 0; break; case "vertical": a.k = 1; break; default: throw Error("noUiSlider: 'orientation' option is invalid."); } } function I(a, c) { if (2 < a.c.length)throw Error("noUiSlider: 'margin' option is only supported on linear sliders."); a.margin = q(a.d, c); if (!h(c))throw Error("noUiSlider: 'margin' option must be numeric."); } function J(a, c) { switch (c) { case "ltr": a.dir = 0; break; case "rtl": a.dir = 1; a.i = [0, 2, 1, 3][a.i]; break; default: throw Error("noUiSlider: 'direction' option was not recognized."); } } function K(a, c) { if ("string" !== typeof c)throw Error("noUiSlider: 'behaviour' must be a string containing options."); var b = 0 <= c.indexOf("snap"); a.n = {s: 0 <= c.indexOf("tap") || b, extend: 0 <= c.indexOf("extend"), v: 0 <= c.indexOf("drag"), fixed: 0 <= c.indexOf("fixed"), m: b} } function L(a, c, d) { a.o = [c.lower, c.upper]; a.g = c.format; b.each(a.o, function (a, e) { if (!b.isArray(e))throw Error("noUiSlider: 'serialization." + (a ? "upper" : "lower") + "' must be an array."); b.each(e, function () { if (!(this instanceof b.Link))throw Error("noUiSlider: 'serialization." + (a ? "upper" : "lower") + "' can only contain Link instances."); this.I(a); this.J(d); this.q(c.format) }) }); a.dir && 1 < a.b && a.o.reverse() } function M(a, c) { var e = {c: [], d: [], h: [!1], margin: 0}, f; f = {step: {e: !1, f: d}, range: {e: !0, f: l}, start: {e: !0, f: z}, snap: {e: !1, f: A}, connect: {e: !0, f: B}, orientation: {e: !1, f: y}, margin: {e: !1, f: I}, direction: {e: !0, f: J}, behaviour: {e: !0, f: K}, serialization: {e: !0, f: L}}; a = b.extend({connect: !1, direction: "ltr", behaviour: "tap", orientation: "horizontal"}, a); a.serialization = b.extend({lower: [], upper: [], format: {}}, a.serialization); b.each(f, function (b, d) { if (void 0 === a[b]) { if (d.e)throw Error("noUiSlider: '" + b + "' is required."); return!0 } d.f(e, a[b], c) }); e.style = e.k ? "top" : "left"; return e } function N(a, c) { var d = b("<div><div/></div>").addClass(k[2]), f = ["-lower", "-upper"]; a.dir && f.reverse(); d.children().addClass(k[3] + " " + k[3] + f[c]); return d } function O(a, c) { c.j && (c = new b.Link({target: b(c.j).clone().appendTo(a), method: c.method, format: c.g}, !0)); return c } function P(a, c) { var d, f = []; for (d = 0; d < a.b; d++) { var e = f, g = d, k = a.o[d], h = c[d].children(), l = a.g, n = void 0, q = [], n = new b.Link({}, !0); n.q(l); q.push(n); for (n = 0; n < k.length; n++)q.push(O(h, k[n])); e[g] = q } return f } function Q(a, c, b) { switch (a) { case 1: c.addClass(k[7]); b[0].addClass(k[6]); break; case 3: b[1].addClass(k[6]); case 2: b[0].addClass(k[7]); case 0: c.addClass(k[6]) } } function R(a, b) { var d, f = []; for (d = 0; d < a.b; d++)f.push(N(a, d).appendTo(b)); return f } function S(a, c) { c.addClass([k[0], k[8 + a.dir], k[4 + a.k]].join(" ")); return b("<div/>").appendTo(c).addClass(k[1]) } function T(d, c, h) { function f() { return r[["width", "height"][c.k]]() } function l(a) { var b, c = [s.val()]; for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++)s.trigger(a[b], c) } function q(d, p, f) { var g = d[0] !== m[0][0] ? 1 : 0, H = v[0] + c.margin, l = v[1] - c.margin; f && 1 < m.length && (p = g ? Math.max(p, H) : Math.min(p, l)); 100 > p && (p = e(c, p)); p = Math.max(Math.min(parseFloat(p.toFixed(7)), 100), 0); if (p === v[g])return 1 === m.length ? !1 : p === H || p === l ? 0 : !1; d.css(c.style, p + "%"); d.is(":first-child") && d.toggleClass(k[17], 50 < p); v[g] = p; c.dir && (p = 100 - p); b(w[g]).each(function () { this.write(a(c, p), d.children(), s) }); return!0 } function G(a, b, c) { c || g(s, k[14]); q(a, b, !1); l(["slide", "set", "change"]) } function t(a, b, d, f) { a = a.replace(/\s/g, ".nui ") + ".nui"; b.on(a, function (a) { var b = s.attr("disabled"); if (s.hasClass(k[14]) || void 0 !== b && null !== b)return!1; a.preventDefault(); var b = 0 === a.type.indexOf("touch"), p = 0 === a.type.indexOf("mouse"), e = 0 === a.type.indexOf("pointer"), D, g, l = a; 0 === a.type.indexOf("MSPointer") && (e = !0); a.originalEvent && (a = a.originalEvent); b && (D = a.changedTouches[0].pageX, g = a.changedTouches[0].pageY); if (p || e)e || void 0 !== window.pageXOffset || (window.pageXOffset = document.documentElement.scrollLeft, window.pageYOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop), D = a.clientX + window.pageXOffset, g = a.clientY + window.pageYOffset; l.C = [D, g]; l.cursor = p; a = l; a.l = a.C[c.k]; d(a, f) }) } function y(a, b) { var c = b.b || m, d, e = !1, e = 100 * (a.l - b.start) / f(), g = c[0][0] !== m[0][0] ? 1 : 0; var k = b.D; d = e + k[0]; e += k[1]; 1 < c.length ? (0 > d && (e += Math.abs(d)), 100 < e && (d -= e - 100), d = [Math.max(Math.min(d, 100), 0), Math.max(Math.min(e, 100), 0)]) : d = [d, e]; e = q(c[0], d[g], 1 === c.length); 1 < c.length && (e = q(c[1], d[g ? 0 : 1], !1) || e); e && l(["slide"]) } function z(a) { b("." + k[15]).removeClass(k[15]); a.cursor && b("body").css("cursor", "").off(".nui"); E.off(".nui"); s.removeClass(k[12]); l(["set", "change"]) } function C(a, c) { 1 === c.b.length && c.b[0].children().addClass(k[15]); a.stopPropagation(); t(x.move, E, y, {start: a.l, b: c.b, D: [v[0], v[m.length - 1]]}); t(x.end, E, z, null); a.cursor && (b("body").css("cursor", b(a.target).css("cursor")), 1 < m.length && s.addClass(k[12]), b("body").on("selectstart.nui", !1)) } function A(a) { var d = a.l, e = 0; a.stopPropagation(); b.each(m, function () { e += this.offset()[c.style] }); e = d < e / 2 || 1 === m.length ? 0 : 1; d -= r.offset()[c.style]; d = 100 * d / f(); G(m[e], d, c.n.m); c.n.m && C(a, {b: [m[e]]}) } function B(a) { var b = (a = a.l < r.offset()[c.style]) ? 0 : 100; a = a ? 0 : m.length - 1; G(m[a], b, !1) } var s = b(d), v = [-1, -1], r, w, m; if (s.hasClass(k[0]))throw Error("Slider was already initialized."); r = S(c, s); m = R(c, r); w = P(c, m); Q(c.i, s, m); (function (a) { var b; if (!a.fixed)for (b = 0; b < m.length; b++)t(x.start, m[b].children(), C, {b: [m[b]]}); a.s && t(x.start, r, A, {b: m}); a.extend && (s.addClass(k[16]), a.s && t(x.start, s, B, {b: m})); a.v && (b = r.find("." + k[7]).addClass(k[10]), a.fixed && (b = b.add(r.children().not(b).children())), t(x.start, b, C, {b: m})) })(c.n); d.vSet = function () { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), d, e, f, h, r, F, t = n(a[0]); "object" === typeof a[1] ? (d = a[1].set, e = a[1].link, f = a[1].update, h = a[1].animate) : !0 === a[1] && (d = !0); c.dir && 1 < c.b && t.reverse(); h && g(s, k[14]); a = 1 < m.length ? 3 : 1; 1 === t.length && (a = 1); for (r = 0; r < a; r++)h = e || w[r % 2][0], h = h.A(t[r % 2]), !1 !== h && (h = u(c, h), c.dir && (h = 100 - h), !0 !== q(m[r % 2], h, !0) && b(w[r % 2]).each(function (a) { if (!a)return F = this.u, !0; this.write(F, m[r % 2].children(), s, f) })); !0 === d && l(["set"]); return this }; d.vGet = function () { var a, b = []; for (a = 0; a < c.b; a++)b[a] = w[a][0].F; return 1 === b.length ? b[0] : c.dir ? b.reverse() : b }; d.destroy = function () { b.each(w, function () { b.each(this, function () { this.target && this.target.off(".nui") }) }); b(this).off(".nui").removeClass(k.join(" ")).empty(); return h }; s.val(c.start) } function U(a) { if (!this.length)throw Error("noUiSlider: Can't initialize slider on empty selection."); var b = M(a, this); return this.each(function () { T(this, b, a) }) } function V(a) { return this.each(function () { var c = b(this).val(), d = this.destroy(), e = b.extend({}, d, a); b(this).noUiSlider(e); d.start === e.start && b(this).val(c) }) } var E = b(document), x = window.navigator.pointerEnabled ? {start: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove", end: "pointerup"} : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? {start: "MSPointerDown", move: "MSPointerMove", end: "MSPointerUp"} : {start: "mousedown touchstart", move: "mousemove touchmove", end: "mouseup touchend"}, k = "noUi-target noUi-base noUi-origin noUi-handle noUi-horizontal noUi-vertical noUi-background noUi-connect noUi-ltr noUi-rtl noUi-dragable noUi-state-drag noUi-state-tap noUi-active noUi-extended noUi-stacking".split(" "); b.noUiSlider = {Link: b.Link}; b.fn.noUiSlider = function (a, b) { return(b ? V : U).call(this, a) }; b.classVal(k[0], "vGet", "vSet", !1) })(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);