Direktori : /home/tjamichg/portal.tjamich.gob.mx/js/ |
Current File : /home/tjamichg/portal.tjamich.gob.mx/js/theme.js |
/* Name: Theme Base Written by: Okler Themes - (http://www.okler.net) Theme Version: 7.1.0 */ // Theme window.theme = {}; // Theme Common Functions window.theme.fn = { getOptions: function(opts) { if (typeof(opts) == 'object') { return opts; } else if (typeof(opts) == 'string') { try { return JSON.parse(opts.replace(/'/g,'"').replace(';','')); } catch(e) { return {}; } } else { return {}; } } }; // Animate (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__animate'; var PluginAnimate = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginAnimate.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -80, delay: 100, duration: '750ms' }; PluginAnimate.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginAnimate.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this; if($('body').hasClass('loading-overlay-showing')) { $(window).on('loading.overlay.ready', function(){ self.animate(); }); } else { self.animate(); } return this; }, animate: function() { var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, delay = 0, duration = this.options.duration, elTopDistance = $el.offset().top, windowTopDistance = $(window).scrollTop(); $el.addClass('appear-animation animated'); if (!$('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions') && $(window).width() > 767 && elTopDistance >= windowTopDistance) { $el.appear(function() { $el.one('animation:show', function(ev) { delay = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') ? $el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') : self.options.delay); duration = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-duration') ? $el.attr('data-appear-animation-duration') : self.options.duration); if (duration != '750ms') { $el.css('animation-duration', duration); } $el.css('animation-delay', delay + 'ms'); $el.addClass($el.attr('data-appear-animation') + ' appear-animation-visible'); }); $el.trigger('animation:show'); }, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY }); } else { $el.addClass('appear-animation-visible'); } return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginAnimate: PluginAnimate }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginAnimate = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginAnimate($this, opts); } }); }; }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Carousel (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__carousel'; var PluginCarousel = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginCarousel.defaults = { loop: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 479: { items: 1 }, 768: { items: 2 }, 979: { items: 3 }, 1199: { items: 4 } }, navText: [] }; PluginCarousel.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginCarousel.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.owlCarousel))) { return this; } var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper; // Add Theme Class $el.addClass('owl-theme'); // Add Loading $el.addClass('owl-loading'); // Force RTL according to HTML dir attribute if ($('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl') { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, { rtl: true }); } if (this.options.items == 1) { this.options.responsive = {} } if (this.options.items > 4) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, { responsive: { 1199: { items: this.options.items } } }); } // Auto Height Fixes if (this.options.autoHeight) { var itemsHeight = []; $el.find('.owl-item').each(function(){ if( $(this).hasClass('active') ) { itemsHeight.push( $(this).height() ); } }); $(window).afterResize(function() { $el.find('.owl-stage-outer').height( Math.max.apply(null, itemsHeight) ); }); $(window).on('load', function() { $el.find('.owl-stage-outer').height( Math.max.apply(null, itemsHeight) ); }); } // Initialize OwlCarousel $el.owlCarousel(this.options).addClass('owl-carousel-init'); // Sync if ($el.attr('data-sync')) { $el.on('change.owl.carousel', function(event) { if (event.namespace && event.property.name === 'position') { var target = event.relatedTarget.relative(event.property.value, true); $( $el.data('sync') ).owlCarousel('to', target, 300, true); } }); } // Carousel Center Active Item if( $el.hasClass('carousel-center-active-item') ) { var itemsActive = $el.find('.owl-item.active'), indexCenter = Math.floor( ($el.find('.owl-item.active').length - 1) / 2 ), itemCenter = itemsActive.eq(indexCenter); itemCenter.addClass('current'); $el.on('change.owl.carousel', function(event) { $el.find('.owl-item').removeClass('current'); setTimeout(function(){ var itemsActive = $el.find('.owl-item.active'), itemCenter = itemsActive.eq(indexCenter); itemCenter.addClass('current'); }, 100); }); // Refresh $el.trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } // Remove Loading $el.removeClass('owl-loading'); // Remove Height $el.css('height', 'auto'); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginCarousel: PluginCarousel }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginCarousel = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginCarousel($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Chart Circular (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__chartCircular'; var PluginChartCircular = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginChartCircular.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -150, delay: 1, barColor: '#0088CC', trackColor: '#f2f2f2', scaleColor: false, scaleLength: 5, lineCap: 'round', lineWidth: 13, size: 175, rotate: 0, animate: ({ duration: 2500, enabled: true }) }; PluginChartCircular.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginChartCircular.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.appear)) || !($.isFunction($.fn.easyPieChart))) { return this; } var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, value = ($el.attr('data-percent') ? $el.attr('data-percent') : 0), percentEl = $el.find('.percent'); $.extend(true, self.options, { onStep: function(from, to, currentValue) { percentEl.html(parseInt(currentValue)); } }); $el.attr('data-percent', 0); $el.appear(function() { $el.easyPieChart(self.options); setTimeout(function() { $el.data('easyPieChart').update(value); $el.attr('data-percent', value); }, self.options.delay); }, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginChartCircular: PluginChartCircular }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginChartCircular = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginChartCircular($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Countdown (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__countdown'; var PluginCountdown = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginCountdown.defaults = { date: '2030/06/10 12:00:00', textDay: 'DAY', textHour: 'HRS', textMin: 'MIN', textSec: 'SEC', uppercase: true, numberClass: '', wrapperClass: '', insertHTMLbefore: '', insertHTMLafter: '' }; PluginCountdown.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginCountdown.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.countTo))) { return this; } var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, numberClass = ( self.options.numberClass ) ? ' ' + self.options.numberClass : '', wrapperClass = ( self.options.wrapperClass ) ? ' ' + self.options.wrapperClass : ''; if( self.options.uppercase ) { $el.countdown(self.options.date).on('update.countdown', function(event) { var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(self.options.insertHTMLbefore + '<span class="days'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%D</span> '+ self.options.textDay +'<div class="d-inline text-uppercase">%!d</div></span> ' + '<span class="hours'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%H</span> '+ self.options.textHour +'</span> ' + '<span class="minutes'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%M</span> '+ self.options.textMin +'</span> ' + '<span class="seconds'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%S</span> '+ self.options.textSec +'</span> ' + self.options.insertHTMLafter )); }); } else { $el.countdown(self.options.date).on('update.countdown', function(event) { var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(self.options.insertHTMLbefore + '<span class="days'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%D</span> '+ self.options.textDay +'%!d</span> ' + '<span class="hours'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%H</span> '+ self.options.textHour +'</span> ' + '<span class="minutes'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%M</span> '+ self.options.textMin +'</span> ' + '<span class="seconds'+ wrapperClass +'"><span class="'+ numberClass +'">%S</span> '+ self.options.textSec +'</span> ' + self.options.insertHTMLafter )); }); } return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginCountdown: PluginCountdown }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginCountdown = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginCountdown($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Counter (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__counter'; var PluginCounter = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginCounter.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: 0, speed: 3000, refreshInterval: 100, decimals: 0, onUpdate: null, onComplete: null }; PluginCounter.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginCounter.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.countTo))) { return this; } var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper; $.extend(self.options, { onComplete: function() { if ($el.data('append')) { $el.html($el.html() + $el.data('append')); } if ($el.data('prepend')) { $el.html($el.data('prepend') + $el.html()); } } }); $el.appear(function() { $el.countTo(self.options); }, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginCounter: PluginCounter }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginCounter = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginCounter($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Icon (function(theme, $) { 'use strict'; theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__icon'; var PluginIcon = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginIcon.defaults = { color: '#2388ED', animated: false, delay: 300 }; PluginIcon.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginIcon.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, color = self.options.color, elTopDistance = $el.offset().top, windowTopDistance = $(window).scrollTop(), duration = ( self.options.animated && !self.options.strokeBased ) ? 200 : 100; // Check origin if( window.location.origin === 'file://' ) { $el.css('opacity', 1); return; } // Duration if( self.options.duration ) { duration = self.options.duration; } // SVG Content var SVGContent = $.get({ url: $el.attr('src'), success: function(data, status, xhr){ var iconWrapper = $('<div class="animated-icon">'+ xhr.responseText +'</div>'), uniqid = 'icon_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + Date.now(); iconWrapper.find('svg').attr('id', uniqid); $el.replaceWith(iconWrapper); $el = iconWrapper; var icon = new Vivus(uniqid, {start: 'manual', type: 'sync', selfDestroy: true, duration: duration, onReady: function(obj){ var styleElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "style"), animateStyle = ''; // SVG Fill Based if( self.options.animated && !self.options.strokeBased || !self.options.animated && color && !self.options.strokeBased ) { animateStyle = 'stroke-width: 0.1px; fill-opacity: 0; transition: ease fill-opacity 300ms;'; // Set Style on SVG inside object styleElement.textContent = '#' + uniqid + ' path, #' + uniqid + ' line, #' + uniqid + ' rect, #' + uniqid + ' circle, #' + uniqid + ' polyline { fill: '+ color +'; stroke: '+ color +'; '+ animateStyle + (self.options.svgStyle ? self.options.svgStyle : "") + ' } .finished path { fill-opacity: 1; }'; obj.el.appendChild(styleElement); } // SVG Stroke Based if( self.options.animated && self.options.strokeBased || !self.options.animated && color && self.options.strokeBased ) { // Set Style on SVG inside object styleElement.textContent = '#' + uniqid + ' path, #' + uniqid + ' line, #' + uniqid + ' rect, #' + uniqid + ' circle, #' + uniqid + ' polyline { stroke: '+ color +'; ' + (self.options.svgStyle ? self.options.svgStyle : "") + '}'; obj.el.appendChild(styleElement); } $.event.trigger('theme.plugin.icon.svg.ready'); }}); // Isn't animated if( !self.options.animated ) { setTimeout(function(){ icon.finish(); }, 10); $el.css({ opacity: 1 }); } // Animated if( self.options.animated && $(window).width() > 767 ) { // First Load if( $el.visible( true ) ) { self.startIconAnimation( icon, $el ); } else if( elTopDistance < windowTopDistance ) { self.startIconAnimation( icon, $el ); } // On Scroll $(window).on('scroll', function(){ if( $el.visible( true ) ) { self.startIconAnimation( icon, $el ); } }); } else { $el.css({ opacity: 1 }); icon.finish(); $(window).on('theme.plugin.icon.svg.ready', function(){ setTimeout(function(){ icon.el.setAttribute('class', 'finished'); icon.finish(); }, 300); }); } } }); return this; }, startIconAnimation: function(icon, $el) { var self = this; // Animate for better performance $({to:0}).animate({to:1}, ((self.options.strokeBased) ? self.options.delay : self.options.delay + 300 ), function() { $el.css({ opacity: 1 }); }); $({to:0}).animate({to:1}, self.options.delay, function() { icon.play(1); setTimeout(function(){ icon.el.setAttribute('class', 'finished'); }, icon.duration * 5 ); }); } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginIcon: PluginIcon }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginIcon = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginIcon($this, opts); } }); }; }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Lazy Load (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__lazyload'; var PluginLazyLoad = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginLazyLoad.defaults = { effect: 'show', appearEffect: '', appear: function(elements_left, settings) { }, load: function(elements_left, settings) { $(this).addClass($.trim('lazy-load-loaded ' + settings.appearEffect)); } }; PluginLazyLoad.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginLazyLoad.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.lazyload))) { return this; } var self = this; self.options.wrapper.lazyload(this.options); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginLazyLoad: PluginLazyLoad }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginLazyLoad = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginLazyLoad($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Lightbox (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__lightbox'; var PluginLightbox = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginLightbox.defaults = { tClose: 'Close (Esc)', // Alt text on close button tLoading: 'Loading...', // Text that is displayed during loading. Can contain %curr% and %total% keys gallery: { tPrev: 'Previous (Left arrow key)', // Alt text on left arrow tNext: 'Next (Right arrow key)', // Alt text on right arrow tCounter: '%curr% of %total%' // Markup for "1 of 7" counter }, image: { tError: '<a href="%url%">The image</a> could not be loaded.' // Error message when image could not be loaded }, ajax: { tError: '<a href="%url%">The content</a> could not be loaded.' // Error message when ajax request failed }, callbacks: { open: function() { $('html').addClass('lightbox-opened'); }, close: function() { $('html').removeClass('lightbox-opened'); } } }; PluginLightbox.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginLightbox.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.magnificPopup))) { return this; } this.options.wrapper.magnificPopup(this.options); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginLightbox: PluginLightbox }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginLightbox = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginLightbox($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Loading Overlay (function(theme, $) { 'use strict'; theme = theme || {}; var loadingOverlayTemplate = [ '<div class="loading-overlay">', '<div class="bounce-loader"><div class="bounce1"></div><div class="bounce2"></div><div class="bounce3"></div></div>', '</div>' ].join(''); var LoadingOverlay = function( $wrapper, options ) { return this.initialize( $wrapper, options ); }; LoadingOverlay.prototype = { options: { css: {}, hideDelay: 500 }, initialize: function( $wrapper, options ) { this.$wrapper = $wrapper; this .setVars() .setOptions( options ) .build() .events(); this.$wrapper.data( 'loadingOverlay', this ); }, setVars: function() { this.$overlay = this.$wrapper.find('.loading-overlay'); return this; }, setOptions: function( options ) { if ( !this.$overlay.get(0) ) { this.matchProperties(); } this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, options, theme.fn.getOptions(this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options')) ); this.loaderClass = this.getLoaderClass( this.options.css.backgroundColor ); return this; }, build: function() { if ( !this.$overlay.closest(document.documentElement).get(0) ) { if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) { this.$overlay = $( loadingOverlayTemplate ).clone(); if ( this.options.css ) { this.$overlay.css( this.options.css ); this.$overlay.find( '.loader' ).addClass( this.loaderClass ); } } else { this.$overlay = this.$cachedOverlay.clone(); } this.$wrapper.append( this.$overlay ); } if ( !this.$cachedOverlay ) { this.$cachedOverlay = this.$overlay.clone(); } return this; }, events: function() { var _self = this; if ( this.options.startShowing ) { _self.show(); } if ( this.$wrapper.is('body') || this.options.hideOnWindowLoad ) { $( window ).on( 'load error', function() { _self.hide(); }); } if ( this.options.listenOn ) { $( this.options.listenOn ) .on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.show(); }) .on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.hide(); }); } this.$wrapper .on( 'loading-overlay:show beforeSend.ic', function( e ) { if ( e.target === _self.$wrapper.get(0) ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.show(); return true; } return false; }) .on( 'loading-overlay:hide complete.ic', function( e ) { if ( e.target === _self.$wrapper.get(0) ) { e.stopPropagation(); _self.hide(); return true; } return false; }); return this; }, show: function() { this.build(); this.position = this.$wrapper.css( 'position' ).toLowerCase(); if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) { this.$wrapper.css({ position: 'relative' }); } this.$wrapper.addClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' ); }, hide: function() { var _self = this; setTimeout(function() { _self.$wrapper.removeClass( 'loading-overlay-showing' ); if ( this.position != 'relative' || this.position != 'absolute' || this.position != 'fixed' ) { _self.$wrapper.css({ position: '' }); } $(window).trigger('loading.overlay.ready'); }, _self.options.hideDelay); }, matchProperties: function() { var i, l, properties; properties = [ 'backgroundColor', 'borderRadius' ]; l = properties.length; for( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { var obj = {}; obj[ properties[ i ] ] = this.$wrapper.css( properties[ i ] ); $.extend( this.options.css, obj ); } }, getLoaderClass: function( backgroundColor ) { if ( !backgroundColor || backgroundColor === 'transparent' || backgroundColor === 'inherit' ) { return 'black'; } var hexColor, r, g, b, yiq; var colorToHex = function( color ){ var hex, rgb; if( color.indexOf('#') >- 1 ){ hex = color.replace('#', ''); } else { rgb = color.match(/\d+/g); hex = ('0' + parseInt(rgb[0], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0' + parseInt(rgb[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2); } if ( hex.length === 3 ) { hex = hex + hex; } return hex; }; hexColor = colorToHex( backgroundColor ); r = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 0, 2), 16 ); g = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 2, 2), 16 ); b = parseInt( hexColor.substr( 4, 2), 16 ); yiq = ((r * 299) + (g * 587) + (b * 114)) / 1000; return ( yiq >= 128 ) ? 'black' : 'white'; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { LoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlay }); // expose as a jquery plugin $.fn.loadingOverlay = function( opts ) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $( this ); var loadingOverlay = $this.data( 'loadingOverlay' ); if ( loadingOverlay ) { return loadingOverlay; } else { var options = opts || $this.data( 'loading-overlay-options' ) || {}; return new LoadingOverlay( $this, options ); } }); } // auto init $('[data-loading-overlay]').loadingOverlay(); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Masonry (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__masonry'; var PluginMasonry = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginMasonry.defaults = { }; PluginMasonry.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginMasonry.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.isotope))) { return this; } var self = this, $window = $(window); self.$loader = false; if (self.options.wrapper.parents('.masonry-loader').get(0)) { self.$loader = self.options.wrapper.parents('.masonry-loader'); self.createLoader(); } self.options.wrapper.one('layoutComplete', function(event, laidOutItems) { self.removeLoader(); }); self.options.wrapper.waitForImages(function() { self.options.wrapper.isotope(self.options); }); // IE10/11 fix if( $('html').hasClass('ie10') || $('html').hasClass('ie11') ) { var padding = parseInt( self.options.wrapper.children().css('padding-left') ) + parseInt( self.options.wrapper.children().css('padding-right') ); } $(window).on('resize', function() { setTimeout(function() { self.options.wrapper.isotope('layout'); }, 300); }); setTimeout(function() { self.removeLoader(); }, 3000); return this; }, createLoader: function() { var self = this; var loaderTemplate = [ '<div class="bounce-loader">', '<div class="bounce1"></div>', '<div class="bounce2"></div>', '<div class="bounce3"></div>', '</div>' ].join(''); self.$loader.append(loaderTemplate); return this; }, removeLoader: function() { var self = this; if (self.$loader) { self.$loader.removeClass('masonry-loader-showing'); setTimeout(function() { self.$loader.addClass('masonry-loader-loaded'); }, 300); } } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMasonry: PluginMasonry }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMasonry = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMasonry($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Match Height (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__matchHeight'; var PluginMatchHeight = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginMatchHeight.defaults = { byRow: true, property: 'height', target: null, remove: false }; PluginMatchHeight.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginMatchHeight.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.matchHeight))) { return this; } var self = this; self.options.wrapper.matchHeight(self.options); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginMatchHeight: PluginMatchHeight }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginMatchHeight = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginMatchHeight($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Parallax (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__parallax'; var PluginParallax = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginParallax.defaults = { speed: 1.5, horizontalPosition: '50%', offset: 0, parallaxHeight: '180%' }; PluginParallax.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginParallax.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $window = $(window), offset, yPos, bgpos, background; // Create Parallax Element background = $('<div class="parallax-background"></div>'); // Set Style for Parallax Element background.css({ 'background-image' : 'url(' + self.options.wrapper.data('image-src') + ')', 'background-size' : 'cover', 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'width' : '100%', 'height' : self.options.parallaxHeight }); // Add Parallax Element on DOM self.options.wrapper.prepend(background); // Set Overlfow Hidden and Position Relative to Parallax Wrapper self.options.wrapper.css({ 'position' : 'relative', 'overflow' : 'hidden' }); // Parallax Effect on Scroll & Resize var parallaxEffectOnScrolResize = function() { $window.on('scroll resize', function() { offset = self.options.wrapper.offset(); yPos = -($window.scrollTop() - (offset.top - 100)) / ((self.options.speed + 2 )); plxPos = (yPos < 0) ? Math.abs(yPos) : -Math.abs(yPos); background.css({ 'transform' : 'translate3d(0, '+ ( (plxPos - 50) + (self.options.offset) ) +'px, 0)', 'background-position-x' : self.options.horizontalPosition }); }); $window.trigger('scroll'); } if (!$.browser.mobile) { parallaxEffectOnScrolResize(); } else { if( self.options.enableOnMobile == true ) { parallaxEffectOnScrolResize(); } else { self.options.wrapper.addClass('parallax-disabled'); } } return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginParallax: PluginParallax }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginParallax = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginParallax($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Progress Bar (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__progressBar'; var PluginProgressBar = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginProgressBar.defaults = { accX: 0, accY: -50, delay: 1 }; PluginProgressBar.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginProgressBar.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.appear))) { return this; } var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper, delay = 1; $el.appear(function() { delay = ($el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') ? $el.attr('data-appear-animation-delay') : self.options.delay); $el.addClass($el.attr('data-appear-animation')); setTimeout(function() { $el.animate({ width: $el.attr('data-appear-progress-animation') }, 1500, 'easeOutQuad', function() { $el.find('.progress-bar-tooltip').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500, 'easeOutQuad'); }); }, delay); }, { accX: self.options.accX, accY: self.options.accY }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginProgressBar: PluginProgressBar }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginProgressBar = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginProgressBar($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Revolution Slider (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__revolution'; var PluginRevolutionSlider = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginRevolutionSlider.defaults = { sliderType: 'standard', sliderLayout: 'fullwidth', delay: 9000, gridwidth: 1170, gridheight: 500, spinner: 'spinner3', disableProgressBar: 'on', parallax: { type: 'off', bgparallax: 'off' }, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: 'off', keyboard_direction: 'horizontal', mouseScrollNavigation: 'off', onHoverStop: 'off', touch: { touchenabled: 'on', swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: 'horizontal', drag_block_vertical: false }, arrows: { enable: true, hide_onmobile: false, hide_under: 0, hide_onleave: true, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, left: { h_align: 'left', v_align: 'center', h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 }, right: { h_align: 'right', v_align: 'center', h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 } } }, /* ADDONS */ addOnTypewriter: { enable: false }, addOnWhiteboard: { enable: false, }, whiteboard: { movehand: { src: '../vendor/rs-plugin/revolution-addons/whiteboard/assets/images/hand_point_right.png', width: 400, height: 1000, handtype: 'right', transform: { transformX: 50, transformY: 50 }, jittering: { distance: '80', distance_horizontal: '100', repeat: '5', offset: '10', offset_horizontal: '0' }, rotation: { angle: '10', repeat: '3' } }, writehand: { src: '../vendor/rs-plugin/revolution-addons/whiteboard/assets/images/write_right_angle.png', width: 572, height: 691, handtype: 'right', transform: { transformX: 50, transformY: 50 }, jittering: { distance: '80', distance_horizontal: '100', repeat: '5', offset: '10', offset_horizontal: '0' }, rotation:{ angle: '10', repeat: '3' } } }, addOnParticles: { enable: false }, particles: { startSlide: "first", endSlide: "last", zIndex: "1", particles: { number: {value: 80}, color: {value: "#ffffff"}, shape: { type: "circle", stroke: {width: 0, color: "#ffffff", opacity: 1}, image: {src: ""} }, opacity: {value: 0.5, random: true, min: 0.25, anim: {enable: false, speed: 3, opacity_min: 0, sync: false}}, size: {value: 2, random: false, min: 30, anim: {enable: false, speed: 40, size_min: 1, sync: false}}, line_linked: {enable: true, distance: 150, color: "#ffffff", opacity: 0.4, width: 1}, move: {enable: true, speed: 6, direction: "none", random: true, min_speed: 6, straight: false, out_mode: "out"} }, interactivity: { events: {onhover: {enable: false, mode: "repulse"}, onclick: {enable: false, mode: "repulse"}}, modes: {grab: {distance: 400, line_linked: {opacity: 0.5}}, bubble: {distance: 400, size: 40, opacity: 0.4}, repulse: {distance: 200}} } }, addOnCountdown: { enable: false, targetdate: new Date().getTime() + 864000000, // http://www.freeformatter.com/epoch-timestamp-to-date-converter.html slidechanges: [{days: 0, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, slide: 2}] }, addOnSlicey: { enable: false }, addOnFilmstrip: { enable: false }, addOnBeforeAfter : { enable: false, options: { cursor: "move", carousel: false, arrowStyles: { leftIcon: "fa-icon-caret-left", rightIcon: "fa-icon-caret-right", topIcon: "fa-icon-caret-up", bottomIcon: "fa-icon-caret-down", size: "35", color: "#ffffff", spacing: "10", bgColor: "transparent", padding: "0", borderRadius: "0" }, dividerStyles: { width: "1", color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)" } } }, addOnPanorama: { enable: false }, addOnRevealer: { enable: false, }, revealer: { direction: "open_horizontal", color: "#ffffff", duration: "1500", delay: "0", easing: "Power2.easeInOut", overlay_enabled: true, overlay_color: "#000000", overlay_duration: "1500", overlay_delay: "0", overlay_easing: "Power2.easeInOut", spinner: "1", spinnerColor: "#006dd2", spinnerHtml: "<div class='rsaddon-revealer-spinner rsaddon-revealer-spinner-1'><div class='rsaddon-revealer-1'><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><span style='background: {{color}}'><\/span><\/div><\/div \/>" }, addOnDuotone: { enable: false }, addOnBubblemorph: { enable: false }, addOnDistortion: { enable: false } }; PluginRevolutionSlider.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginRevolutionSlider.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.revolution))) { return this; } // Single Slider Class if(this.options.wrapper.find('> ul > li').length == 1) { this.options.wrapper.addClass('slider-single-slide'); // Remove Bullets // this.options.navigation.bullets.enable = false; $.extend(this.options.navigation, { bullets: { enable: false } }); } // Full Screen Class if(this.options.sliderLayout == 'fullscreen') { this.options.wrapper.closest('.slider-container').addClass('fullscreen-slider'); } // Initialize Revolution Slider this.options.wrapper.revolution(this.options); // Addon Init - Typewriter if(this.options.addOnTypewriter.enable) { RsTypewriterAddOn($, this.options.wrapper); } // Addon Init - Whiteboard if(this.options.addOnWhiteboard.enable) { this.options.wrapper.rsWhiteBoard(); } // Addon Init - Particles if(this.options.addOnParticles.enable) { RsParticlesAddOn(this.options.wrapper); } // Addon Init - Countdown if(this.options.addOnCountdown.enable) { tp_countdown(this.options.wrapper, this.options.addOnCountdown.targetdate, this.options.addOnCountdown.slidechanges); } // Addon Init - Slicey if(this.options.addOnSlicey.enable) { this.options.wrapper.revSliderSlicey(); } // Addon Init - Filmstrip if(this.options.addOnFilmstrip.enable) { RsFilmstripAddOn($, this.options.wrapper, '../vendor/rs-plugin/revolution-addons/filmstrip/', false); } // Addon Init - Before After if(this.options.addOnBeforeAfter.enable) { RevSliderBeforeAfter($, this.options.wrapper, this.options.addOnBeforeAfter.options); } // Addon Init - Panorama if(this.options.addOnPanorama.enable) { RsAddonPanorama($, this.options.wrapper); } // Addon Init - Revealer if(this.options.addOnRevealer.enable) { RsRevealerAddOn($, this.options.wrapper, this.options.revealer.spinnerHtml); } // Addon Init - Duotone if(this.options.addOnDuotone.enable) { RsAddonDuotone($, this.options.wrapper, true, "cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000)", "1000"); } // Addon Init - Bubblemorph if(this.options.addOnBubblemorph.enable) { BubbleMorphAddOn($, this.options.wrapper, false); } // Addon Init - Distortion if(this.options.addOnDistortion.enable) { RsLiquideffectAddOn($, this.options.wrapper); } return this; }, events: function() { return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginRevolutionSlider: PluginRevolutionSlider }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginRevolutionSlider = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginRevolutionSlider($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Scroll to Top (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; $.extend(theme, { PluginScrollToTop: { defaults: { wrapper: $('body'), offset: 150, buttonClass: 'scroll-to-top', iconClass: 'fas fa-chevron-up', delay: 1000, visibleMobile: false, label: false, easing: 'easeOutBack' }, initialize: function(opts) { initialized = true; // Don't initialize if the page has Section Scroll if( $('body[data-plugin-section-scroll]').get(0) ) { return; } this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $el; // Base HTML Markup $el = $('<a />') .addClass(self.options.buttonClass) .attr({ 'href': '#', }) .append( $('<i />') .addClass(self.options.iconClass) ); // Visible Mobile if (!self.options.visibleMobile) { $el.addClass('hidden-mobile'); } // Label if (self.options.label) { $el.append( $('<span />').html(self.options.label) ); } this.options.wrapper.append($el); this.$el = $el; return this; }, events: function() { var self = this, _isScrolling = false; // Click Element Action self.$el.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, self.options.delay, self.options.easing); return false; }); // Show/Hide Button on Window Scroll event. $(window).scroll(function() { if (!_isScrolling) { _isScrolling = true; if ($(window).scrollTop() > self.options.offset) { self.$el.stop(true, true).addClass('visible'); _isScrolling = false; } else { self.$el.stop(true, true).removeClass('visible'); _isScrolling = false; } } }); return this; } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Scrollable (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__scrollable'; var PluginScrollable = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginScrollable.updateModals = function() { PluginScrollable.updateBootstrapModal(); }; PluginScrollable.updateBootstrapModal = function() { var updateBoostrapModal; updateBoostrapModal = typeof $.fn.modal !== 'undefined'; updateBoostrapModal = updateBoostrapModal && typeof $.fn.modal.Constructor !== 'undefined'; updateBoostrapModal = updateBoostrapModal && typeof $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype !== 'undefined'; updateBoostrapModal = updateBoostrapModal && typeof $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus !== 'undefined'; if ( !updateBoostrapModal ) { return false; } var originalFocus = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus; $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function() { originalFocus.apply( this ); var $scrollable = this.$element.find('.scrollable'); if ( $scrollable ) { if ( $.isFunction($.fn['themePluginScrollable']) ) { $scrollable.themePluginScrollable(); } if ( $.isFunction($.fn['nanoScroller']) ) { $scrollable.nanoScroller(); } } }; }; PluginScrollable.defaults = { contentClass: 'scrollable-content', paneClass: 'scrollable-pane', sliderClass: 'scrollable-slider', alwaysVisible: true, preventPageScrolling: true }; PluginScrollable.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginScrollable.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { this.options.wrapper.nanoScroller(this.options); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginScrollable: PluginScrollable }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginScrollable = function(opts) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginScrollable($this, opts); } }); }; $(function() { PluginScrollable.updateModals(); }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Section Scroll (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__sectionScroll'; var PluginSectionScroll = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginSectionScroll.defaults = { targetClass: '.section', dotsNav: true, changeHeaderLogo: true, headerLogoDark: 'img/logo-default-slim.png', headerLogoLight: 'img/logo-default-slim-dark.png' }; PluginSectionScroll.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginSectionScroll.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $el = this.options.wrapper; // Check type of header and change the target for header (by change header color purpose) if( $('html').hasClass('side-header-overlay-full-screen') ) { self.$header = $('.sticky-wrapper'); } else { self.$header = $('#header'); } // Turn the section full height or not depeding on the content size self.updateSectionsHeight(); // Wrap all sections in a section wrapper $( this.options.targetClass ).wrap('<div class="section-wrapper"></div>'); // Set the section wrapper height $('.section-wrapper').each(function(){ $(this).height( $(this).find('.section-scroll').outerHeight() ); }); // Add active class to the first section on page load $('.section-wrapper').first().addClass('active'); var flag = false, scrollableFlag = false, touchDirection = '', touchstartY = 0, touchendY = 0; $(window).on('touchstart', function(event) { touchstartY = event.changedTouches[0].screenY; }); var wheelEvent = 'onwheel' in document ? 'wheel' : document.onmousewheel !== undefined ? 'mousewheel' : 'DOMMouseScroll'; if( $(window).width() < 992 ) { wheelEvent = 'onwheel' in document ? 'wheel touchend' : document.onmousewheel !== undefined ? 'mousewheel touchend' : 'DOMMouseScroll touchend'; } $(window).on(wheelEvent, function(e){ if( $(window).width() < 992 ) { if( $(e.target).closest('.section-scroll-dots-navigation').get(0) || $(e.target).closest('.header-body').get(0) || $(e.target).closest('.owl-carousel').get(0) ) { return; } } // Side Header Overlay Full Screen if( $('html.side-header-overlay-full-screen.side-header-hide').get(0) ) { return; } var wheelDirection = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta == undefined ? e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 : e.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0; if( $(window).width() < 992 ) { touchendY = event.changedTouches[0].screenY; if( touchendY <= touchstartY ) { touchDirection = 'up'; } if( touchendY >= touchstartY ) { touchDirection = 'down'; } if( touchendY == touchstartY ) { return; } } var $currentSection = $('.section-wrapper').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() ).find('.section-scroll'), $nextSection = self.getNextSection(wheelDirection, touchDirection); if( $(window).width() < 992 ) { setTimeout(function(){ if( $('.section-wrapper').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() ).find('.section-scroll').hasClass('section-scroll-scrollable') ) { $('html').removeClass('overflow-hidden'); } else { $('html').addClass('overflow-hidden'); } }, 1200); } // For non full height sections if( $currentSection.hasClass('section-scroll-scrollable') ) { if( !flag && !scrollableFlag ) { // Scroll Direction if(wheelDirection || touchDirection == 'up') { if( ( $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() ) >= $nextSection.offset().top ) { flag = true; setTimeout(function(){ $(window).trigger('section.scroll.change.header.color'); setTimeout(function(){ flag = false; }, 500); }, 1000); if( self.getCurrentIndex() == ( $('.section-wrapper').length - 1 ) ) { return false; } // Move to the next section self.moveTo( $currentSection.offset().top + $currentSection.outerHeight() ); // Change Section Active Class self.changeSectionActiveState( $nextSection ); self.$header.css({ opacity: 0, transition: 'ease opacity 500ms' }); } if( $(window).width() > 991 ) { for( var i = 1; i < 100; i++ ) { $('body, html').scrollTop( $(window).scrollTop() + 1 ); if( ( $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() ) >= $nextSection.offset().top ) { scrollableFlag = true; setTimeout(function(){ $(window).trigger('section.scroll.change.header.color'); scrollableFlag = false; }, 500); break; } } } } else { if( $(window).scrollTop() <= $currentSection.offset().top ) { flag = true; setTimeout(function(){ $(window).trigger('section.scroll.change.header.color'); setTimeout(function(){ flag = false; }, 500); }, 1000); if( self.getCurrentIndex() == 0 ) { return false; } // Move to the next section self.moveTo( $currentSection.offset().top - $(window).height() ); // Change Section Active Class self.changeSectionActiveState( $nextSection ); self.$header.css({ opacity: 0, transition: 'ease opacity 500ms' }); } if( $(window).width() > 991 ) { for( var i = 1; i < 100; i++ ) { $('body, html').scrollTop( $(window).scrollTop() - 1 ); if( $(window).scrollTop() <= $currentSection.offset().top ) { scrollableFlag = true; setTimeout(function(){ $(window).trigger('section.scroll.change.header.color'); scrollableFlag = false; }, 500); break; } } } } // Change Dots Active Class self.changeDotsActiveState(); return; } } // For full height sections if( !flag && !scrollableFlag ) { if(wheelDirection || touchDirection == 'up') { if( self.getCurrentIndex() == ( $('.section-wrapper').length - 1 ) ) { return false; } // Change Section Active Class self.changeSectionActiveState( $nextSection ); setTimeout(function(){ // Move to the next section self.moveTo( $nextSection.offset().top ); }, 150); } else { if( self.getCurrentIndex() == 0 ) { return false; } // Change Section Active Class self.changeSectionActiveState( $nextSection ); if( $nextSection.height() > $(window).height() ) { // Move to the next section self.moveTo( $currentSection.offset().top - $(window).height() ); } else { setTimeout(function(){ // Move to the next section self.moveTo( $nextSection.offset().top ); }, 150); } } // Change Dots Active Class self.changeDotsActiveState(); self.$header.css({ opacity: 0, transition: 'ease opacity 500ms' }); // Style next section $nextSection.css({ position: 'relative', opacity: 1, 'z-index': 1, transform: 'translate3d(0,0,0) scale(1)' }); // Style previous section $currentSection.css({ position: 'fixed', width: '100%', top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 0, 'z-index': 0, transform: 'translate3d(0,0,-10px) scale(0.7)', transition: 'ease transform 600ms, ease opacity 600ms', }); setTimeout(function(){ $currentSection.css({ position: 'relative', opacity: 1, transform: 'translate3d(0,0,-10px) scale(1)' }); $(window).trigger('section.scroll.change.header.color'); setTimeout(function(){ flag = false; }, 500); }, 1000); flag = true; } return; }); // Dots Navigation if( this.options.dotsNav ) { self.dotsNavigation(); } // First Load setTimeout(function(){ if( $(window.location.hash).get(0) ) { self.moveTo( $(window.location.hash).parent().offset().top ); self.changeSectionActiveState( $(window.location.hash) ); // Change Dots Active Class self.changeDotsActiveState(); self.updateHash( true ); } else { var hash = window.location.hash, index = hash.replace('#',''); if( !hash ) { index = 1; } self.moveTo( $('.section-wrapper').eq( index - 1 ).offset().top ); self.changeSectionActiveState( $('.section-wrapper').eq( index - 1 ).find('.section-scroll') ); // Change Dots Active Class self.changeDotsActiveState(); self.updateHash( true ); } $(window).trigger('section.scroll.ready'); }, 500); return this; }, updateSectionsHeight: function() { var self = this; $('.section-scroll').each(function(){ if( $(this).outerHeight() < ( $(window).height() + 3 ) ) { $(this).css({ height: '100vh' }); } else { $(this).addClass('section-scroll-scrollable'); } }); return this; }, updateHash: function( first_load ){ var self = this; if( !window.location.hash ) { window.location.hash = 1; } else { if(!first_load) { var $section = $('.section-wrapper').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() ).find('.section-scroll'), section_id = $section.attr('id') ? $section.attr('id') : $section.parent().index() + 1; window.location.hash = section_id; } } return this; }, getCurrentIndex: function() { var self = this, currentIndex = 0; currentIndex = $('.section-wrapper.active').index(); return currentIndex; }, moveTo: function( $scrollTopValue, first_load ) { var self = this; $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: $scrollTopValue }, 1000, 'easeOutQuint'); setTimeout(function(){ self.updateHash(); }, 500); return this; }, getNextSection: function(wheelDirection, touchDirection) { var self = this, $nextSection = ''; // Scroll Direction if(wheelDirection || touchDirection == 'up') { $nextSection = $('.section-wrapper').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() + 1 ).find('.section-scroll'); } else { $nextSection = $('.section-wrapper').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() - 1 ).find('.section-scroll'); } return $nextSection; }, changeSectionActiveState: function( $nextSection ) { var self = this; $('.section-wrapper').removeClass('active'); $nextSection.parent().addClass('active'); return this; }, changeDotsActiveState: function() { var self = this; $('.section-scroll-dots-navigation > ul > li').removeClass('active'); $('.section-scroll-dots-navigation > ul > li').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() ).addClass('active'); return this; }, dotsNavigation: function() { var self = this; var dotsNav = $('<div class="section-scroll-dots-navigation"><ul class="list list-unstyled"></ul></div>'), currentSectionIndex = self.getCurrentIndex(); if( self.options.dotsClass ) { dotsNav.addClass( self.options.dotsClass ); } for( var i = 0; i < $('.section-scroll').length; i++ ) { var title = $('.section-wrapper').eq( i ).find('.section-scroll').data('section-scroll-title'); dotsNav.find('> ul').append( '<li'+ ( ( currentSectionIndex == i ) ? ' class="active"' : '' ) +'><a href="#'+ i +'" data-nav-id="'+ i +'"><span>'+ title +'</span></a></li>' ); } $('.body').append( dotsNav ); dotsNav.find('a[data-nav-id]').on('click touchstart', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); $('.section-scroll').css({ opacity: 0, transition: 'ease opacity 300ms' }); self.$header.css({ opacity: 0, transition: 'ease opacity 500ms' }); setTimeout(function(){ self.moveTo( $('.section-wrapper').eq( $this.data('nav-id') ).offset().top ) $('.section-wrapper').removeClass('active'); $('.section-wrapper').eq( $this.data('nav-id') ).addClass('active'); $('.section-wrapper').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() ).find('.section-scroll').css({ opacity: 1 }); setTimeout(function(){ $('.section-scroll').css({ opacity: 1 }); $(window).trigger('section.scroll.change.header.color'); }, 500); self.changeDotsActiveState(); }, 500); }); return this; }, events: function() { var self = this; $(window).on('section.scroll.ready', function(){ $(window).scrollTop(0); }); $(window).on('section.scroll.change.header.color', function(){ var headerColor = $('.section-wrapper').eq( self.getCurrentIndex() ).find('.section-scroll').data('section-scroll-header-color'); $('#header .header-nav').removeClass('header-nav-light-text header-nav-dark-text').addClass('header-nav-' + headerColor + '-text'); $('#header .header-nav-features').removeClass('header-nav-features-dark header-nav-features-light').addClass('header-nav-features-' + headerColor); $('#header .header-social-icons').removeClass('social-icons-icon-dark social-icons-icon-light').addClass('social-icons-icon-' + headerColor); // Change Logo if( self.options.changeHeaderLogo && headerColor != undefined ) { if( headerColor == 'light' ) { $('#header .header-logo img').attr('src', self.options.headerLogoLight); } else if( headerColor == 'dark' ) { $('#header .header-logo img').attr('src', self.options.headerLogoDark); } } self.$header.css({ opacity: 1 }); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $(window).afterResize(function(){ self.updateSectionsHeight(); }); }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSectionScroll: PluginSectionScroll }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSectionScroll = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSectionScroll($this, opts); } }); }; }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Sort (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__sort'; var PluginSort = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginSort.defaults = { useHash: true, itemSelector: '.isotope-item', layoutMode: 'masonry', filter: '*', hiddenStyle: { opacity: 0 }, visibleStyle: { opacity: 1 }, stagger: 30, isOriginLeft: ($('html').attr('dir') == 'rtl' ? false : true) }; PluginSort.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginSort.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.isotope))) { return this; } var self = this, $source = this.options.wrapper, $destination = $('.sort-destination[data-sort-id="' + $source.attr('data-sort-id') + '"]'), $window = $(window); if ($destination.get(0)) { self.$source = $source; self.$destination = $destination; self.$loader = false; self.setParagraphHeight($destination); if (self.$destination.parents('.sort-destination-loader').get(0)) { self.$loader = self.$destination.parents('.sort-destination-loader'); self.createLoader(); } $destination.attr('data-filter', '*'); $destination.one('layoutComplete', function(event, laidOutItems) { self.removeLoader(); }); // IE10/11 fix if( $('html').hasClass('ie10') || $('html').hasClass('ie11') ) { var padding = parseInt( self.options.wrapper.children().css('padding-left') ) + parseInt( self.options.wrapper.children().css('padding-right') ); } $destination.waitForImages(function() { $destination.isotope(self.options); self.events(); }); setTimeout(function() { self.removeLoader(); }, 3000); } return this; }, events: function() { var self = this, filter = null, $window = $(window); self.$source.find('a').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); filter = $(this).parent().data('option-value'); self.setFilter(filter); if (e.originalEvent) { self.$source.trigger('filtered'); } return this; }); self.$destination.trigger('filtered'); self.$source.trigger('filtered'); if (self.options.useHash) { self.hashEvents(); } $window.on('resize', function() { setTimeout(function() { self.$destination.isotope('layout'); }, 300); }); setTimeout(function() { $window.trigger('resize'); }, 300); return this; }, setFilter: function(filter) { var self = this, page = false, currentFilter = filter; self.$source.find('.active').removeClass('active'); self.$source.find('li[data-option-value="' + filter + '"], li[data-option-value="' + filter + '"] > a').addClass('active'); self.options.filter = currentFilter; if (self.$destination.attr('data-current-page')) { currentFilter = currentFilter + '[data-page-rel=' + self.$destination.attr('data-current-page') + ']'; } self.$destination.attr('data-filter', filter).isotope({ filter: currentFilter }).one('arrangeComplete', function( event, filteredItems ) { if (self.options.useHash) { if (window.location.hash != '' || self.options.filter.replace('.', '') != '*') { window.location.hash = self.options.filter.replace('.', ''); } } $(window).trigger('scroll'); }).trigger('filtered'); return this; }, hashEvents: function() { var self = this, hash = null, hashFilter = null, initHashFilter = '.' + location.hash.replace('#', ''); if (initHashFilter != '.' && initHashFilter != '.*') { self.setFilter(initHashFilter); } $(window).on('hashchange', function(e) { hashFilter = '.' + location.hash.replace('#', ''); hash = (hashFilter == '.' || hashFilter == '.*' ? '*' : hashFilter); self.setFilter(hash); }); return this; }, setParagraphHeight: function() { var self = this, minParagraphHeight = 0, paragraphs = $('span.thumb-info-caption p', self.$destination); paragraphs.each(function() { if ($(this).height() > minParagraphHeight) { minParagraphHeight = ($(this).height() + 10); } }); paragraphs.height(minParagraphHeight); return this; }, createLoader: function() { var self = this; var loaderTemplate = [ '<div class="bounce-loader">', '<div class="bounce1"></div>', '<div class="bounce2"></div>', '<div class="bounce3"></div>', '</div>' ].join(''); self.$loader.append(loaderTemplate); return this; }, removeLoader: function() { var self = this; if (self.$loader) { self.$loader.removeClass('sort-destination-loader-showing'); setTimeout(function() { self.$loader.addClass('sort-destination-loader-loaded'); }, 300); } } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSort: PluginSort }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSort = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSort($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Sticky (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__sticky'; var PluginSticky = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginSticky.defaults = { minWidth: 991, activeClass: 'sticky-active' }; PluginSticky.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ( $el.data( instanceName ) ) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginSticky.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.pin))) { return this; } var self = this, $window = $(window); self.options.wrapper.pin(self.options); if( self.options.wrapper.hasClass('sticky-wrapper-transparent') ) { self.options.wrapper.parent().addClass('position-absolute w-100'); } $window.afterResize(function() { self.options.wrapper.removeAttr('style').removeData('pin'); self.options.wrapper.pin(self.options); $window.trigger('scroll'); }); // Change Logo Src if( self.options.wrapper.find('img').attr('data-change-src') ) { var $logo = self.options.wrapper.find('img'), logoSrc = $logo.attr('src'), logoNewSrc = $logo.attr('data-change-src'); self.changeLogoSrc = function(activate) { if(activate) { $logo.attr('src', logoNewSrc); } else { $logo.attr('src', logoSrc); } } } return this; }, events: function() { var self = this, $window = $(window), $logo = self.options.wrapper.find('img'), sticky_activate_flag = true, sticky_deactivate_flag = false, class_to_check = ( self.options.wrapper.hasClass('sticky-wrapper-effect-1') ) ? 'sticky-effect-active' : 'sticky-active'; $window.on('scroll sticky.effect.active', function(){ if( self.options.wrapper.hasClass( class_to_check ) ) { if( sticky_activate_flag ) { if( $logo.attr('data-change-src') ) { self.changeLogoSrc(true); } sticky_activate_flag = false; sticky_deactivate_flag = true; } } else { if( sticky_deactivate_flag ) { if( $logo.attr('data-change-src') ) { self.changeLogoSrc(false); } sticky_deactivate_flag = false; sticky_activate_flag = true; } } }); var is_backing = false; if( self.options.stickyStartEffectAt ) { // First Load if( self.options.stickyStartEffectAt < $window.scrollTop() ) { self.options.wrapper.addClass('sticky-effect-active'); $window.trigger('sticky.effect.active'); } $window.on('scroll', function(){ if( self.options.stickyStartEffectAt < $window.scrollTop() ) { self.options.wrapper.addClass('sticky-effect-active'); is_backing = true; $window.trigger('sticky.effect.active'); } else { if( is_backing ) { self.options.wrapper.find('.sticky-body').addClass('position-fixed'); is_backing = false; } if( $window.scrollTop() == 0 ) { self.options.wrapper.find('.sticky-body').removeClass('position-fixed'); } self.options.wrapper.removeClass('sticky-effect-active'); } }); } } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginSticky: PluginSticky }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginSticky = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginSticky($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [ window.theme, jQuery ]); // Toggle (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__toggle'; var PluginToggle = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginToggle.defaults = { duration: 350, isAccordion: false }; PluginToggle.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginToggle.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $wrapper = this.options.wrapper, $items = $wrapper.find('> .toggle'), $el = null; $items.each(function() { $el = $(this); if ($el.hasClass('active')) { $el.find('> p').addClass('preview-active'); $el.find('> .toggle-content').slideDown(self.options.duration); } self.events($el); }); if (self.options.isAccordion) { self.options.duration = self.options.duration / 2; } return this; }, events: function($el) { var self = this, previewParCurrentHeight = 0, previewParAnimateHeight = 0, toggleContent = null; $el.find('> label').click(function(e) { var $this = $(this), parentSection = $this.parent(), parentWrapper = $this.parents('.toggle'), previewPar = null, closeElement = null; if (self.options.isAccordion && typeof(e.originalEvent) != 'undefined') { closeElement = parentWrapper.find('.toggle.active > label'); if (closeElement[0] == $this[0]) { return; } } parentSection.toggleClass('active'); // Preview Paragraph if (parentSection.find('> p').get(0)) { previewPar = parentSection.find('> p'); previewParCurrentHeight = previewPar.css('height'); previewPar.css('height', 'auto'); previewParAnimateHeight = previewPar.css('height'); previewPar.css('height', previewParCurrentHeight); } // Content toggleContent = parentSection.find('> .toggle-content'); if (parentSection.hasClass('active')) { $(previewPar).animate({ height: previewParAnimateHeight }, self.options.duration, function() { $(this).addClass('preview-active'); }); toggleContent.slideDown(self.options.duration, function() { if (closeElement) { closeElement.trigger('click'); } }); } else { $(previewPar).animate({ height: 0 }, self.options.duration, function() { $(this).removeClass('preview-active'); }); toggleContent.slideUp(self.options.duration); } }); } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginToggle: PluginToggle }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginToggle = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginToggle($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Tweets (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__tweets'; var PluginTweets = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginTweets.defaults = { username: null, count: 2, URL: 'php/twitter-feed.php' }; PluginTweets.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { if ($el.data(instanceName)) { return this; } this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginTweets.defaults, opts, { wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (this.options.username == null || this.options.username == '') { return this; } var self = this, $wrapper = this.options.wrapper; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', data: { twitter_screen_name: self.options.username, tweets_to_display: self.options.count }, url: self.options.URL, }).done(function(html) { $wrapper.html(html).find('a').attr('target','_blank'); }); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginTweets: PluginTweets }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginTweets = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginTweets($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Validation (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; $.extend(theme, { PluginValidation: { defaults: { validator: { highlight: function(element) { $(element) .parent() .removeClass('has-success') .addClass('has-danger'); }, success: function(element) { $(element) .parent() .removeClass('has-danger') .addClass('has-success') .find('label.error') .remove(); }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { if (element.attr('type') == 'radio' || element.attr('type') == 'checkbox') { error.appendTo(element.parent().parent()); } else { error.insertAfter(element); } } }, validateCaptchaURL: 'php/contact-form-verify-captcha.php', refreshCaptchaURL: 'php/contact-form-refresh-captcha.php' }, initialize: function(opts) { initialized = true; this .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this; if (!($.isFunction($.validator))) { return this; } self.addMethods(); self.setMessageGroups(); $.validator.setDefaults(self.options.validator); return this; }, addMethods: function() { var self = this; $.validator.addMethod('captcha', function(value, element, params) { var captchaValid = false; $.ajax({ url: self.options.validateCaptchaURL, type: 'POST', async: false, dataType: 'json', data: { captcha: $.trim(value) }, success: function(data) { if (data.response == 'success') { captchaValid = true; } } }); if (captchaValid) { return true; } }, ''); // Refresh Captcha $('#refreshCaptcha').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $.get(self.options.refreshCaptchaURL, function(url) { $('#captcha-image').attr('src', url); }); }); }, setMessageGroups: function() { $('.checkbox-group[data-msg-required], .radio-group[data-msg-required]').each(function() { var message = $(this).data('msg-required'); $(this).find('input').attr('data-msg-required', message); }); } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Video Background (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var instanceName = '__videobackground'; var PluginVideoBackground = function($el, opts) { return this.initialize($el, opts); }; PluginVideoBackground.defaults = { overlay: false, volume: 1, playbackRate: 1, muted: true, loop: true, autoplay: true, position: '50% 50%', posterType: 'detect' }; PluginVideoBackground.prototype = { initialize: function($el, opts) { this.$el = $el; this .setData() .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setData: function() { this.$el.data(instanceName, this); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, PluginVideoBackground.defaults, opts, { path: this.$el.data('video-path'), wrapper: this.$el }); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.vide)) || (!this.options.path)) { return this; } if (this.options.overlay) { var overlayClass = this.options.overlayClass; this.options.wrapper.prepend( $('<div />').addClass(overlayClass) ); } this.options.wrapper .vide(this.options.path, this.options) .first().css('z-index', 0); return this; } }; // expose to scope $.extend(theme, { PluginVideoBackground: PluginVideoBackground }); // jquery plugin $.fn.themePluginVideoBackground = function(opts) { return this.map(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data(instanceName)) { return $this.data(instanceName); } else { return new PluginVideoBackground($this, opts); } }); } }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Account (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; $.extend(theme, { Account: { defaults: { wrapper: $('#headerAccount') }, initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; } initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper); this .setOptions(opts) .events(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, theme.fn.getOptions(this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'))); return this; }, events: function() { var self = this; $(window).on('load', function(){ $(document).ready(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ self.$wrapper.find('input').on('focus', function() { self.$wrapper.addClass('open'); $(document).mouseup(function(e) { if (!self.$wrapper.is(e.target) && self.$wrapper.has(e.target).length === 0) { self.$wrapper.removeClass('open'); } }); }); }, 1500); }); }); $('#headerSignUp').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('signup').removeClass('signin').removeClass('recover'); self.$wrapper.find('.signup-form input:first').focus(); }); $('#headerSignIn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('signin').removeClass('signup').removeClass('recover'); self.$wrapper.find('.signin-form input:first').focus(); }); $('#headerRecover').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('recover').removeClass('signup').removeClass('signin'); self.$wrapper.find('.recover-form input:first').focus(); }); $('#headerRecoverCancel').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.$wrapper.addClass('signin').removeClass('signup').removeClass('recover'); self.$wrapper.find('.signin-form input:first').focus(); }); } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Nav (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; $.extend(theme, { Nav: { defaults: { wrapper: $('#mainNav'), scrollDelay: 600, scrollAnimation: 'easeOutQuad' }, initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; } initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper); this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, theme.fn.getOptions(this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'))); return this; }, build: function() { var self = this, $html = $('html'), $header = $('#header'), $headerNavMain = $('#header .header-nav-main'), thumbInfoPreview; // Preview Thumbs self.$wrapper.find('a[data-thumb-preview]').each(function() { thumbInfoPreview = $('<span />').addClass('thumb-info thumb-info-preview') .append($('<span />').addClass('thumb-info-wrapper') .append($('<span />').addClass('thumb-info-image').css('background-image', 'url(' + $(this).data('thumb-preview') + ')') ) ); $(this).append(thumbInfoPreview); }); // Side Header / Side Header Hamburguer Sidebar (Reverse Dropdown) if($html.hasClass('side-header') || $html.hasClass('side-header-hamburguer-sidebar')) { // Side Header Right / Side Header Hamburguer Sidebar Right if($html.hasClass('side-header-right') || $html.hasClass('side-header-hamburguer-sidebar-right')) { if(!$html.hasClass('side-header-right-no-reverse')) { $header.find('.dropdown-submenu').addClass('dropdown-reverse'); } } } else { // Reverse self.checkReverse = function() { self.$wrapper.find('.dropdown, .dropdown-submenu').removeClass('dropdown-reverse'); self.$wrapper.find('.dropdown:not(.manual):not(.dropdown-mega), .dropdown-submenu:not(.manual)').each(function() { if(!$(this).find('.dropdown-menu').visible( false, true, 'horizontal' ) ) { $(this).addClass('dropdown-reverse'); } }); } self.checkReverse(); $(window).on('resize', function() { self.checkReverse(); }); } // Clone Items if($headerNavMain.hasClass('header-nav-main-clone-items')) { $headerNavMain.find('nav > ul > li > a').each(function(){ var parent = $(this).parent(), clone = $(this).clone(), clone2 = $(this).clone(), wrapper = $('<span class="wrapper-items-cloned"></span>'); // Config Classes $(this).addClass('item-original'); clone2.addClass('item-two'); // Insert on DOM parent.prepend(wrapper); wrapper.append(clone).append(clone2); }); } // Floating if($('#header.header-floating-icons').get(0) && $(window).width() > 991) { var menuFloatingAnim = { $menuFloating: $('#header.header-floating-icons .header-container > .header-row'), build: function() { var self = this; self.init(); }, init: function(){ var self = this, divisor = 0; $(window).scroll(function() { var scrollPercent = 100 * $(window).scrollTop() / ($(document).height() - $(window).height()), st = $(this).scrollTop(); divisor = $(document).height() / $(window).height(); self.$menuFloating.find('.header-column > .header-row').css({ transform : 'translateY( calc('+ scrollPercent +'vh - '+ st / divisor +'px) )' }); }); } } menuFloatingAnim.build(); } // Slide if($('.header-nav-links-vertical-slide').get(0)) { var slideNavigation = { $mainNav: $('#mainNav'), $mainNavItem: $('#mainNav li'), build: function(){ var self = this; self.menuNav(); }, menuNav: function(){ var self = this; self.$mainNavItem.on('click', function(e){ var currentMenuItem = $(this), currentMenu = $(this).parent(), nextMenu = $(this).find('ul').first(), prevMenu = $(this).closest('.next-menu'), isSubMenu = currentMenuItem.hasClass('dropdown') || currentMenuItem.hasClass('dropdown-submenu'), isBack = currentMenuItem.hasClass('back-button'), nextMenuHeightDiff = ( ( nextMenu.find('> li').length * nextMenu.find('> li').outerHeight() ) - nextMenu.outerHeight() ), prevMenuHeightDiff = ( ( prevMenu.find('> li').length * prevMenu.find('> li').outerHeight() ) - prevMenu.outerHeight() ); if( isSubMenu ) { currentMenu.addClass('next-menu'); nextMenu.addClass('visible'); currentMenu.css({ overflow: 'visible', 'overflow-y': 'visible' }); if( nextMenuHeightDiff > 0 ) { nextMenu.css({ overflow: 'hidden', 'overflow-y': 'scroll' }); } for( i = 0; i < nextMenu.find('> li').length; i++ ) { if( nextMenu.outerHeight() < ($('.header-row-side-header').outerHeight() - 100) ) { nextMenu.css({ height: nextMenu.outerHeight() + nextMenu.find('> li').outerHeight() }); } } nextMenu.css({ 'padding-top': nextMenuHeightDiff + 'px' }); } if( isBack ) { currentMenu.parent().parent().removeClass('next-menu'); currentMenu.removeClass('visible'); if( prevMenuHeightDiff > 0 ) { prevMenu.css({ overflow: 'hidden', 'overflow-y': 'scroll' }); } } e.stopPropagation(); }); } } $(window).trigger('resize'); if( $(window).width() > 991 ) { slideNavigation.build(); } $(document).ready(function(){ $(window).afterResize(function(){ if( $(window).width() > 991 ) { slideNavigation.build(); } }); }); } // Header Nav Main Mobile Dark if($('.header-nav-main-mobile-dark').get(0)) { $('#header:not(.header-transparent-dark-bottom-border):not(.header-transparent-light-bottom-border)').addClass('header-no-border-bottom'); } return this; }, events: function() { var self = this, $html = $('html'), $header = $('#header'), $window = $(window), headerBodyHeight = $('.header-body').outerHeight(); $header.find('a[href="#"]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); // Mobile Arrows $header.find('.dropdown-toggle, .dropdown-submenu > a') .append('<i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i>'); 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$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(target).offset().top - offset }, self.options.scrollDelay, self.options.scrollAnimation, function() { $('body').removeClass('scrolling'); }); return this; } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Newsletter (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; $.extend(theme, { Newsletter: { defaults: { wrapper: $('#newsletterForm') }, initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; } initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper); this .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, theme.fn.getOptions(this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'))); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.validate))) { return this; } var self = this, $email = self.$wrapper.find('#newsletterEmail'), $success = $('#newsletterSuccess'), $error = $('#newsletterError'); self.$wrapper.validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: self.$wrapper.attr('action'), data: { 'email': $email.val() }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if (data.response == 'success') { $success.removeClass('d-none'); $error.addClass('d-none'); $email .val('') .blur() .closest('.control-group') .removeClass('success') .removeClass('error'); } else { $error.html(data.message); $error.removeClass('d-none'); $success.addClass('d-none'); $email .blur() .closest('.control-group') .removeClass('success') .addClass('error'); } } }); }, rules: { newsletterEmail: { required: true, email: true } }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { } }); return this; } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Search (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; $.extend(theme, { Search: { defaults: { wrapper: $('#searchForm') }, initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; } initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper); this .setOptions(opts) .build(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, theme.fn.getOptions(this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'))); return this; }, build: function() { if (!($.isFunction($.fn.validate))) { return this; } this.$wrapper.validate({ errorPlacement: function(error, element) {} }); // Search Reveal $('.header-nav-features-search-reveal').each(function() { var $el = $(this) $header = $('#header'), $html = $('htmnl'); $el.find('.header-nav-features-search-show-icon').on('click', function() { $el.addClass('show'); $header.addClass('search-show'); $html.addClass('search-show'); $('#headerSearch').focus(); }); $el.find('.header-nav-features-search-hide-icon').on('click', function() { $el.removeClass('show'); $header.removeClass('search-show'); $html.removeClass('search-show'); }); }); return this; } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]); // Sticky Header (function(theme, $) { theme = theme || {}; var initialized = false; $.extend(theme, { StickyHeader: { defaults: { wrapper: $('#header'), headerBody: $('#header .header-body'), stickyEnabled: true, stickyEnableOnBoxed: true, stickyEnableOnMobile: true, stickyStartAt: 0, stickyStartAtElement: false, stickySetTop: 0, stickyEffect: '', stickyHeaderContainerHeight: false, stickyChangeLogo: false, stickyChangeLogoWrapper: true }, initialize: function($wrapper, opts) { if (initialized) { return this; } initialized = true; this.$wrapper = ($wrapper || this.defaults.wrapper); this .setOptions(opts) .build() .events(); return this; }, setOptions: function(opts) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, opts, theme.fn.getOptions(this.$wrapper.data('plugin-options'))); return this; }, build: function() { if (!this.options.stickyEnableOnBoxed && $('html').hasClass('boxed') || $('html').hasClass('side-header-hamburguer-sidebar') || !this.options.stickyEnabled) { return this; } var self = this, $html = $('html'), $window = $(window), sideHeader = $html.hasClass('side-header'), initialHeaderTopHeight = self.options.wrapper.find('.header-top').outerHeight(), initialHeaderContainerHeight = self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').outerHeight(), minHeight; // HTML Classes $html.addClass('sticky-header-enabled'); if (parseInt(self.options.stickySetTop) < 0) { $html.addClass('sticky-header-negative'); } // Set Start At if(self.options.stickyStartAtElement) { var $stickyStartAtElement = $(self.options.stickyStartAtElement); $(window).on('scroll resize', function() { self.options.stickyStartAt = $stickyStartAtElement.offset().top; }); $(window).trigger('resize'); } // Define Min Height value if( self.options.wrapper.find('.header-top').get(0) ) { minHeight = ( initialHeaderTopHeight + initialHeaderContainerHeight ); } else { minHeight = initialHeaderContainerHeight; } // Set Wrapper Min-Height if( !sideHeader ) { if( !$('.header-logo-sticky-change').get(0) ) { self.options.wrapper.css('height', self.options.headerBody.outerHeight()); } else { $window.on('stickyChangeLogo.loaded', function(){ self.options.wrapper.css('height', self.options.headerBody.outerHeight()); }); } if( self.options.stickyEffect == 'shrink' ) { // Prevent wrong visualization of header when reload on middle of page $(document).ready(function(){ if( $window.scrollTop() >= self.options.stickyStartAt ) { self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd', function(){ self.options.headerBody.css('position', 'fixed'); }); } else { self.options.headerBody.css('position', 'fixed'); } }); self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').css('height', initialHeaderContainerHeight); self.options.wrapper.find('.header-top').css('height', initialHeaderTopHeight); } } // Sticky Header Container Height if( self.options.stickyHeaderContainerHeight ) { self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').css('height', self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').outerHeight()); } // Boxed if($html.hasClass('boxed') && self.options.stickyEffect == 'shrink') { if( (parseInt(self.options.stickyStartAt) == 0) && $window.width() > 991) { self.options.stickyStartAt = 30; } // Set Header Body Position Absolute self.options.headerBody.css('position','absolute'); // Set position absolute because top margin from boxed layout $window.on('scroll', function(){ if( $window.scrollTop() > $('.body').offset().top ) { self.options.headerBody.css({ 'position' : 'fixed', 'top' : 0 }); } else { self.options.headerBody.css({ 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : 0 }); } }); } // Check Sticky Header / Flags prevent multiple runs at same time var activate_flag = true, deactivate_flag = false; self.checkStickyHeader = function() { if( $window.width() > 991 && $html.hasClass('side-header') ) { $html.removeClass('sticky-header-active'); activate_flag = true; return; } if ($window.scrollTop() >= parseInt(self.options.stickyStartAt)) { if( activate_flag ) { self.activateStickyHeader(); activate_flag = false; deactivate_flag = true; } } else { if( deactivate_flag ) { self.deactivateStickyHeader(); deactivate_flag = false; activate_flag = true; } } }; // Activate Sticky Header self.activateStickyHeader = function() { if ($window.width() < 992) { if (!self.options.stickyEnableOnMobile) { self.deactivateStickyHeader(); return; } } else { if (sideHeader) { self.deactivateStickyHeader(); return; } } $html.addClass('sticky-header-active'); // Sticky Effect - Reveal if( self.options.stickyEffect == 'reveal' ) { self.options.headerBody.css('top','-' + self.options.stickyStartAt + 'px'); self.options.headerBody.animate({ top: self.options.stickySetTop }, 400, function() {}); } // Sticky Effect - Shrink if( self.options.stickyEffect == 'shrink' ) { // If Header Top if( self.options.wrapper.find('.header-top').get(0) ) { self.options.wrapper.find('.header-top').css({ height: 0, 'min-height': 0, overflow: 'hidden' }); } // Header Container if( self.options.stickyHeaderContainerHeight ) { self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').css({ height: self.options.stickyHeaderContainerHeight, 'min-height': 0 }); } else { self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').css({ height: (initialHeaderContainerHeight / 3) * 2, // two third of container height 'min-height': 0 }); var y = initialHeaderContainerHeight - ((initialHeaderContainerHeight / 3) * 2); $('.main').css({ transform: 'translate3d(0, -'+ y +'px, 0)', transition: 'ease transform 300ms' }); if($html.hasClass('boxed')) { self.options.headerBody.css('position','fixed'); } } } self.options.headerBody.css('top', self.options.stickySetTop); 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} // Header Container self.options.wrapper.find('.header-container').css({ height: initialHeaderContainerHeight }); } self.options.headerBody.css('top', 0); if (self.options.stickyChangeLogo) { self.changeLogo(false); } // Set Elements Style $('[data-sticky-header-style]').each(function() { var $el = $(this), css = theme.fn.getOptions($el.data('sticky-header-style-deactive')), opts = theme.fn.getOptions($el.data('sticky-header-style')); if( $window.width() > opts.minResolution ) { $el.css(css); } }); $.event.trigger({ type: 'stickyHeader.deactivate' }); }; // Always Sticky if (parseInt(self.options.stickyStartAt) <= 0) { self.activateStickyHeader(); } // Notice Top Bar if ($('.notice-top-bar').get(0)) { self.options.stickyStartAt = $('.notice-top-bar').outerHeight(); } // Set Logo if (self.options.stickyChangeLogo) { var $logoWrapper = self.options.wrapper.find('.header-logo'), $logo = $logoWrapper.find('img'), logoWidth = $logo.attr('width'), logoHeight = $logo.attr('height'), logoSmallTop = parseInt($logo.attr('data-sticky-top') ? $logo.attr('data-sticky-top') : 0), logoSmallWidth = parseInt($logo.attr('data-sticky-width') ? $logo.attr('data-sticky-width') : 'auto'), logoSmallHeight = parseInt($logo.attr('data-sticky-height') ? $logo.attr('data-sticky-height') : 'auto'); if (self.options.stickyChangeLogoWrapper) { $logoWrapper.css({ 'width': $logo.outerWidth(true), 'height': $logo.outerHeight(true) }); } self.changeLogo = function(activate) { if(activate) { $logo.css({ 'top': logoSmallTop, 'width': logoSmallWidth, 'height': logoSmallHeight }); } else { $logo.css({ 'top': 0, 'width': logoWidth, 'height': logoHeight }); } } $.event.trigger({ type: 'stickyChangeLogo.loaded' }); } // Side Header var headerBodyHeight, flag = false; self.checkSideHeader = function() { if($window.width() < 992 && flag == false) { headerBodyHeight = self.options.headerBody.height(); flag = true; } if(self.options.stickyStartAt == 0 && sideHeader) { self.options.wrapper.css('min-height', 0); } if(self.options.stickyStartAt > 0 && sideHeader && $window.width() < 992) { self.options.wrapper.css('min-height', headerBodyHeight); } } return this; }, events: function() { var self = this; if (!this.options.stickyEnableOnBoxed && $('body').hasClass('boxed') || $('html').hasClass('side-header-hamburguer-sidebar') || !this.options.stickyEnabled) { return this; } if (!self.options.alwaysStickyEnabled) { $(window).on('scroll resize', function() { self.checkStickyHeader(); }); } else { self.activateStickyHeader(); } $(window).on('load resize', function(){ self.checkSideHeader(); }); return this; } } }); }).apply(this, [window.theme, jQuery]);