Direktori : /home/tjamichg/portal.tjamich.gob.mx/adminit2018/assets/js/pages/ |
Current File : /home/tjamichg/portal.tjamich.gob.mx/adminit2018/assets/js/pages/base_comp_charts.js |
/* * Document : base_comp_charts.js * Author : pixelcave * Description: Custom JS code used in Charts Page */ var BaseCompCharts = function() { // Chart.js Charts, for more examples you can check out http://www.chartjs.org/docs var initChartsChartJS = function () { // Get Chart Containers var $chartLinesCon = jQuery('.js-chartjs-lines')[0].getContext('2d'); var $chartBarsCon = jQuery('.js-chartjs-bars')[0].getContext('2d'); var $chartRadarCon = jQuery('.js-chartjs-radar')[0].getContext('2d'); var $chartPolarCon = jQuery('.js-chartjs-polar')[0].getContext('2d'); var $chartPieCon = jQuery('.js-chartjs-pie')[0].getContext('2d'); var $chartDonutCon = jQuery('.js-chartjs-donut')[0].getContext('2d'); // Set Chart and Chart Data variables var $chartLines, $chartBars, $chartRadar, $chartPolar, $chartPie, $chartDonut; var $chartLinesBarsRadarData, $chartPolarPieDonutData; // Set global chart options var $globalOptions = { scaleFontFamily: "'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", scaleFontColor: '#999', scaleFontStyle: '600', tooltipTitleFontFamily: "'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", tooltipCornerRadius: 3, maintainAspectRatio: false, responsive: true }; // Lines/Bar/Radar Chart Data var $chartLinesBarsRadarData = { labels: ['MON', 'TUE', 'WED', 'THU', 'FRI', 'SAT', 'SUN'], datasets: [ { label: 'Last Week', fillColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,.3)', strokeColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)', pointColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)', pointStrokeColor: '#fff', pointHighlightFill: '#fff', pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)', data: [30, 32, 40, 45, 43, 38, 55] }, { label: 'This Week', fillColor: 'rgba(171, 227, 125, .3)', strokeColor: 'rgba(171, 227, 125, 1)', pointColor: 'rgba(171, 227, 125, 1)', pointStrokeColor: '#fff', pointHighlightFill: '#fff', pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(171, 227, 125, 1)', data: [15, 16, 20, 25, 23, 25, 32] } ] }; // Polar/Pie/Donut Data var $chartPolarPieDonutData = [ { value: 56, color: 'rgba(171, 227, 125, 1)', highlight: 'rgba(171, 227, 125, .75)', label: 'Earnings' }, { value: 22, color: 'rgba(250, 219, 125, 1)', highlight: 'rgba(250, 219, 125, .75)', label: 'Sales' }, { value: 22, color: 'rgba(117, 176, 235, 1)', highlight: 'rgba(117, 176, 235, .75)', label: 'Tickets' } ]; // Init Charts $chartLines = new Chart($chartLinesCon).Line($chartLinesBarsRadarData, $globalOptions); $chartBars = new Chart($chartBarsCon).Bar($chartLinesBarsRadarData, $globalOptions); $chartRadar = new Chart($chartRadarCon).Radar($chartLinesBarsRadarData, $globalOptions); $chartPolar = new Chart($chartPolarCon).PolarArea($chartPolarPieDonutData, $globalOptions); $chartPie = new Chart($chartPieCon).Pie($chartPolarPieDonutData, $globalOptions); $chartDonut = new Chart($chartDonutCon).Doughnut($chartPolarPieDonutData, $globalOptions); }; // jQuery Sparkline Charts, for more examples you can check out http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/#s-docs var initChartsSparkline = function(){ // Bar Charts var $barOptions = { type: 'bar', barWidth: 8, barSpacing: 6, height: '70px', barColor: '#fadb7d', tooltipPrefix: '', tooltipSuffix: ' Tickets', tooltipFormat: '{{prefix}}{{value}}{{suffix}}' }; jQuery('.js-slc-bar1').sparkline('html', $barOptions); $barOptions['barColor'] = '#abe37d'; $barOptions['tooltipPrefix'] = '$ '; $barOptions['tooltipSuffix'] = ''; jQuery('.js-slc-bar2').sparkline('html', $barOptions); $barOptions['barColor'] = '#faad7d'; $barOptions['tooltipPrefix'] = ''; $barOptions['tooltipSuffix'] = ' Sales'; jQuery('.js-slc-bar3').sparkline('html', $barOptions); // Line Charts var $lineOptions = { type: 'line', width: '120px', height: '70px', tooltipOffsetX: -25, tooltipOffsetY: 20, lineColor: '#fadb7d', fillColor: '#fadb7d', spotColor: '#777777', minSpotColor: '#777777', maxSpotColor: '#777777', highlightSpotColor: '#777777', highlightLineColor: '#777777', spotRadius: 2, tooltipPrefix: '', tooltipSuffix: ' Tickets', tooltipFormat: '{{prefix}}{{y}}{{suffix}}' }; jQuery('.js-slc-line1').sparkline('html', $lineOptions); $lineOptions['lineColor'] = '#abe37d'; $lineOptions['fillColor'] = '#abe37d'; $lineOptions['tooltipPrefix'] = '$ '; $lineOptions['tooltipSuffix'] = ''; jQuery('.js-slc-line2').sparkline('html', $lineOptions); $lineOptions['lineColor'] = '#faad7d'; $lineOptions['fillColor'] = '#faad7d'; $lineOptions['tooltipPrefix'] = ''; $lineOptions['tooltipSuffix'] = ' Sales'; jQuery('.js-slc-line3').sparkline('html', $lineOptions); // Pie Charts var $pieCharts = { type: 'pie', width: '50px', height: '50px', sliceColors: ['#fadb7d','#faad7d', '#75b0eb','#abe37d'], tooltipPrefix: '', tooltipSuffix: ' Tickets', tooltipFormat: '{{prefix}}{{value}}{{suffix}}' }; jQuery('.js-slc-pie1').sparkline('html', $pieCharts); $pieCharts['tooltipPrefix'] = '$ '; $pieCharts['tooltipSuffix'] = ''; jQuery('.js-slc-pie2').sparkline('html', $pieCharts); $pieCharts['tooltipPrefix'] = ''; $pieCharts['tooltipSuffix'] = ' Sales'; jQuery('.js-slc-pie3').sparkline('html', $pieCharts); // Tristate Charts var $tristateOptions = { type: 'tristate', barWidth: 8, barSpacing: 6, height: '80px', posBarColor: '#abe37d', negBarColor: '#faad7d' }; jQuery('.js-slc-tristate1').sparkline('html', $tristateOptions); jQuery('.js-slc-tristate2').sparkline('html', $tristateOptions); jQuery('.js-slc-tristate3').sparkline('html', $tristateOptions); }; // Randomize Easy Pie Chart values var initRandomEasyPieChart = function(){ jQuery('.js-pie-randomize').on('click', function(){ jQuery(this) .parents('.block') .find('.pie-chart') .each(function() { var $random = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); jQuery(this) .data('easyPieChart') .update($random); }); }); }; // Flot charts, for more examples you can check out http://www.flotcharts.org/flot/examples/ var initChartsFlot = function(){ // Get the elements where we will attach the charts var $flotLines = jQuery('.js-flot-lines'); var $flotStacked = jQuery('.js-flot-stacked'); var $flotLive = jQuery('.js-flot-live'); var $flotPie = jQuery('.js-flot-pie'); var $flotBars = jQuery('.js-flot-bars'); // Demo Data var $dataEarnings = [[1, 2500], [2, 2300], [3, 3200], [4, 2500], [5, 4500], [6, 2800], [7, 3900], [8, 3100], [9, 4600], [10, 3200], [11, 4200], [12, 5700]]; var $dataSales = [[1, 1100], [2, 700], [3, 1300], [4, 900], [5, 1900], [6, 950], [7, 1700], [8, 1250], [9, 1800], [10, 1300], [11, 1750], [12, 2900]]; var $dataSalesBefore = [[1, 500], [4, 390], [7, 1000], [10, 600], [13, 800], [16, 1050], [19, 1200], [22, 750], [25, 980], [28, 900], [31, 1350], [34, 1200]]; var $dataSalesAfter = [[2, 650], [5, 600], [8, 1400], [11, 900], [14, 1300], [17, 1200], [20, 1420], [23, 1650], [26, 1300], [29, 1120], [32, 1550], [35, 1650]]; var $dataMonths = [[1, 'Jan'], [2, 'Feb'], [3, 'Mar'], [4, 'Apr'], [5, 'May'], [6, 'Jun'], [7, 'Jul'], [8, 'Aug'], [9, 'Sep'], [10, 'Oct'], [11, 'Nov'], [12, 'Dec']]; var $dataMonthsBars = [[2, 'Jan'], [5, 'Feb'], [8, 'Mar'], [11, 'Apr'], [14, 'May'], [17, 'Jun'], [20, 'Jul'], [23, 'Aug'], [26, 'Sep'], [29, 'Oct'], [32, 'Nov'], [35, 'Dec']]; // Init lines chart jQuery.plot($flotLines, [ { label: 'Earnings', data: $dataEarnings, lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [{opacity: .7}, {opacity: .7}] } }, points: { show: true, radius: 6 } }, { label: 'Sales', data: $dataSales, lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [{opacity: .5}, {opacity: .5}] } }, points: { show: true, radius: 6 } } ], { colors: ['#abe37d', '#333333'], legend: { show: true, position: 'nw', backgroundOpacity: 0 }, grid: { borderWidth: 0, hoverable: true, clickable: true }, yaxis: { tickColor: '#ffffff', ticks: 3 }, xaxis: { ticks: $dataMonths, tickColor: '#f5f5f5' } } ); // Creating and attaching a tooltip to the classic chart var previousPoint = null, ttlabel = null; $flotLines.bind('plothover', function(event, pos, item) { if (item) { if (previousPoint !== item.dataIndex) { previousPoint = item.dataIndex; jQuery('.js-flot-tooltip').remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0], y = item.datapoint[1]; if (item.seriesIndex === 0) { ttlabel = '$ <strong>' + y + '</strong>'; } else if (item.seriesIndex === 1) { ttlabel = '<strong>' + y + '</strong> sales'; } else { ttlabel = '<strong>' + y + '</strong> tickets'; } jQuery('<div class="js-flot-tooltip flot-tooltip">' + ttlabel + '</div>') .css({top: item.pageY - 45, left: item.pageX + 5}).appendTo("body").show(); } } else { jQuery('.js-flot-tooltip').remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); // Stacked Chart jQuery.plot($flotStacked, [ { label: 'Sales', data: $dataSales }, { label: 'Earnings', data: $dataEarnings } ], { colors: ['#faad7d', '#fadb7d'], series: { stack: true, lines: { show: true, fill: true } }, lines: {show: true, lineWidth: 0, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [{opacity: 1}, {opacity: 1}] } }, legend: { show: true, position: 'nw', sorted: true, backgroundOpacity: 0 }, grid: { borderWidth: 0 }, yaxis: { tickColor: '#ffffff', ticks: 3 }, xaxis: { ticks: $dataMonths, tickColor: '#f5f5f5' } } ); // Live Chart var $dataLive = []; function getRandomData() { // Random data generator if ($dataLive.length > 0) $dataLive = $dataLive.slice(1); while ($dataLive.length < 300) { var prev = $dataLive.length > 0 ? $dataLive[$dataLive.length - 1] : 50; var y = prev + Math.random() * 10 - 5; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > 100) y = 100; $dataLive.push(y); } var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < $dataLive.length; ++i) res.push([i, $dataLive[i]]); // Show live chart info jQuery('.js-flot-live-info').html(y.toFixed(0) + '%'); return res; } function updateChartLive() { // Update live chart $chartLive.setData([getRandomData()]); $chartLive.draw(); setTimeout(updateChartLive, 70); } var $chartLive = jQuery.plot($flotLive, // Init live chart [{ data: getRandomData() }], { series: { shadowSize: 0 }, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 2, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [{opacity: .2}, {opacity: .2}] } }, colors: ['#75b0eb'], grid: { borderWidth: 0, color: '#aaaaaa' }, yaxis: { show: true, min: 0, max: 110 }, xaxis: { show: false } } ); updateChartLive(); // Start getting new data // Bars Chart jQuery.plot($flotBars, [ { label: 'Sales Before', data: $dataSalesBefore, bars: { show: true, lineWidth: 0, fillColor: { colors: [{opacity: 1}, {opacity: 1}] } } }, { label: 'Sales After', data: $dataSalesAfter, bars: { show: true, lineWidth: 0, fillColor: { colors: [{opacity: 1}, {opacity: 1}] } } } ], { colors: ['#faad7d', '#fadb7d'], legend: { show: true, position: 'nw', backgroundOpacity: 0 }, grid: { borderWidth: 0 }, yaxis: { ticks: 3, tickColor: '#f5f5f5' }, xaxis: { ticks: $dataMonthsBars, tickColor: '#f5f5f5' } } ); // Pie Chart jQuery.plot($flotPie, [ { label: 'Sales', data: 22 }, { label: 'Tickets', data: 22 }, { label: 'Earnings', data: 56 } ], { colors: ['#fadb7d', '#75b0eb', '#abe37d'], legend: {show: false}, series: { pie: { show: true, radius: 1, label: { show: true, radius: 2/3, formatter: function(label, pieSeries) { return '<div class="flot-pie-label">' + label + '<br>' + Math.round(pieSeries.percent) + '%</div>'; }, background: { opacity: .75, color: '#000000' } } } } } ); }; return { init: function () { // Init all charts initChartsChartJS(); initChartsSparkline(); initChartsFlot(); // Randomize Easy Pie values functionality initRandomEasyPieChart(); } }; }(); // Initialize when page loads jQuery(function(){ BaseCompCharts.init(); });